I Played 100 Days of Don't Starve Together... But Alone!

Published 2024-01-07

All Comments (21)
  • @Babaganuush
    This was a big one for me, I really hope you'll enjoy it. Cheers!
  • @yukialinia8001
    200 days please!! I love the editing and commentary. Love that you put in your failed attempts also, as a beginner, I liked learning alongside you!!!! ❤❤❤
  • @ujlt7198
    Loved it! Some people in the chat said it looks like you have lag compensation on, make sure it's off in the settings and you'll be able to kite a lot easier! You did great!
  • @henrique610
    Great video! Would love to watch a 200 days too Some tips you might want: - You don't need to have both a science machine and an alchemy engine in your base. An alchemy engine is like an upgrade of the science machine and a shadow manipulator is an upgrade of the prestihatitator - Try to explore more of the map to know where the resources are (going around the edges is usually a good strategy for that) - You can dig graves but it reduces your sanity - You should try to craft a ham bat, it does some pretty good damage and the durability decreases with time instead of attacks - You might want to know about football helmets, they have less durability than Wigfrid's helmets, but are cheaper to craft - You can dodge Deerclops attacks by going around him - Don't try to fight Dragonfly without preparation, she was a lot of health and does a lot of damage, you will die - If you pick a character that is not Wigfrid, you can eat cooked green mushrooms (be careful not to eat it raw) or cooked cactus for sanity - Visit that statue that you found a pan flute near during a full moon - Build an ice flingomatic in your base before summer About the caves: It is a whole new area of the game. There is a kind of a way to "clear" it, but it involves going into a really dangerous place called The Ruins. It has a lot of useful resources for magic items but it requires a lot of skill to survive
  • @funnydude2424
    as someone who has played DS for years, this video is awesome. I actually laughed out loud multiple times throughout. Keep it up. earned my sub for sure!
  • @jamirglaze4509
    The songs Wigfrid has in her crafting menu affect herself along with teammates. They are actived by the 3 notches on the inspiration bar (inspiration does not increase damage, just for songs)that allow the song to be played. If your inspiration falls below the notch the song is displayed, it is disabled and you have to play it again. She can have up to 3 songs at once. Wigfrid also just got her skill tree so I hope you enjoy that.
  • @drifty1146
    there is a healthbar mod you can set for specifically bosses to see phases and things if your interested, btw deerclops and moosegooses drops help tremendously with the following seasons!
  • @libragaming7962
    Bloody Awesome video so far, loving the edits and loving the general video. I love don’t starve together it has a special place in my heart, and I could literally play this game over and over again and not get bored, due to the amount of fun and daring stuff you can do in it, I’m a Wickerbottom main and seeing you burn the reed broke my heart 🤣
  • @shaymorad5
    Holy shit I just watched your other don't starve video for the first time, and thought your video is very well made, and now I stumble upon a fresh video you just uploaded while you usually upload once a few months? Insane, keep it up you're great!
  • Great vid, always nice to see people not giving up! Some challenges for 200 days! Craft a renewable portable light source Cook and eat Wigfrids favorite food Find another means of resurrection (some magic might be required) Defeat the Deerclops Embrace your inner opera star and sing a ballad And for some spelunking, find the ruins in the caves Have fun :)
  • @SiNpro88
    There are tons of mods that are good but IMO only one that's absolutely needed. "Combined status" it shows what season you're in and numbers on health and stuff without hovering the mouse over it but most useful of all it tells you your temperature. Best mod ever. Glad to see people who still love this game
  • @saramocha6653
    i'm so excitedddd, just watched the first video 2days ago, and i was real sad that there was no part 2 yet
  • @vee1672
    Watching your DST content makes me remember when I first started playing. I'd love to see you do a 200 day video as I've found myself rewatching this over and over.
  • @Doris_LOWHD
    I just realized you have less then 1 thousand subscribers! That's absolutely insane. We need more DST gameplays on this site, it was really fun to watch you play, as someone whos played a fair amount of times!
