What if FIRESTAR and SPOTTEDLEAF Had Kittens?! πŸ±πŸ’•πŸ± Warrior Cats: Kittens Spin-Offs!

Published 2022-06-03
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πŸ”Ή Warrior Cats Sims 3 Legacy: Season 1 β€’ goo.gl/iFz5ob
πŸ”Ή Warrior Cats Sims 3 Legacy: Season 2 β€’ goo.gl/8kZ2HK
🐾 Warrior Cats: Untold Tales β€’ bit.ly/warriorsuntold

πŸ”Ή Warrior Cats β€’ Behind-the-Paws β€’ goo.gl/R1IwP6
πŸ”Ή Warrior Cats β€’ StarClan Speaks β€’ goo.gl/9NCsXD
πŸ”Ή Warrior Cats β€’ Bloopers β€’ goo.gl/C4MLOU

We're back in the Sims 4: Cats & Dogs LaBARKatory mixing and matching all manner of animals! Join Seri the Pixel Biologist as we dive into another pixel biology experiment!

🎲 Sims 4 Random Pet Genetics Challenge! β€’ bit.ly/randompets
🦠 Wobbledogs β€’ bit.ly/wobblepup


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All Comments (21)
  • @bearchips1698
    Always wished there was a series where warrior cats ships had kittens in the Sims, I've been doing it by myself for a long time. Please do more Warrior Cats ship videos!
  • Fun fact: You can get a tortoiseshell male, but it's insanely rare due to being a major genetic mutation. They are most usually infertile.
  • @Waida_P
    Dawnmists Clothes Story: Dawnmists happens to love the water, though he's a thunderclan cat. He'd always sneak off to hunt fish, though he's not very good at catching them. He's MUCH better at hunting birds. He loves the way the water flows in his pelt, and the release he gets when he shakes it all off (Im not sure, I'm just trying to make up something lol). Daisyshadow Clothes Story: In the nursery and during her apprentice days, she had a friend named Dragonkit (going to be Dragonpelt, due to the fur pattern on him) though before they became warriors, he drowned when unattended, Daisypaw with him. Hense, the shark hat. The bow could mean possibly a necklace or something that Dragonpaw had gave her. Meadowfall Clothes Story: I think rather Meadowfalls ears means shes a great hunter in general, and has great hearing. And could even be the leader of thunderclan one day, because of her skills. But, though she has the potential to be a leader, she looks at kittypet life, and knows she'd much rather be a kittypet, but could never admit it. Shadowdemon Clothes Story + Name: Her name was given to her, basically as a mean joke. Her name was Russetkit (or whatever, I like Russet) when she was born, but she happened to be really shy, and always would rather be alone, under a tree, in the shade. The kits in the nursery always made fun of her, and the leader at the time (au ig) was their father, and their father was not a very good leader. The kits told him to rename Russetpaw, Shadowdemon, and so he did. The boots show that she loves snow, and loves nature. Darkrose Clothes Story: Darkrose was of course, born in thunderclan, but when he was out hunting one day, he got picked up by a twoleg, and he stayed, not even attempting to become a daylight warrior. He LOVED being a kittypet, always fat on food, and his owner (A 9 year old girl) loved dressing him up in dresses and clothes, though being male. But, kids dont care, what can you do (I use to have a kat I named cat-ee" but spelled "Katy" and I so thought he was a girl, and my parents couldn't break my 4 year old heart that he was a boy, and told me when I was 8 when we nolonger had him lol.). Echoflood Clothes Story: The collar shows me that how he lost his eye, was exploring the twoleg place, and getting attacked by a dog, his eye was ripped out, and scars now platter his body, but he is still an awesome warrior and cat, and later become Echostar.
  • @ScourgeSloth
    Also Seri I always wondered what Squirrelflight’s and Ashfur’s kits would be like can you do a labarkatory video on that? Thanks!
  • @ScourgeSloth
    Kit names from this video : 1. Dawnmist 2. Daisyshadow 3. Meadowfall 4. Shadowdemon 5. Darkrose 6. Echoflood
  • @Sxhyler811
    ShadowDemon: As a kit she had a black and gray coat. When she turned 2 moons old her pelt morphed into a firey orange. Cats of ThunderClan we terrified and avioded her at all costs. Later, when she recived her warrior name, the leader was one of the cats who hated her and named her ShadowDemon. ShadowDemon ran away, never to be seen again... It was just a quick thought.
  • @ravensilversea
    Cat coat color genetics are so fascinating! I semi-recently ended up going down a rabbithole about it because my family got a female orange kitten, which like you said is rare. So coat colors are X-linked genes for cats, which means male cats generally inherit their mother's coat color while female cats get one gene from each parent. There are also technically only two color genes- black and red- which then have dilutes of brown, gray, orange, etc. White patches are completely different geneset unrelated to the coat colors- which include at least one gene for white to be expressed and I think at least one other that designates how much is expressed. So normally, that would mean that orange is a recessive trait BUT what actually happens is both inherited genes express at the same time for cats. So tortoiseshells are expressing a black coat gene and an orange coat gene, and you need one of each to get a tortoiseshell, which is why most tortoiseshells and calicos are female- the most likely reason for a male tortoiseshell is that he has the XXY gene mutation and thus got two coat colors along with his two X-chromosomes. An orange female kitten must have an orange father and either an orange or tortoiseshell/calico mother and also inherit the red coat, orange dilute gene from her mom.
