Penny Wong won't confirm if Labor will stop known terrorist group operating in Australia

Published 2024-06-30

All Comments (21)
  • Can any of the Labor Party answer a direct question with a simple yes or no? Shameful.
  • It is already migrated to this country. You and your party have invited it. Penny, stop jabbering and just answer the question!
  • What!!!! Are these Labor politicians really that stupid or corrupt?
  • @jasonc9755
    Thank you Senator Paterson for standing up for Australia and Australians.
  • Yes it is a political issue, primarily because, OUR PRIME MINISTER IS A KNOWN HAMAS SUPPORTER!!!
  • @timbrown8581
    If Penny Wong will not commit to protecting Australian Citizens from terrorits she is derelict in her duty and must immediately be removed from public office. I hate the cowardly way she answers questions in Parliament without facing or speaking directly to the questioner! Reveals a lack of respect, courage or trust!
  • @RoyHolder
    Wong really doesn't have a clue does she?
  • @NGP14
    Senator Patterson a true Australian!!
  • @leelee-lt4dt
    The labour government is weak and gutless on this issue. SHAME ON YOU ALL.
  • Well done Senator Patterson. Wong showing her total disregard and incompetence around terrorist organisations.
  • @teenee4
    I can't stand career politicians.
  • Wong bringing up an 8 year old opposition decision out of context and still not answering the question she was asked.
  • Here she goes again rambling on & on ,& saying really nothing about the question .
  • @MrBoranup
    Wong is an absolute disgrace, as a person and a politician, selfish and entitled.