The Highgate Vampire

Published 2021-08-20
It's the early 1970s in Highgate, and in the overgrown and locked up cemetery something is stirring to the smell of patchouli and the sound of Deep Purple.

In the commentary at the end of the video I mention the ghost tour I led which visited Highgate Cemetery. In fact it was 2003! not 2004 as I misremembered. Here is a report of that tour, written not by me but by a journalist who accompanied us.

[GHOSTour: 2003 Tour Report]

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Music is by The Heartwood Institute

All Comments (21)
  • This has become one of my favorite new channels. I love your stories, and your voice is liquid silk. The commentary just tears it. Adore. Many thanks.
  • @chrisk7082
    Ive always been fascinated by the Highgate Vampire story. When we were kids we could gain access to the East cemetery via a hole in the fence in the basement car park of an adjacent council estate. It was creepy but fun. More recently I went on a tour of the West cemetery. It’s a fantastic thing to do and the guides are very knowledgeable and full of great information on the history of the cemetery and those buried there. On one tour I did actually ask the guide about the Vampire legend, surprisingly she actually showed us a tomb and said that it was the place rumoured to be the place the Vampire resided. If you haven’t been on the tour then you must go. Great story, very well told. Listening at 1am and feel the urge to drive past the cemetery and take a peak through the gate.
  • @nox6948
    Mate that was fantastic. You really captured the feel of spooky forested Highgate. I really love your descriptive writing.
  • @JennyLane8666
    Gorgeous! I love the way you use all five senses to envelop us in a mood. Masterfully done, sir
  • @rameyzamora1018
    How interesting! My mother refused to read Agatha Christie because that author had fooled her readers with exactly the "character knows more than the reader" trick! Tony, you're the first person to corroborate what Mom observed. Meanwhile, a Walker classic to make my day.
  • @franken-pattern
    What a fun, creepy tale and what a treat to actually see our dear Mr. Walker discuss it at the end! Very cool and unexpected 🧛‍♂️
  • @peskylisa
    Excellent story, love the whole 1970s vibe!!
  • @puca7908
    I KNEW it! Good story, very enjoyable! I'm going to go look for your other vampire tales! Thank you!
  • My grandmother told me about who was buried in Highgate Cemetery. Your description of Elizabeth reminded me of a gorgeous lady I knew a long time ago. I still listen to Hawkwind. Your tale brought to mind a few Hammer horrors. Thank you Tony Walker.
  • @lisap.1826
    LOVE IT!!!! I love a good vampire story.
  • I enjoy your commentary nearly as much as the story. Thanks for sharing.
  • I've missed you, Tony. Its Friday night and I'm listening before bedtime. What a treat!
  • @earthcat
    Deep Purple 🎸🎶Smooooke on the waaaterrrrr and fire in the sky🎶
  • Marvelous!!! Ah--The 70's. the commune. Led Z--Beans on soggy, burned toast, laid-back,work-shy hippies, colorful scarves, beads. Ah--memories. The 70's--may they rest in peace--You tell a great tale,Tony--making us laugh as you spook us, twisting us at the end. Thank you.! Also for the interesting commentary and the video. Great end for a hectic day.Please continue what you do.
    I took a tour of Highgate, would rather have had your voice and anecdotes but...How imposing, Gothic Revival! Having always had a love of cemeteries ( my very normal British gran, she loved all the flowers, no creepy side to her persona! and she liked to make rubbings occasionally but the coolest part as I later in life discovered doing a fascinating anthropology essay on a region in my dreary city, she read the info...) once again, Across The Pond, we must go! All my life I've longed to visit Paris and Pere LA Chaise, Heloise and Abelard are united there, I am a sucker for a really unusual, torrid love story and their's was that. I watch Zeferelli's, Romeo and Juliet at least once a year. Highgate is the equal to Pere La Chaise if it's architecture you seek. Tony, you've most likely been to Pere La Chaise...? How do they compare? When I am doing my house work, getting a wee bit of arthritis from 2 nasty falls, no hippie jokes, I just remembered a bunch of possible oddballs called Yippies, must Google them- when I am cleaning I fantasize about travel and writing, always trying to think of a story, a good yarn, and my mind is drawn to Pere La Chaise, Oscar Wilde, and those dear ladies somewhere on You Tube who lovingly tend the graves. Now with Highgate, new very Victorian time trip- even on a screen it calls out. Your story set at night made me leave my house and do that Astral travel thing my long ago boyfriend was reading about. I could well imagine bumping into Elizabeth Siddall! She knows I had a huge crush on her "wayward" husband, Dante G. Rossetti! The bracken snaps and the scent of mimosa- "do you have my book?" she asks. Appreciate your gifts Tony next time you get stuck momentarily- artists are to be envied and if paid more attention too, the Humanities in general, the world would be a better place. Off to Uriah Heep- do you remember Blodwyn Pig? I am just now saving pennies up for Bert Jansch of Pentangle...I don't listen to some of the really commercial, one hit wonders from back then but like you mentioned we tend to listen to what we loved when young, music helped and educated me. Namaste. Z.
  • @dartmart9263
    Tony, this one was superb. The way you described Elizabeth, I think I could have easily become her next victim. Easily. Lol
  • @oneoflokis
    Great story, Tony: very well-executed. 🙂👍 N.B. The thing you remember from your Highgate tour about the Boston girl wanting graveyard dirt: She would almost certainly have been wanting it for a Hoodoo ritual. Graveyard dirt is one of the ingredients used extensively in Hoodoo magic.