  • @Tadp0le_
    Is no one gonna talk about how meadowfall looks like sandstorm? I bet that kit would be sandstorms favorite 🀭
  • ShadowDemon never did anything wrong. He ran away when he was a kit, and when another cat found him and brought him to his clan, he was covered in mud and grime. The clan cats thought he was the ghost of a kit who had passed away recently and called him a shadow demon. Eventually, he washed himself, became a member of the clan, had everyone realize he wasn’t a ghost, rediscovered his parents, and became a warrior, but the name ShadowDemon just stuck.
  • I never liked SpottedFire [ the age gap was a bit too big for me to be comfortable with it ] but the kittens sure are cute!
  • dawnmist he could be torn between thunderclan and riverclan because of the blue and yellow outfit. thunderclan is his home but riverclan holds something he wants to be part of. he could also be really good at hunting birds daisyshadow maybe she had an encounter with a monster as in a car? hence the giant monster outfit. after said encounter, she could’ve toughened up and become a colder and more brutal cat hence the shark hat. the scarf and the snow at one point could mean it all happened in leafbare meadowfall she’s great at hunting rabbits but seems to like the idea of kittypet life, hence the bell collar. shadowdemon he’s quite the outsider and doesn’t seem to fit in with his clan, partially due to his name. he’s really quite a sweetheart. the green outfit could be him wanting to leave his current clan and go to windclan for a fresh start darkrose transgender kitty who is just really sweet. his favorite season is newleaf because of the bee stuff and newleaf is spring
  • @empire9639
    Dawnmist and Echoflood: Dawnmist was always fascinated by birds and their ability to fly. Ever since he first saw one he wanted to learn how to fly and soar the skies. He and his brother Echoflood decided it would be a great idea to climb the tallest tree in the territory on one winter evening. They finally got to the nearest branch but was spooked by a flock of birds. Echoflood fell, breaking part of the branch with him. The branch lodged into his eye at impact. After this event, Echoflood was never the same. He became skittish of the natural world and thought it best to become a kitty pet. Dawnmist still feels guilty for the accident and often visits his brother to deal with the guilt. Daisyshadow: On a misty morning on a patrol with her brother, Dawnmist, she encountered an alligator! Meadowfall: She loves the open landscape of her territory, and wanders the prairie alone at times. And when she does, she keeps a secret. Just on the top of the hill, there sits a small settlement of an elderly lady and her rabbits! Not only does she have a soft spot for her human, but she also adores the sounds that the wind chimes (bells) make in the breeze! Shadowdemon: Shadow always had a kind heart. She enjoyed the simple things in life and caring to the elderly in her clan. But this also left her vulnerable to lies and deceit. As a new warrior on a patrol, she met a rouge cat that dragged her into cult business and conspiracy. She was easily persuaded and vanished, never to be seen again. Her name was given to her by the cult. Darkrose: Darkrose is a gay tom who isn't afraid to show it. Thankfully, his clan was very accepting and enjoyed his great storytelling. He became fascinated with bugs, specifically beetles, which is why he decided medicine cat suited him best. He found great joy in his role in the clan, but he found most enjoyment being researching his bug collection. Many like to joke around with him about his bug collection, but he doesn't mind. As he puts it: "Only the one thing they can get after me on."
  • @GorgiAnimates
    Idea for story in general(takes place right after the events of Forest of Secrets) When the kits are born, they know their mother is a medicine cat. The first thing Fireheart tells his kits is to not tell any cat that their mother is Spottedleaf. Many moons later, when they had just become apprentices, Darkpaw(rose) gets into a fight with an older apprentice and accidently blurts out that Spottedleaf is their mother(kind of taking inspiration off The Owl House which is a very good show btw) When Bluestar is informed that Fireheart and Spottedleaf broke the Warrior Code, she immediately exiled the mates and the whole family saying, "We don't have room in this clan for codebreakers. Especially in these hard times." When they leave, the once cheerful Daisypaw(shadow) becomes angry at Darkpaw. When Meadowpaw(fall) notices mysterious wounds appearing on Daisypaw, she concludes that her sister has been training in the dark forest and