144 000 - IT IS TIME!!! - Word of the LORD🗣

Published 2022-07-09
144 000 - IT IS TIME!!!

2 Kings 1:9-14 - Elijah Calls down Fire From Heaven

2 Kings 2:19-24 - Elisha heals the water in the land and curses 42 Youth who are devoured by Two Female Bears

2 Kings 6:8-19- God exposes the plots of the king of Syria to Elisha and makes it known to the king’s servants.
God surrounds Elisha and his servant with Horses and Chariot’s of fire 🔥
Elisha prays that the Lord blinds The Syrian army with blindness and he’s prayer is granted.

2 Kings 6:22-33 - They is a great famine in the land and the king of Samaria desires to kill Elisha.

2 Kings 18 & 19 : Judah and King Hezekiah are Surrounded by the armies of Assyriaz.
king Sennacherib blasphemes God and God sends 1 Angel and destroys 185 000 of the Assyrian soldiers.

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