'The Vanishing Act' How Sherri Papini faked her own kidnapping | Nightline

Published 2022-10-01
For years Sherri Papini claimed she was kidnapped and abused by two Latina women, but investigators pieced enough clues to determine her story was a ruse she concocted.




All Comments (21)
  • I feel bad for the real victims that are missing and never found šŸ˜”
  • @meliko7824
    This woman watched the 2014 American film "Gone Girl" and played it out in real life. Incredibly similar circumstances, sequence of events, media coverage and outcome.
  • @jesswinter
    As an intern therapist, I am SO curious to hear what she told the therapist. Was she honest? Did she lie to them too? Could they tell at all? If it doesnā€™t put her life or someone elseā€™s life in direct danger then they canā€™t tell anyone what she said. Unless it is court ordered. So interesting!
  • My heart goes out to her husband and kids. Not to mention all the Latinas SP endangered with false allegations
  • @myloso
    Imagine the resources and time wasted on looking for her when there were people who were actually missing that could have used the media attention and effort
  • This chick was a stay at home mom, and still had day care for the kids. So privileged
  • @Highland_Moo
    Her poor husband. Heā€™s been through Hell and has to bring up his kids with them having gone through this trauma too. Heā€™s been incredible and Iā€™m definitely hoping he knows how much people are rooting for him.
  • @KFiya
    All I wanna know is, wtf was she trying to get out of this? Itā€™s a slap in the face to REAL victims. Sheā€™s a weirdo
  • @frostheart88
    Itā€™s disgusting how she did all of this just for attention. And the fact that she was only sentenced for 18 months is not enough, she needs way more time for duping everyone for the past 5 years.
  • So my family lives around that area and we are Hispanic and my sisters where absolutely terrified! They didnā€™t want to go outside, to the store NOTHING- we where terrified that we would get snatched up by police and forced to confess!!Where is OUR financial support from the PTSD that she caused us!?! Idk why she needed to lie, but she put ALL HISPANICS at risk!
  • Stay at home mom who sent her kids to daycare all day? Sheā€™s not ā€œsuper mom.ā€ Thatā€™s just an insult to mothers.
  • @katwashere194
    Itā€™s always great when a narcissistic pathological liar gets caught in their lies. It was great to watch a recording of the interrogation and how she kept on lying with all the evidence in front of her.
  • @Synthpea
    This woman also made very racist posts on white supremacy websites but I like how they just casually leave that out. Her making her captors hispanic women the women that played that ā€œannoying Mexican musicā€ (her words). This wasnā€™t just her wanting to have an affair this was racially motivated as well.
  • Itā€™s sad that there are so many missing indigenous women. And a YT woman has the audacity to fake her own disappearance.
  • @el4242
    I don't appreciate us Hispanic women getting thrown under the bus. šŸ˜³šŸ¤¦šŸ¤£
  • @dianas.3892
    Who else laughed at Sheri Panini aaahahaha šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
  • @liz-mr4mi
    911 call-ā€œSherri Panini?ā€ Lol sorry but I died at thatšŸ˜‚, crazy story tho :/
  • @ScoobyDoozy
    Her smile in photos is reminiscent of Jodi Arias. A skill Iā€™m learning is emotional self-honesty. Without analysing with thought, just asking myself ā€œHow does this person/situation/what theyā€™re communicating make me feel, what is instinctive in my body?ā€. Our bodies are much wiser than we are.
  • I feel so bad for the husband and kids. What a vile woman to put them through so much stress and anguish. She needs to be kept out of the general public until she gets intensive help.