brings her brother Dawnpaw(mist) and her sister Shadowpaw(demon) to confront her about it. A few moons after Scourge's defeat and Fireheart had given all his kits warrior names of their choice, Echoflood has a vision that pretty much says that Darkrose is in danger. He immediately knows that Daisyshadow is planning something. A few dawns later, Echoflood watches Daisyshadow ambush his brother, killing him. Echoflood will forever live with the burden that he could have saved his brother. He tried to warn him, but he just pushed it off. Similar to Redtail's situation, Daisyshadow claims that a Riverclan warrior killed her brother and she wished she could save him. In the end, Daisyshadow wasn't entirely lying, since it hurt her heart to kill the brother that she had once known as her best friend. She secretly wishes that Tigerstar didn't put her up to the heartbreaking crime. This is just the idea I had. Sorry it's a bit long
  • This is cool!! I have begun reading the series, I’m already done with β€œInto the wild” and I’m know in β€œFire and ice” it’s a pretty good book! And I love the mixed breed challenges there so amazing, and I love them so much! Maybe you can do a Wolf and a unicorn? Or a manticore and a cat? Just a idea! <3 Also! And idea story for β€œShadow Demon” So, what I thought was… Shadow demon, gets into fights that she doesn’t start, or doesn’t want. So the clan that she’s in thinks she’s a mean cat, who wants to start fights. But, she’s just the sweetest little thing ever!
  • @deoxized
    Ah yes!! A series to look forward to! As a warrior cats fan myself (even tho i havent read the books cuz I'm poor) this is purrfect!! Yesss DarkRose supporting us!!! β™₯︎ O! O! Squirrelflight and Ashfur kits next pleasee!
  • @goingkawaii8103
    And for DaisyShadow I feel like they just wanted to always prove their strength and loyalty just how a dino would be strong and at the top of the food chain.
  • @edoty17
    I think it would be really cool for Fallen leaves and Hollyleaf, and then Jayfeather and Halfmoon would be cute ones to try out. You can also always try and recreate the cats from your warriors series into the Sims 4 and try out some of those ships! Also I think Daisyshadow got her clothing story from something like she was exploring the twoleg place one day, a day in winter (the snow) and she got scared by a little kids toy shark that was left outside. Then all of a sudden a kittypet, with a fancy little bow laughs at Daisyshadow, and their name was Dinosaur.
  • @SalemsDarling
    Dawnmist:Aloof free spirited playful He’d always push other kits away unless it was his sister Daisykit. As kits they used to play and listen to stories from elders constantly. He’d stand up for his clanmates although he has always been a bit cold to them. He’s a well respected warrior of Thunderclan with a mate and kits of his own(don’t tell him I said this but he has a huge soft spot for kits!) Daisyshadow:Playful fluffy aloof Daisyshadow was always off playing with Dawnkit or listening to stories in the elder’s den. As she grew up she opened up a bit more to show her kindness and affection for other cats. She now as a warrior is always up to help with her clan or even just distract the kits from terrorizing their mothers (very much appreciated by the queens). She is a loving warrior of thunderclan. Meadowfall:Glutton curious clever Little meadowkit always was sneaking out or snagging fresh-kill at night. She ventures on to be a medicine cat and is always ready to take new tips from other medicine cats. With her compassion for her clan and healing people she will go down in history almost as famous as her mother. Shadowdemon:glutton free spirit affectionate Shadowkit looked so much like her father she was practically his shadow, hence the name shadowkit. She was always super kind and her and Meadowkit always stole some snacks. While being an apprentice she had been attacked by a fox mangling her face to look demonic. She was then named Shadowdemon and she remains in the elders' den due to her eyes being blind. Darkrose: glutton skiddish spoiled As a kit he always got what he wanted leading him to be very spoiled, but he was also the runt and always was pushed around by all and every kit except for Meadowkit and Shadowkit. He’s pretty much a spoiled, glutton ravenpaw. Sadly darkrose didn’t make it more than a moon of being a Warrior before he got greencough and died. Not even spotted leaf or Meadowpaw could save him. Echoflood:Aloof, mischievous, curious Echokit spaced himself from all cats except his best friend lilykit. He and lilykit were always sneaking around and causing chaos. They were almost as bad as firestar and greystripe were! Echoflood grew up and he and Lilysky then had kits of their own and he is an amazing father to his children even if he is a bit distant.
  • @goingkawaii8103
    For DarkRose I think that he just loves rolling around in Clover, and flowers, and letting nature surround him and just having peace
  • I did this same exact thing and man- Firestars genes really came in strong with my batch of kittens. Every kitten was an orange tabby with Spottedleafs eyes πŸ˜‚