WayneDyer Part1 of 2

Published 2016-03-19
Wayne Dyer 2003 GSI Master Trainer Seminar Part 1 of 2

All Comments (20)
  • Only 300 likes!! I simply can not understand that… wayne dyer and his information is timless and golden πŸ’› I play this and his materal whilst i sleep i love to listen subconsciously.
  • @darcyrosewilson
    I am so grateful for this man. Thank you Dr. Wayne Dyer! May you rest in peace and may your wonderful work help many people for centuries to come
  • @jacobjoseph1103
    Indeed Wayne you are immortal and your teaching is really touching the essence of us (embodied Spirit).
  • @miafives8350
    Wayne Dyers words are so sensical, comforting and timeless. Everyone everywhere should subscribe to his teachings.
  • @EmilBlueMan
    I appreciate and love Wayne Dyer and his teaching so much. It really did help in my personal life, attitude, and development. Sure so many would agree.
  • It has always amazed me how Wayne Dyer knew, usually as great friends, nearly every philosopher, serious motivational speaker, psychologist, novelist, and metaphysical researcher in the 20th Century through so much travel and consultation worldwide. Despite such erudition, he was so down to Earth and truly tried with all his energy to concisely explain considerable abstract thought and wisdom to everyone from all walks of life who would listen.
  • Wow! Those demonstrations were amazing πŸ˜‰.high energy strengthens and low energy weakens!😊
  • @catmccabe400
  • @YaoEspirito
    The biblical Book of John was not written by John the Baptist.