Porsche have just KILLED the SPORTS CAR forEVer by making it ALL ELECTRIC The PETROL ENGINE is DEAD!

Published 2024-07-21
Porsche have just KILLED the SPORTS CAR forEVer by making it ALL ELECTRIC The PETROL ENGINE is DEAD! Porsche have announced that they are no longer making petrol versions of their most popular Sports Car. The Car that saved their company. They have took the decision to make it an ALL ELECTRIC SPORTS CAR!

Check out the story for yourself...

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All Comments (21)
  • @todddebick9160
    When will these auto manufacturers learn nobody wants an electric vehicle. I'll keep my gasoline vehicle
  • @LMC_CD
    It’ll change when the carmakers revenue is in the toilet! EV vehicles should be a CHOICE…and NOT mandated!
  • @mondrayuk
    Porsche are losing what made them famous, cherished, and known in the first place. Mercedes are not far behind! The whole motorcar industry is nearly turning on its head! Hybrid is a good idea. Plug-In Hybrid (PHEV) is also a good idea and should be optional to standard Hybrid. I agree with you, let the customer have a choice. Government and car manufacturers should not choose for us!
  • Lee ! You have to hold your hands up and say you are part of the problem. You bought an EV. Maybe if you had bought another Boxter along with many other people jooped into buying EVs we wouldn't be in this position!
  • The kids of today will never have the freedoms that we had. Soon no one will be able to use a manual car,as these bloody evs all have auto boxes. We need to keep all types of cars,then we will see which one the people pick.
  • @rwalkenhorst
    Politicians and bureaucrats don't bark stupid orders because of any logic or principles. They do it because they love bossing people around. It's what they live for. Expecting them to do otherwise is like expecting a tiger not to kill a fawn.
  • @chasf3433
    The whole Porsche business model has been based on charging extortionate prices for its cars based on bullet proof residuals and collectors status of all it's special editions. Then came the Taycan.......
  • @charvais
    EV's are not the future and the list of drawbacks ; 1) They are too expensive to buy. 2) Depreciate quicker than a sink draining. £30,000pa in the case of a Porsche Taycan 3) Spare parts are hard to get. 4) Spare parts are too expensive. 5) Insurance is high or difficult to get. 6) Tyres wear out faster cos of cars weight. 7) Road tax will go up because the weight of the car causes damage to road surfaces. 8) Services (inspections really) are a Rip off. £750 to look under the car & report the your tyres are wearing down. 9) Software takes control, out of owners hands. 10) Difficulties in cold weather, heating reduces range, batteries won't charge in the cold or if they do it can damage them. 11) New battery costs more than cars value. 12) Charging eats your time on longer journeys and they are not always on your route so extra distance is added to trips. 13) Charging costs are increasing road side. 14) Finding a charge point (or one that works) away from home is almost impossible. 15) When you do find a charger there will nearly always be a queue. 16) Charge points require an app & mobile phone, data connection, a signal etc., Also can't buy a charge with cash! 17) No resale value, cos batteries only last 3-4yrs. ‌18) Mechanics can't or won't work on them. ‌19) Domestic smart meters control what time of day you can charge up & what cost that will be. ‌20) The price of electricity is going to out strip the cost of other fuels per trip, especially during the day. ‌21) If there is more than one car in a family accessing the home charger has to be rationed ‌22) Having to buy a home charger in the first place. Domestic chargers break down, costly to repair or replace ‌23) They spontaneously burst into a ball flames that can't be extinguished until all the energy is dissipated ‌24) If you live in a block of flats you won't be able to charge at home unless you have a carpark with a charger, but will have to share. ‌25) If you live in a terraced house or a house without a drive, you can't always park close to your house, even if you could there's the problem of electric cables over public footpaths, etc, etc...
  • Porsche just released the new 911 its hybrid but only 2kwh battery as its only used to assist the turbo spooling up negaing turbo lag.... Thats a great use of batteries
  • I watched a video today where it said the VW group were concerned about the lack of ev sales, they may close the etrone factory as well, and they are looking at making more hybrids
  • @EnglishTurbines
    The residual values of EVs says to me this lunacy won't last Lee....🤔😳😳😏🇬🇧
  • @garindavis1882
    America will be back to full on petrol muscle cars next year are you looking forward to it.
  • I’ve had 6 Porsche Boxsters to date. Plus a couple of 911’s. Putting aside the IMS issues and the bore scoring on the 3.4 S, I still believe that they are the finest “sensible” every day sports car. I will be purchasing another one short to be my keeper!
  • @jontheodore8450
    I can see Porsche back tracking on this one Ford have in the US have on F150 Pick-up dropping EVs and making petrol again because EVs they didn't sell...
  • It sounds like you are approaching the deadline of ordering your ultimate ice Porsche.
  • 8:24 You know, I'm sure one of your followers has mentioned about the vulnerability that EVs have regarding hacking? Can't think who it was now.
  • @alansmith934
    It's about time Car Manufacturers grew some and tell EU to stop their attempt to control everything
  • What Porsche have just done will go down in history as being their biggest mistake ever.
  • Are you going to put your name down for a last petrol production model ? Would be nice to keep .😃