Large Pieces | Heroclix How To

Published 2022-09-25

All Comments (8)
  • A change to the core equipment rules now allows you to change size and still use the equipment you equipped when you were standard
  • @RehabHero
    This was a great video! it helped a lot especially with all of the rule changes, tough to find up to date sources of info!
  • @SamuraiMotoko
    Just to clarify, it seems that NOW peanuts cant end diagonally
  • Hay man just found u. Sweet video....I just started playing again with my boy an I was trying to explain all this to him about the wow u do a great job so iv been sharing this video with my friends.
  • Question, if a character is standing on a square of elevated terrain next to a colossal or giant sized character on a lower square, would they still be considered adjacent to each other even though they're on different elevations?