Flecko Animation Tests (Plus Announcements)

Published 2017-06-01
So for those of you that have been following my internet art presence since the very beginnings, you know more than enough about this guy.

This is FLECKO, the Obnoxious Tiger Gecko. Basically my platforming mascot character I designed in High School and has been my animation dummy ever since.

Having said all that, I have a major case of art block lately so I decided to freshen up them basics with this ol' boy. Might do some more OCs later on.

My biggest hurdle in making new cartoons is finding SOUND: I don't have original music or sound effects, so I have to rely on getting junk from around the internet and slapping it together in Flash. I also don't have a good microphone so voice tests aren't coming soon.

Good News: My birthday is in a couple days so I'ma save up some extra cash to get some quality gear. I currently use a laptop from 2010 and a tablet over a decade old... it's about time for an upgrade methinks.

Anywho, hope everyone is doing good, thanks for watching/reading, and if you happen to know someone who can do a really good Zero Suit Samus voice, please let me know. [;

P.S. The Newgrounds one has snazzy music