Win Or Learn, There is No Lose. - Isaac Harvey

Published 2023-02-08
Isaac talks with Brooke about how it’s the world that’s disabling its people and how it’s always the journey that’s the most important, not reaching an end destination.
He shares how when his mindset changed he was able to see that his disability is his strength and always had been even though he didn’t realise it Brooke and Isaac also talk about the magic and creativity in disability and how sharing your journey honestly can help others

Disabled & Proud Podcast

Disabled and Proud is the show that brings listeners a different perspective on disability.
Each week this podcast highlights an awesome disabled guest speaking about their own disability; why they are proud to be disabled and why they are proud to be themselves.

The conversations in this show will look at what challenges these amazing people face socially, mentally, physically and life in general. This show is raw, open, honest, funny, welcoming and educational.

Disabled & Proud does exactly what it says on the tin! And whilst we are creating this space for disabled people to be unashamedly themselves, without need to conform to society, this is also not about toxic positivity. This show will be shining a big, bright light on disability without it being “Paralympic or pity”.

All Comments (4)
  • @AvrilCoelho
    My GCSE and A Level Geography teacher is unforgettable for how she tried to exclude me ignoring my GP's, parents' and Consultant Neurologist's letters saying that my epilepsy wasn't a barrier to me attending the field trip week which constituted a huge percentage of my A Level result. How two of my friends stood up for me to her and changed her mind to include me is memorable too. I didn't realise that Parry-Romberg’s Syndrome was affecting my whole side of my body then but it made the field trip harder. I had a seizure there but had my birthday there with friends and showed I could be included.
  • @AvrilCoelho
    I did one of those Facebook name test things this morning and it told me that I'm too Independent person and that my quote is "If I was meant to be controlled, I would have come with a remote" which reflects my independent mindset and feminist streak.
  • @AvrilCoelho
    It's proving the ableists wrong with a #ThisGirlCan attitude and my disabilities aren't going to hold me back!