The Psychology of Money

Published 2024-03-01
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In this video, we explore the role money has in society, its affects on our individual lives, the challenges associated with acquiring it, and the paradoxes often found when using it. Do we need money in life to be happy? How much do we need? And how should we use it?

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All Comments (21)
  • @otenglobi7134
    Top of the food chain and yet we pay to live on a planet...
  • @hud86
    I tried living without money, I got down to $3,000 a year. I lived in a van, I ate little, no TV or internet. I loved it! I found it interesting how often police would tell me to “move along” and realized there is no freedom unless you have things, property and can pay others.
  • @AmericanHinoki
    if you have enough money for food, shelter and transportation you are blessed. if more people realized this, there stress levels would come down.
  • Don't you just love deep philosophical video ending with hair loss promotion! What a time to be alive 😢
  • @slantize
    The key to happiness is gratitude.
  • @glidershower
    A lot of my outlook in life derives from Taoism. Money is seen by the Tao as a great lake, hosting water for all forms of life. The mouse might be satisfied with just a thimble of water, while a moose needs to drink a couple of gallons, but no animal can ever hope to drain the lake, and to try to do so is as foolish as drowning from thirst.
  • @lilith3138
    The value of money means less and less every day, the actual cost of living hurts so many just trying to get by or literally can’t because of ridiculous high end quotas and housing programs being cut and defunded makes it impossible to qualify. For those who aren’t fortunate enough to have inheritance or a family to help suppport them when they become adults get screwed and taken advantage of 😔 great video again guys, money brings happiness but it also drives people mad being stuck without jobs or have degrees but no one to hire, people lose their sense of purpose just trying to live
  • @sasz2107
    I think the part of this video that resonated the most for me was spending money on things of intrinsic value (what you personally value) versus things of extrinsic value (what society values). Where I once lived, many people were focused on spending money on things of extrinsic value (designer clothes, BMWs/Mercedes, huge houses, remodeling their homes so everything was new inside). They wanted other people to like them or be impressed with their possessions. I never cared about that. I would rather spend my time doing things I want to do, so I plan to retire early. Not super early, but I didn't go into debt to buy things of extrinsic value early in life, so I saved for retirement instead. Hopefully the plan pays off - I look forward to spending my time doing things I want to do. I don't want to work at a job I hate for years and years just to own things of extrinsic value that don't make me happy anyway.
  • @BassForever44
    Having been in poverty for a sustained period of time (luckily not homeless though), and now being able to afford little pleasures I wholeheartedly feel that money DOES buy happiness. Just not in the way media portrays it, but if we think that money CAN get us better education, health, and living spaces, then heck yes money can buy happiness, or at least get us closer to it. That being said, I wish humanity had a different value system where we didn't need money... but that's a subject for another discussion
  • @logicake
    I'm 18 right now, and I feel like I did the best thing at this very moment to watch this insightful video of yours. Thank you for all the effort that you put into these videos. All of your videos are valuable in their own ways. I appreciate your channel more than most channels in YT. Hope you gain more attention and to always improve your work over time.
  • @CameronFussner
    Building wealth involves developing good habits like regularly putting money away in intervals for solid investments. Financial management is a crucial topic that most tend to shy away from, and ends up haunting them in the near future. Making money is not the same as keeping it there is a reason why investments aren't well taught in schools, the examples you gave are well stationed, the market crisis gave me my first millions, people shy away from hard times, I embrace them.. well at least my advisor does lol.
  • @actvsdei
    Money is basically everyone agreeing to the same mass delusion
  • @matfry2310
    As a house painter I made it to the top in my company. $28 an hour, gas and health insurance. Wasn't enough, I was dead inside for 4 years. 50 hour weeks and an hour drive there and an hour back. I started my own thing, dictating my own life/work schedual and having freedom to see my family and build up other Christians brothers and sisters. It's the most freeing thing I've done in my life yet, and the happiness and motivation just to see the next day is back. I'm happy again, healthy and working out. It's amazing what doing what you actually want can do.
  • @maxkelly6664
    Personally my approach is to work hard until you reach a point where you can be considered relatively comfortable (not living paycheck to paycheck), and then slow down and dedicate time to the things that make you happy. I also am mindful though to make sure I dedicate time in the present to physical and mental development, and relationships. This is just my approach, I hope everyone in the comment sections finds what they are looking for.
  • @dkstudioart
    Money bought me my freedom from the cubicle, ironically however it is the time in that cubicle that granted me the money to save and invest so I could escape it, it just took a long time. Now, my time is all my own, the ultimate pleasure. See, you can buy time.
  • @BeYourself157
    Your video truly helped me realize the significance of money; we often chase after money but forget its true meaning. I hope you'll release more videos, and I'll support you.