  • @robyro9561
    I loved every second of this video and your editing is incredible keep it up
  • @gomlnha
    The scrapbook should be useful for you to see the life and overall damage of enemies. You only have to examine the creature to get basic knowledge about it. It will give specific informations of somes items too. Great video! Hoping for the 200 days!!
  • Hope you play DST alot more. your voice, humor and commentary while playing, we need more like you in DST community. you only explore the game has to offer like 20%, It's fun playing DST hope you enjoy more playing the game. I recommend Wendy because she's perfect for newbies like you because she has bodyguard that deal aoe damage great for stun locking spiders and bees
  • WIGFRID! I actually played my longest run ever, as her (over 600 days). GO, WARRIOR! VALHALLA AWAITS! --Oh, you started in Hallowed Nights time! I love this stuff. Halloween goes PERFECTLY with this game. --Nope, you start defaultly on the first day of fall, in Don't Starve Together. Those ice puddles will start firming up as the days go on, towards Winter. "A reverse ostrich joined the rave." As they do. --Fires last much longer in DST/Reign of Giants, and have a heat effect on characters nearby. Willow doesn't mind that. Everybody else does. --HOLY CRAP you've got an infestation! Oh, your first time meeting Volt Goats! "Aww, look at her. She has two husbands. :)" --Yep, water is a mechanic in the game from Reign of Giants onwards--and Don't Starve Together uses Reign of Giants' mechanics, unless you specifically tell it not to in the settings. --You has a present in the corner. :) TARDIGRADES? well, I guess that's one way to describe the big beetle-y ish shadow monster thing. "It's VEEGfrreed, you bongo!" r/rareinsults. --You should absolutely make fishsticks once you get a crockpot. They are good stuff. +30 HP. A way to preserve ice? Why not make...an ICEbox? Yes, this game has refrigerators. Oldschool ones. :) --The giant beehive is actually an okay neighbor...as long as you DON'T mess with it. --TABLE!! Buddy! The creepy walking table is actually called The Stagehand. I like to lure it back to my base on purpose, to freak people out. :) I decided that Willow would just call it "Table". --I HATE that the thermal stone has a durability in Don't Starve Together! That's the first thing I modded out. :P Mostly I play vanilla, but having to constantly rebuild my rock bugs me. I love your whole way you Dramatically Introduce every new boss or miniboss: Swirling around like you just opened a present, and: "DEERCLOPS" or "SPIDER QUEEN". Very cool. --Your singing while playing "Wilfrid" ("It's WIGFRID, you idiot!") is kind of appropriate--because she was an actor in operas, back in the real world. Yeah, this game has lore. A lot. --You took care of two mini-bosses, fairly close together! (The Spider Queen and the Varg.) Sweet! Farming in Don't Starve Together is better than in regular Don't Starve in one major, important way: YOU CAN STILL FARM DURING WINTER. "Of course a killer bee could go to Valala, they're warriors of a sort! Why not?" Yeah! "I like burning things..." says Wigfrid, releasing her inner Willow. --Yeah, the game always starts in fall and it turns to winter on Day 21, every time, unless you mess with the settings. --Hey, we just saw Wigfrid actually do a dramatic opera note on the stage! Cool. You oughta see her do the "Carol" emote. With her voice being the way it is, it's.....something, to behold. XD Again, I hope you don't mind my ramblyness. I love this game and love seeing people try it for the first time, especially when they do clever/funny commentary like you do. So I had to write a lot of commentary myself. :)
  • @TheTumix
    Loved the video, couldnt wait for part 2. Ill give you few non spoiler tips for new player. Walking cane is life saver when it gets to kiting bosses, there is a mod that gives you stats of items (dmg for weapons, hp/hunger/sanity gain for food, etc.) it can help alot when figuring out what is good and what is bad, try using hammer with gigantic beehive, it will give you some honey and there are characther specific things that you can craft for every character, should have its own crafting tab.
  • @sammeador256
    Just watched this and your first 100 days too love the content man keep it up it reminds me a lot of my first experience I love this game.