The beautiful real life end of life phenomenon

Published 2023-02-13
Reaching into the air is very common when a person is dying. There is no explanation for it but I like to think they are reaching for those visions of animals and pets that are also common at the end of life.

All Comments (21)
  • @rmwolfe
    My dad told my mother “I’m leaving, kiss me”. She kissed him, he took one last breath and passed.
  • @marycanady8861
    My ten year old brothers last words were, "it's beautiful!"
  • @Mitsukiaa
    If someone is in a coma, talk to them. They hear you. My grandma never woke up from hers, and when we told her goodbye, tears rolled down her cheeks. She heard us
  • @K_i_tofficial
    Reading these as a 28 year old with stage 4 breast cancer made me cry. But in the most beautiful way. I hope my last breath is beautiful and I can see my grandpa ( gido) when I go.
  • @barbarageer2345
    Before my granddaughter, age 4, died, she was pointing at the wall and said " see that man, he's so beautiful"
  • When my grandma passed she looked up at the roof and said “it’s so beautiful. He built a house just for me. They are singing a song just for me” then she passed while smiling. I think about that often. It was 20 years ago and I still tear up thinking about it.
  • @zaramm.
    Just lost my mum. I'm 19. Coming back to these lovely comments anytime I feel like all is lost. Glad I know my mum made heaven.
  • @thatgirl634
    Yes... My dad was home in hospice and the day before he passed on Oct 2, 2015, he was looking up at the ceiling, calling out to his mom who passed away back in 1979. The next morning he was looking in the corner of the room, silently talking. We couldn't hear what he was saying because he no longer had the strength to verbally speak, he was more like mouthing the words. That afternoon my mom and I watched him take his last breath. I believe he was reaching up during the last two days he was alive, it's hard to remember, but I do know he definitely saw his mom. I miss him terribly and I still need him desperately,, especially now while I'm going through some really hard times. And please listen, death isn't final. Our souls/life energy ARE immortal. A few weeks after my dad died, things started happening in our home. Objects moving on their own, items that I lost ending up in places I HAD JUST LOOKED moments prior. One event sticks out the most... I went to go take a nap and as I was covering myself, I hit my dad's photo that was on my wall, knocking it to the floor. Now my bed was up against the wall and in order for me to get his photo I'd have to move my bed which I was going to do later. After I woke up I looked at my wall and remembered his photo was on the floor. So I got up and was sitting on the side of my bed and was talking to my dad. When I did that, I would often look at his photo on the wall ( I had two there, but one was now on the floor) and when I turned around, there on my bed where I was JUST lying, was his photo that I knocked down! I went silent, my jaw dropped and I then smiled ear to ear thanking him. There's so much more that happened with my dad, then five years later my fiancé died and even more started happening, then about two years later, my brother died...yet again more experiences. Not to mention all my cats and dogs I've seen after they died too. Most recently one of my dearest cats who was euthanized this past July due to his vet's negligence, he was only 7 hrs old. I saw him too, a LOT. LIFE DOES GO ON. Please remember this and hopefully it will give you some comfort in your darkest of times. ❤
  • @nancypeterson3645
    i pray every person is greeted with overwhelming love when departing this world!!
  • @Army_of_Truth
    Many years ago my husband was brain dead, his lifeless body on life support...I was holding his hand when they took him off his life support, I felt his hand gently squeeze onto mine. I then felt a peace over me and heard in my spirit, "Goodbye, I love you and I'll always be with you." I could just feel those words throughout my being.
  • My husbands grandma was dying almost 8 hours away and I was sad we wouldn’t get to see her before she passed but I kept it to myself because my husband didn’t want to see her sick and I wanted to respect that. The morning she died I had a dream where I heard her say to me “take care of my grandson for me” and I replied “yes ma’am” She said it in clear English. She had had a stroke before my husband and I met and stuttered bad so I never heard her “normal” voice until this dream. I woke up and knew she was saying her goodbyes. I got a call a few hours later saying she had passed.
  • @rellegirl100
    My sweet mom died in her sleep a few months ago. These comments bring me peace.
  • @monnersmarket
    I am a nurse and many years ago I was sitting with a lady that was in her 80s on hospice. She had been in a coma for about three days and she sat straight up in the bed and looked up towards the corner of the room and said, “Mama!!!!” And then she peacefully laid back down, and that was her last breath. True story!
  • @alexxis143
    Right before my father passed, he crossed his arms in front of him as if cuddling a child, he smiled so big and said look at him, Eduardito. When newly weds my Dad and mom lost their 1st son Eduardo just hours after he was born.
  • @abbyabasery
    I didn’t get to say goodbye to my mom. I hope she’ll be there when I’ll leave to hug me and welcome me. These comments give hope. ♥️
  • @lynnrebello2495
    I had a maid. But we never treated her as one. She was the closest to me. Even more than my own mother. When she lay down on her death bed she used to lift her left hand into the air or on the wall beside her bed and complain to us that there were ants on the wall. One day she saw her mother. That's the time we knew her end was close. She was in her 70s. RIP mashen aunty😭😭😭😭😭i love you so much. I love you. I wish i could give you one more hug
  • @Jemmyjo
    When my 25 year old niece was dying of brain cancer and not coherent anymore, she would open her eyes and talk to Kaleb, her brother who died at 18 in a car accident. She would tell us he was waiting to take her. That was some of the only peace my sister had while losing her second child.
  • @user-ss4vb2sz5v
    My mom reached for my grandpa, she said dad wait for me take me home. Next morning she passed away. She trusted in the Lord to forgive her and take her. I know she is in heaven. She was loved by many. She had a sweet tender heart.
  • @bingbong1222
    My mom was heavily medicated at the end when she was on her third fight with cancer. My father and I sat by her side for the last month she was alive. We went outside for a cigarette at 9am on 12-1-2013 and received a phone call from my mom's best friend who was in my mom's hospital room to tell us she passed. I guess she woke up, smiled at everyone in the room and passed. My dad and I quit smoking cigs a few months later. One of my biggest regrets is not being in that room when she passed.... I don't think I've ever told anyone this...