Resistance 3 - Intro

Published 2011-09-05
Resistance story recap and intro to the game.

All Comments (20)
  • Why did Resistance have to go... It was in my opinion one of the best made PS3 games that I’ve played. 🙌 up if y’all like Resistance
  • @Cacowninja
    2:33 I like how they're all looking at Capelli like he's a piece of shit yet he had NO FUCKING CHOICE but to kill Hale. Hale succumbed to virus so he wouldn't only kill Capelli but he would've killed other people too. Also he had powerful psychic abilities so he could've REALLY killed other people. Hale would no longer be fighting for humanity anymore. He was all with the Chimera. He was a hero that would soon become a villain, not out of choice but out of infection.
  • @360Nomad
    This is telling me that that this all could've been prevented if ONE FUCKING RUSSIAN HAD SKIPPED EATING SOUP THAT DAY???!!!
  • @Sen-115DK
    I like the air raid siren. Really want the sound.
  • @CountDaedalus
    Resistance 3 should have had two campaigns. The one with Joe Capelli and the other of James Grayson in Russia (Resistance Retribution Cliffhanger)
  • @RatchetandSly
    Fun fact: The actor who voiced Daedalus in Resistance 2 (Robin Atkin Downes) is also the voice of Joseph Capelli in Resistance 3.
  • @belmont1960
    Insomaniac instead of take the story foward they should return to the war in Europe against the Chimeras and put stories of the other nations dealing with the Chimera invasion and yes I know that all Europe fall in weeks but I bet that most of the nations armies put a hell of a fight against them. I would like to see a Resistance of the German Army fighting the Chimeras.
  • @jakey926
    Well if Insomniac ever decides to continue the series, that'd make for an interesting spin off series.
  • @narutofroever
    Imagine if the Locusts from Gears woke up to try to take over humanity, only they didnt wake up to humanity, they woke up to the Chimera and the humans who got infected with the virus. Imagine how many chimera that would be.... Its own species plus another.... it outmatches the locusts... would be an awesome war though...
  • I liked the story of Resistance 3, though. It's a good survival game. And that's the problem I had with this game. Why did Insomniac abandon the military aspect? Sure, the Chimera have conquered the U.S. but it doesn't mean SRPA was completely gone. Insomniac could have given us a story revolving on a SRPA Black Ops soldier fighting alongside the remaining armed forces left to take on the Tower at New York for the last mission. It would have been so much better that way for me. And if we actually got to meet Capelli as a militia, it would be cool on how he would mention about Nathan Hale and everything of what transpired at the end of Resistance 2 on the eyes of someone else. If you're new to the Resistance franchise and played only Resistance 3, you'd definitely like it. But if you're a long time Resistance fan you'd either dislike it, or actually like it but be disappointed at the same time.
  • @JonathanKizerNow
    @DarkRuler1211 I think that the main point is that the army was basically destroyed when they attacked NYC. Probably disbanded after that, and tried to stay in hiding. The audio journals in NYC suggest something like that.
  • Till this day I still don’t understand why he got a Dishonorable discharge
  • @iamironmanpeople
    i like the last part when you hear that song when he says i kept that vow as long as i could