2019 Fail compilation/ Bonus video

Published 2020-01-01
So, my fail compilation for 2019 is out, so that's fun. Looking back on my videos, it's cool to see which ones work, and which ones came down to editing. And that's what this is for! feel free to laugh in my face about it 😂.

There really isn't a ton of extra detail for the fail compilation. It's just all of my fails compiled into a single video. So not much to talk about.

What is cool to talk about is the behind the scenes moments from my videos! I admittedly was kind of happy to talk about this because my videos have a TON of backstory. And there's always a lot to talk about, so let's get to it.

RR 99 contest entry: This video took a total of four months to make because of constant fails. I would've had the video done 2 months earlier, but, as some of you know, kids aren't very smart. a small child came over and ruined a months worth of work which left me super demotivated to rebuild the setup. And once the falldown came, it just was constant fails after constant fails which caused a ton of editing. not one of my proudest projects.

The only other thing to discuss is the Tetris 99 clip. I recently got a switch but never put it into a video, so I figured I would do that for this video! Tetris 99 is one of my favorite games (behind Super Mario Maker 2(maybe I'll do a video on that)) so I figured I'd do a setup on that. The switch in the middle and the pieces all around it. As for the gameplay... I sucked in the recording. but if I'm being honest, I couldn't see what was going on, which caused the biggest misdrop ever. If you would like to fight me... do it I dare you... 😤

Anyway I hope you enjoyed the video!

Music: Spaghetti on the side by Stratales
Cosmic Dreamer by TheColdSpirit

Discord: The King of Dominoes#6553
Email: [email protected]

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