Wireless wake-up call | Jeromy Johnson | TEDxBerkeley

Published 2016-02-18
A Silicon-valley engineer turned technology health advocate, Jeromy Johnson discusses our attachment to technology and the health hazards such an addiction may hold.

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Jeromy Johnson is an expert in mitigating the negative impacts of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) exposure. He has a leading website on the topic and consults with individuals, families and organizations around the world to implement solutions that reduce and eliminate EMF pollution. Jeromy has an advanced degree in Civil Engineering and has worked in Silicon Valley for 15 years. After becoming what medical doctors call “Electro-hypersensitive” (EHS) in 2011 after extensive exposure to EMF radiation, he embarked on a journey of regaining his own health and educating others to critically evaluate theirs.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

All Comments (21)
  • @Ceej474
    Hospital physician here. You are 100% correct. In fact the problem with EMFs is far, far worse than even what this TED talk alludes to, not only in the level of exposure but also in terms of the damaging effects it has on our biology. This talk doesn't scratch the surface but is a good start. I went from excellent health to very sick after high RF exposure to certain devices. I could feel the smart TV being switched on from the other end of the house, I knew when my fiancee was using his AirPods. We tested it many times as my family were skeptical, but now they know it's real. Clearly we've gotten rid of those devices since then. Also, the people who cotton on at least get a warning and can change their habits and environment before it's too late. But the damage is still happening even if it is below the level of someone's awareness. Not everybody gets a warning, so pay attention to members of your household or workplace if they are suffering from these effects, because you can be sure the same damage is happening to you, whether you're aware of it or not.
  • This is a valid talk. The FCC lost a lawsuit by the Environmental Health Trust and others in 2021 where a U.S. federal court ordered the FCC to explain why it ignored scientific evidence showing harm from wireless radiation. Biological effects shown in the science are ignored by regulators, who maintain exposure limits from 1996 (which was based on science from even earlier). Thank you, Jeromy.
  • Excellent and so needed! Still relevant today in 2023. We can extrapolate for now and for the future. Thanks for doing this so we can share it with those we love!
  • @phattebytch
    The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg is a book well worth reading.
  • @dadominate
    This is one of the most important TED talks to date.
  • @susandowns9500
    He is absolutely correct as I have interviewed experts all over the world. When we tried to stop the 5 G in my Silicon Valley town, Verizon refused to consider fiber optics. As long as the choose to ignore the published studies, they have no interest in making safer devices because that would imply they knew about the problems.
  • @andymaxwell23
    Thank you for this. As someone who experiences brain fog, mild ear ringing and insomnia from this (and yes, I've tested it) the more your work is out there the more the industry will be forced to do something. In fact the UK Courts have just mandated that a child who is EHS sensitive (as recognised by the courts) be put in a reduced EHS school, they actually recognise this condition exists!
  • @yes6087
    Video starts at 13:10 if you just want to know how to protect yourself as a common person
  • @maqxdaone88
    I can't use my iphone anymore because every time i turn on my data it causes severe ringing in my ear. so this guy is telling the absolute truth.
  • What happens when humanity pursues the knowledge at the expense of the emotional intelligence? When you shut down your heart in pursuit of wealth and profit? Suddenly in 21st century everyone is an inventor and technologist. It is the age of pursuit of pure technology at the expense of the humanity. Humanity needs to first think and ponder how each technology will affect us not other way around invent first and then ponder. To truly prove to ourselves that we are intelligent species is to prove that we won't self destruct ourselves.
  • @9jmorrison
    When Bees can't find their hive, you know it is a health issue
    feeling the exact same way! brain fog, dizzyness, zoning out, weird headaches and ear pain!
  • @olaperols2527
    So important! Thank you Tedx for letting Jeromy spread the truth
  • @sandieva1715
    For years people told me I was either 'overly sensitive'. Turns out: I'm NOT Overly anything.... I'm mindful and I'm not alone, unfortunately. Finding a place to live these days in peace is a real challenge. I'm considering buying a 'tin hat'.
  • @hang-sangitch
    This is a good man. We need more people like him in the world
  • @WVMothman
    Ironic I knew all of this after starting a computer desk job in 1991, and feeling the effects of EMF exposure. The first that goes is your sleep, muscle cramping, fatigue, daily interaction, brain fog, job performance or lack thereof. I still battle it to this day.
  • @MrShakamuni01
    I had to move out of my house thanks to them. Suddenly could not sleep. My dream home now is a tiny house.
  • @bobaldo2339
    If the economy was dependent on cigarettes, we would all still be smoking. This guy is correct.
  • @TM-gu6bp
    Every CEO and shareholder with ties to the communication sector need to be held responsible for this
  • Thank You. It’s one thing to know after research that this is dangerous but to hear someone in the industry admit it is validating. It’s our children, humanities future, that are most at risk. Weather manipulation is a close second threat.