Are we winning the fight against plastic pollution and dirty beaches?

Published 2024-06-21
Do you care if the beach is clean? Do you think it's yesterday's news?

We have dipped our toes into beach cleans in the past and filmed a couple for the channel. If we see litter on the beaches when out walking our dogs, we feel compelled to pick it up. But is it worthwhile? Will the relentless plastic ever be conquered?

I join Carol from One Bag Beach Clean and her army of volunteers at Maenporth Beach on World Oceans Day for an update about the current thoughts about beach cleans. Is Maenporth Beach clean?

To get involved and for details about groups in this video:
One bag beach clean:
Cornish Seal Sanctuary:…
Plastic Free Falmouth:

The standard description bit…
We are Sarah and Andrew and we film around Cornwall and publish on YouTube, usually weekly. Sometimes we stay in accommodation in Cornwall and upload our vlog. Sarah is fascinated by sea glass and likes to collect it so there may be the occasional sea glass video too. The channel is a hobby and we both have normal day jobs!

Unfortunately we cannot answer comments coming in more than a week after the publishing date of the video.

Frequently asked questions:
Do we do meet ups?
We regularly receive requests to meet up from viewers and subscribers, but unfortunately we do not have availability to be able to do this.

The channel is a very time consuming hobby, fitted around our employment and family commitments. Setting aside time for meet ups, means that we are not able to film and edit our weekly videos that you love to watch.

If you happen to bump into us while out and about, we will be more than happy to have a quick chat!

Sarah and Andrew

What camera do we use?
Since December 2018 we have used: Canon Powershot G7x MkII

How do I find the books you use?
Most are still in print although some we pick up in charity shops and may be available on Amazon secondhand. Please refer to the video for the book titles. Every video shows the book title. Sorry but we can’t put a link in every description.

Best time of year to visit Cornwall?
We love May, June for flora and fauna, July and September for spectacular scenery.

What is your dog’s name?
Sorry but we do not release the name of our dogs, perhaps you can make up your own name for them.

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All Comments (21)
  • Thanks so much for joining us and highlighting the work we do. I have an incredible group of regular volunteers to help me. We always clean the surrounding areas, car parks, lanes and footpaths as any rubbish will be blown or washed into the ocean. It’s great to be in the fresh air, great to be in nature, great to be by the ocean, great for your mental health, great for the planet! Together we can make a difference! 😊
  • @EGG_UK
    I'm a subscriber of The Ocean Cleanup. The amount of plastics and other trash collected is phenomenal but seems never ending. Any help to prevent this garbage entering our waters is commendable.
  • You are a wonderful way to make people aware in general of the harm plastics do to our environment via your channel. Also more local people might be encouraged to take part in plastic litter picking. Worth your weight in gold! Mary.
  • @carotrike
    We don't live near the lovely Cornish coast any more. I would say that most of the rope comes from the fishing fleet, off shore and then gets washed in. Here I Somerset, we get carrier bags of rubbish floating around when bins are full. We go out and litter pick on our own occasionally. We live near a beautiful meadow, it's a beautiful area for all to enjoy. The last time we did a pick, we had more than we could carry. Acgroup of people must have had a picnic and had left a bin liner full of their rubbish! Hopefully it saved some animal's lives and made the place look better for others.
  • Well done video - it is so important to show a light on this terrible plastic we all use - sometimes without knowing it ( toilett paper !!)
  • Well done you, great job in highlighting the work these volunteers do, and that it seems to be working, All the best Bob
  • @bernicebest
    Excellent video Sarah and Andrew, if more people appreciated their planet like the ‘One Bag Beach Clean’ and her army of dedicated volunteers the environment wouldn’t suffer as it does, I remember last years clean up and wishing I was younger and fitter to lend a helping hand, your videos are always interesting and informative, I always ignore negative comments, some people talk before they think, and maybe regret it later that’s their problem, no one is forcing anyone to watch anything, take care best wishes to you both, see you next video 🥰🥀🤗
  • I love this idea of cleaning the beaches. I would do it if we lived near the sea for sure. We both get so annoyed when people just drop their rubbish anywhere. We always take a bag with us to take our waste home with us. Good job :)
  • Well done Sarah - I do think that the volunteers with the regular beach cleans should be commended for there hard work to look after out beaches all year around and it was lovely to see you recognise a few on World Oceans Day. I have just read through the comments and the stand out comment was “the number of folk that think that is is ok for them to leave rubbish around for someone else to clean it up” & fly tipping. The plastic that is found on the beaches will enter our food chain and already is - so Well done to all our wonderful beach cleaners.
  • Well done Sarah. I notice that when you said Andrew was at work, you showed him tucking into a Pasty.....that's not work - unless he is an official Pasty taster!!! 🤣
  • I live in the countryside and fly tipping right outside the farmers field gates seem to be a thing lately. Soon as it's been cleared someone else dumps more. Feel sorry for the farmers.
  • @petegibson863
    Hi Andrew and Sarah , Job well done , always good for the soul cleaning up rubbish and litter . When we lived in Helston I walked through Penrose Estate one morning and could not believe the amount of general rubbish that was everywhere , dog poo bags , dirty nappies , sweet bags , ice cream wrappers , the list goes on , I chose to return the following morning armed with half a dozen large rubbish bags and within a couple of hours , had filled the lot , sadly I did notice there were at that time no rubbish bins anywhere to be seen on the estate , might be different now , I made it a regular thing to go in and collect rubbish and after a few months I did notice that people were not littering as much , throughly enjoyed your vlog , well done to you and the volunteers .
  • Lovely video Sarah ~ it's really heartening to see locals monitoring and sorting out their patch of coastline. How you managed juggling a bucket, a picker, a camera and interviewing these wonderful people I dont know! As a tourist, and when I'm down Penzance way, I usually do a leisurely litter-pick along Mounts Bay beach, between Penzance and Marazion with a packed lunch break midway (always take hand-sanitising wipes). I just scan 6ft left & right as I'm walking along beachcombing (a favourite passtime!), and can sometimes end up with over half a carrier bag full of stuff when I get to Marazion. It's very just becomes part of my day, and I feel like I've done my little bit for cleaner safer beaches :)
  • Thank you for the video, what a lovely beach! And thank you for making the effort to clean it up everyone.
  • @dthomp06
    Thank you for covering the beach cleanup. Although I joined to watch your walks, I’ve enjoyed all of the other, newer content. I often will rewatch your walking videos, though, for my fix of scenery. Keep up the good job as you can and ignore the naysayers.
  • A reminder that wherever we’re at we can do our best to keep it clean. Oceans and their wildlife are particularly vulnerable. It would depend on what it is and what it costs as to whether I’d buy it or not. I do try to buy something to support the cause.
  • @lozkemp2456
    Andrew uses a golf club, to clear the drain- what's his handicrap? 😂