New Harrison Wells Teaser Breakdown! - The Flash Season 4

Published 2017-09-01
New Harrison Wells Teaser Breakdown! - The Flash Season 4. The Flash Season 4 Trailer, The Flash 4x01, Arrow Season 6 Trailer, Legends of Tomorrow Season 3 Trailer, Supergirl Season 3 Trailer.

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All Comments (21)
  • When Barry lost his memories because he was more like the Barry from season 1 much happier and funnier
  • @psych0542
    My favourite moment of season 3 is when Barry is in flashpoint and is keeping the reverse flash prisoner and they're talking about flashpoint and in the middle of their convocation Reverse flash just starts craps up laughing and Barry says ' WHAT THE HELLS SO FUNNY!' Barry faces does it all for me 😂
  • @neymar2702
    My favourite bit from season 3 was when Barry got Snart to get the device in King Sharks Cage
  • My favorite part of Season 3 was when Future Flash and Current Flash teamed up against Mirror Master and Top.
  • @chandram8304
    I'm actually going to meet Tom Cavanaugh today! Super hyped!
  • @420johonig
    Does anyone else think that Barry should have just screwed Caitlin the night that she told him to sneak a peek and just forgot about Iris?
  • @windsonma8209
    The Flash and Green Arrow Versus The Rest of the Brain Washed Heros (Supergirl, Sarah Lance, The Atom, etc) from the crossover.
  • @eugeneking1462
    My favorite moment of The Flash Season 3 was the scene where Gypsy gives Cisco a smooch. I laughed at how Jessie Quick's, Wally's, and Caitlin's eyes all got big.
  • @EdsonH1011
    My favorite part of S3 was when Barry finds out that Savitar is him when he started to piece everything together at the end of the episode just can't remember the number.
  • @DaRichMan
    Barry Singing to Iris at the end of the musical crossover is my favorite season 3 moment.
  • @panostsak238
    When I saw the thumbnail I was like: Wait what??? xD btw good video Pagey
  • @Noaharker
    I loved the first scene with Cisco in flashpoint it’s so funny
  • My favorite moment was when Barry proposed to Iris. It was a very beautiful moment and I loved. A somewhat close second was the Wells audition scene, I thought it was hilarious
  • I think the best part was when barry realized Savitar was Barry's remnant from the future and how future barry got out of the savitar suit
  • @kkidd1733
    Hey, I wanted to share a theory me and my friend had regarding zoom and his return, my friend actually shared this theory on her instagram page and Teddy Sears himself actually commented saying he loved it (if you don't believe me go and check her account is @Caitlin.Frost_ and the post is "The Flash Theory: #ZoomLives) well anyways this is the theory... Has anyone ever though that Barry's fight with Hunter at the end of season 2 was a bit too easy? Well I believe there is a reason for that, I believe that Hunter Zolomon let Barry win, I'll explain. For starters we all know zoom was not an idiot, he developed velocity 9 on his own (hence his blue lightning from the first time we are introduced to him) so for one, Hunter would likely know if the concept of Game Theory and have contingencies set in place If he were to fail but I don't think that is the case either, I believe zooms plan at the end of season 2 was actually set up to fail from the start.                What I think Hunter planned was in fact not to destroy the multiverse like he said (if that happened it would just be a plus), no I believe what zoom wanted was to get rid of the time wriathes long enough for him to go into hiding. So he sent a time remnant in his place to "fight" Barry, if you play attention to the fight you would know zoom was running faster than Barry when Barry created his remnant, but why didn't Zolomon? We all know how much he loved using remnants even when going up against one Barry. Well I have the answer to that question.                    Hunter Zolomon anticipated Barry creating a remnant, that plus his machine would be enough to alert the time wraiths, when zoom saw that he tried "fighting" Barry but let him win, and then he let the time wraiths take him away, he didn't even make an effort to run away when he saw them. When the real Hunter Zolomon saw his machine had failed, he went into hiding, but he wasn't an idiot so he decided to hide on an earth separate from earths 1 and 2, he went to hide on another earth, an earth we already know and that earth is earth 19.              I say earth 19 because I believe that Hunter Zolomon has been masquerading as the flash of that earth "The Accelerated Man", evidence of this exists, for one he's abandoned his old technique of showing his face just in case someone from his past shows up, also he has purple lightning, the closest lighting colour we have seen a speedster have to purple is blue, And who was the only (yes only, savitar had white lighting) speedster we all know and love who has blue lighting.... Zoom, I think that his purple lighting came from an advanced form of velocity 9.                Zoom has been hiding, and getting faster in secret, so he can stop Barry once and for all. For anyone doubting zoom is the accelerated man, remember this line, "To give people hope detective, so I can rip it away from them" I'm hoping to see him return as maybe a season long villain in season 5 or 6 preferably introduced as the accelerated man first then have him betray Barry once more, but you can be damn sure of one thing....Zoom Is out there....Zoom lives....          Yes this theory is an original theory me and my friend both created, I hope whoever reads this likes it and again Hunter Zolomon himself said he loves it so that just makes me think the likelyhood of this actually being true is actually more likely than originally anticipated, if anybody wants to use this theory could I please ask that you credit my friend @Caitlin.Frost_ , I honestly don't care about credit but she does. Thank you for reading
  • Actually, I loved the reveal of who Savitar was. I love the way Grant Gustin played both rolls and I loved all the tension in that scene. Although no one else liked it, that scene is 100% my favorite moment in season 3 of the Flash!
  • @itsjustg2048
    my favorite part of season 3 was when savitar... wait if there is a speedster wells but no god-speed this season i'm going to jump out a window
  • @TrAshwinGamez
    Mine was when SAVITAR kept dropping clues through Julian.. I loved both the acting, and the cast's expressions.. Truly priceless..