5 Disturbing Recordings Left by Missing Persons

Published 2024-07-06
Here are some of the most disturbing recordings left by missing people. This video features 5 disturbing, creepy, shocking, and scary audio and video recordings left by people before they went missing.

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All Comments (21)
  • @alphabettown04
    The Susan Cox case will always piss me off. Josh Powell essentially got away with three murders.
  • @crowlynna
    Must be horrible when someone like Susan feels like something will happen to her and it turns out that she is right.
  • @jonzu4
    No dragged out intros, no exaggerated narration, covers plenty of lesser known topics, just straight to the content and informative. I wish more horror channels were like this.
  • To add to Susan's case, her father in law was INSANELY obsessed with her in such a disturbing and disgusting way.
  • @TheBigfoot425
    Case 1.... Josh took an axe to both of his sons first and then set the house ablaze. The fact that the sons were allowed to go visit him supervised by only 1 female case worker while he was being investigated for murder shows how this country does not protect children. When the case worker called 911 when Josh locked her out, the operator did not take it seriously and handled the call in a half ass way. The system we are told is there to protect us, is BS in a major way!
  • @gelflingfay
    The voicemail sounded terrifying. It definitely sounded like he was being attacked.
  • @cgreen399
    Josh Powell and his dad were 100% weirdos. It’s terrible that Susan and her children never made it out of the situation. Hope her family find some kind of resolution like they can bring her remains home and family can fully mourn her
  • @amberwkly3747
    the rabbit hole of Josh Powell's father being totally, disgustingly obsessed with her is SO disturbing by itself.
  • @ross3986
    The first one is so disturbing. Susan was so right about Josh…
  • @thetanz8111
    The way cops deal with missing persons has got to change!!!!!!
    that second report was insane. that’s weird as fuck that the cops didn’t even try and question the guy who multiple ppl said who it was
  • You get a phone call like that from your husband and go back to sleep? Crazy.
  • @stardmg
    Josh's father was also a massive creep and became obsessed with Susan, despite being her father-in-law. He would stalk her and film her (and Josh) while she was out, some of said footage can be seen in this video
  • @Robertoni7
    The first one didn’t include that her father in law was creepy and obsessed with her.
  • When it got to the second girl my heart dropped since she is First nation and every indigenous girl has gone missing in the worse ways ever, I know all of this since I am first nation as well and this has been happening to indigenous women for years
  • In the second case, apart from the wrong doing of the Canadian Mounted Police, I find interesting that, when a person tells the police "My father lived in that area for a few years ilegally in a ranch, and there where more dissapearances around that place in the time", nobody tried to look for this man's father identity...
  • @yomoraesg
    That whispered "help me" is absolutely haunting
  • The one that disturbs me most is Susan Powell. I can't imagine knowing that my husband is likely going to kill me, and yet still have to get through my day and somehow be able to sleep at night and take care of my children. And then it turns out she was right. Absolutely terrifying.
  • @Nachteule96
    The last one is one of the scariest ones I've heard and I've heard that story several times over the years. Just a guy minding his own business goes missing forever in the middle of the night with zero explanation. Incredibly eerie
  • @marimarijojo
    The children saying they arrived by airplane tells me that the car was moving extremely fast. He was speeding. My young daughter and my youngest niece have both said how it felt like we were "flying" whenever we're on the interstate in our little car, going roughly 70 mph... Maybe their momma said something about them flying and fed into that illusion because they were anxious and she just wanted to make them feel better.