Economic Update: Corporations vs Democracy

Published 2024-01-16
[EU S14 E2] Corporations Vs Democracy

In this weeks show, Prof. Wolff analyzes the corporation. It stands as a basic institution blocking real democracy in our society. The corporation's structure and operations empower and enrich a tiny social minority at the expense of the people's wealth and democratic power. Like the critiques of slave plantations and feudal manors that preceded the disappearance of those systems, the growing critique of capitalism reflects but also informs critical social movements now.

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All Comments (21)
  • My formal education stopped after High School because I didn't have the financial means to go any further. So I'd like to thank you for sharing your wisdom and YouTube for giving you the platform to do so. God Bless.
  • I have spent 2 years with my company trying to negotiate a better pay rate, applying and being denied better positions while those positions are taken up by outside contractors. Finally after putting my 2 week notice they are just now offering me the position I wanted 2 years ago. It's like musical chairs
  • @sparkle6093
    Keep up the good work. Your broadcasts are very educational.
  • The point you make in the end Dr. Wolf. The Kings, have not gone away. They simply changed their wardrobe, and went incognito and sought their reign of power and control within the Corporation, under Capitalism at the very top, as billionaires, shareholders, board directors etc; the 10% and above! The Kings still have their thrones!
  • @Glenn_Ratcliffe
    👇 "The perfect dictatorship would have the appearance of a democracy, but would basically be a prison without walls in which the prisoners would not even dream of escaping. It would essentially be a system of slavery where, through consumption and entertainment, the slaves would love their servitudes. " Aldous Huxley
  • @seanpenfold4374
    What a fantastic and inspiring episode, again. I've been watching faithfully, routinely for a good couple of years and have learned so much. I'd also like to say i enjoy seeing Prof. Wolff debate other economists, and presenting the strength of these arguments against some friction in the form of arguments provided by those still enraptured by or unable to see any alternatives outside the current system we all have to abide by. If he could take part in some more in the near future this viewer would very much like that. Thanks for all you do.
  • @YilmaWako-cd1du
    You made a superb job in debunking the True nature of Multi-national Corporations that are unscrupulously creating miserable conditions to humanity around the Globe. Prof. Wolf, thanks a lot once again for your excellent explications on this topic. Yilma Wako from the USA.
  • @taisbaldon
    Comprei seu livro sobre democracia nas corporações e lerei em breve. Agradeço pelos conhecimentos que o senhor compartilha.
  • @Spico_
    Should be required viewing for all Americans people.
  • @BekkaPoo
    This is great as it breaks down in easy to understand terms just why this system doesn't work and why it doesn't reflect democracy in any way.
  • @sparkle6093
    Something that surprises me is that a small group of corporations have so many umbrella groups under them that people think they are getting a choice on the products they buy. We know a lot of company names but we don't know which corporations own all these companies/brands. People work for companies without knowing the corporation who actually owns the company and many other companies. Umbrella companies owned by a few corporations. It's mind blowing.
  • Thank You for elucidating the operational structure of a corporation. I haven't heard such a well compressed discription before.
  • @Spock_Rogers
    Thank you for your excellent explanations, Professor Wolff. Also thank you to your staff
  • @magnetospin
    Unless you are proposing the abolition of private properties, you have to allow for corporations. There's nothing wrong with corporations in and of itself. What's wrong is the relationship between governments and corporations. More specifically, what's wrong is the relationship between government and money. Government can be influence by money is the main issue. Corporations just happens to have money.
  • @gretapansini1258
    Thank you ,Professor Wolff, for another great information session!!!
  • It's very convenient how you mentioned corporations paying taxes, but left out the people. In fact, corporations are taxed at the corporate level and then on the personal level, depending on structure of course.
  • @zolarichards
    Propaganda in the private sector is called marketing and advertising. It’s only called propaganda when it’s done by the state.
  • Thanks for the continuous updates, The wisest thing that should be on everyone's mind currently should be to invest in different streams of income that doesn't depend on the govt. Especially with the current economic crisis around the world. This is still a good time to invest in Gold, Silver and digital currencies ,ETH...)