If He's Sending Mixed Signals, Text Him THIS

Published 2022-10-02
►► Unlock 67 Text Messages That Put You in Control & Move Your Life Forward. . .

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Does absence really make the heart grow fonder . . . especially when the person you’re into seems to forget you exist when you’re not in the same room?

When you’re together, life couldn’t be better. You have off-the-charts chemistry, they’re totally focused on you, and your connection feels genuine.
The catch?
When you’re apart, you feel invisible as communication slows to a crawl and often drops off completely.
As a result of these mixed signals, you’re essentially living in two completely different realities, and you’d do anything to get some clarity. You might even ask yourself: “Should I try to invest in this relationship even more to show how serious I am? Or would it be better to mirror their behavior and go cold?”

In today’s video, I walk you through what you must absolutely NOT DO in this hot and cold scenario . . . plus I give you two very specific text messages that can (finally!) get you out of this frustrating situation.

►► FREE download: “9 Texts No Man Can Resist” → www.9texts.com/

►► FREE download: “5 Compliments to Get Him Addicted to You” → www.SayThisToHim.com/

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▼ Chapters ▼
0:001:14 – The Crazy-Making Person That Goes Hot & Cold
1:142:58 – Mistake #1 Confusing Attention With Intention
2:584:51 – Mistake #2 Mirroring the Cold Behavior
4:516:31 – How to Break the Cycle
6:31 - 7:33 – The Initial “Call Out” Text
7:339:30 – The “Standards” Follow-Up Text
9:3010:35 – Which Category of Person Do You Want to Be?
10:3512:13 – How to Not Lose Momentum Again

All Comments (21)
  • Don’t forget to leave me a comment and tell me what you think about today's new video (And be sure to watch all the way through. This may be the first video in which I’ve thrown a shoe 🤷. . .)
  • If he's sending mixed signals - do not text him. Walk tf away. There are no mixed signals. Just truths we don't want to face. Whether it's manipulation or indifference...walk away.
  • This reminds me of an episode of Sex and the City Where Carrie’s boyfriend tells her- “men are simple. There are no mixed signals. If we’re not reaching out, we’re just not that into you.”
  • @krazykirl1129
    I think I'll know when I'm spending time with the right person when I no longer have to watch Matthew's videos
  • @Jason-ml3vs
    Don’t light yourself on fire just to keep someone else warm.
  • @ShayC143
    The moment I get mixed signals I literally walk away. I don’t have time for guessing games or immaturity. Life is too short to waste time on people who are unsure about you.
  • @rummaniz8425
    "Invest in who invests in you" This has to be the best relationship advice anyone can ever give❤
  • @amyjoseph3914
    If someone tells you you deserve better, believe them. They’re telling you how crappy they really are. 😮
  • When someone gives you mixed signals sis runs for your life.. he doesn’t love you he will just waste your time
  • If he’s sending mixed signals, wish him well and move on. Stop chasing and stop the drama.
  • @asweet23
    If you’re getting mixed signals, that’s the signal to move on. He’s just not that into you. It’s really that simple.
  • Exactly! “Be ready to lose this person”. I know this is the hardest to hear when we’re on this video trying to figure how to KEEP the avoidant person, but it’s the perfect advice. Know we are all worth something better than this if they’re not willing to step up- there’s someone else out there way more deserving of our time and energy. 👏 Find your partner, not your master.
  • If a man does not reciprocate, you walk away. Playing games is immaturity and exhausting.
  • @estherasiko
    At my age(35), if a guy is giving me hot and cold vibes I just move on. Have no time to waste. A new subscriber here, thank you for the great advices❤️
  • @Vr4z1el
    Honestly, sending those texts is too much effort for someone who basically ghosted you. If they ghosted you once, they will do it again. It doesnt matter that you try to explain or teach them lessons. They just are not interested in you and only come to you when they have no one else and they are bored. The best thing to do with these people is just block and move on.
  • @butcho7492
    Speaking from experience, just walk away. It means tbat person has already mentally left you but is not willing to simply tell you. I wish I had taken my own advice.
  • @tomdrummy4984
    If a person doesn’t make you feel like you matter to them…………you don’t. You are not on their priority list……move on.
  • @Jettingred4
    I finally just threw in the towel and went NO CONTACT period! No more manipulation, being ignored, no returned texts, non returned calls, hot and cold! Years of this! Enough! Men are like a #7 🚌 bus. Another will come along soon so let the OTHER one GO! 😁
  • @janefriel6895
    Stay single and avoid all this hassle. Put your energy into yourself. Its quite simple.