The Benefits of Hasbunallahu Wa Ni'mal Wakeel | Khutbah by Dr. Omar Suleiman

Published 2022-06-24
Explaining the meaning and benefits of the dua that Ibrahim (as) said as he was thrown into the fire, and the Prophet ﷺ said as he faced a massive army.

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All Comments (21)
  • @m25anonim55
    This dzikir was powerfull. İ was jobless and no money on pocket. For two months i asked my parents's money to live. Every time i felt sad and bad because i was jobless i cried and say this dzikir. One month after i got really good job on August 2022.
  • I swear to allah that I am telling the truth,I played this video while coming home from work in the first 5 minute I start saying (حسبنالله و نعمل وکیل) and a car comes hitting me and nothing happens to me allah saved me. Dear brothers and sisters this dua is so powerful ❤ Thank you DR Omar.
  • @felizmann7076
    SubhanAllah! Hasbiallahuwanikmal wakill...I begin to recite the dua for the morning 7 times because I came to know about this dua early this week. My husband and I wasn't talking as we had a little argument yesterday evening. I was calm and begin to talk softly with him without any fear for his response. He responded back and said that what happened has passed calmly. His facial expression was pleasant like the matter that we argued about has gone. I made breakfast and my son, came to volunteerly washed the dishes. My heart is full again...alhamdulillah. I will keep reciting this dua always and tell the benefit of this dua to everyone. In sha Allah.
  • @spy7170
    This dua works miraculously with an immediate response. I have recited it many times when in desperate situations and there is an immediate response.
  • @dfwsickstamps
    This was the very first Khutbah I ever attended in person. I’d never been to Jumua prayer before. But I’d watch these videos all the time to do my own learning. It was an incredible experience sitting there in the company of sisters and listening to this knowledgeable sheikh speak who I’ve grown to truly admire. May Allah bless him and those behind the scenes who make these Khutbahs accessible to non-locals. 🤍
  • @aafaqahmed1106
    Imam Omar is a blessing to muslim ummah around the world. His knowledge of the deen is unmatchable. May Allah(s.w.t) bless him with long and a peaceful life.
  • I swear by god this dua works so much. I had an exam and revised 3 of the 5 chapters i had to revise. I was so stressed and pray to god. Well, i had the subject that i wanted 😢😢. You have to really think that only ALLAH is in control and that he will never let tou down!
  • @astghferseb724
    What led you into Hell Fire? They will say: 'We were not of those who prayed.'” (Qur'an 74:42-43) 🌹Don't forget your five daily prayers 🌹
  • i have big respect for this lady with sign language Alhamdullilah thank you for spreading awareness this is really needed may Allah subhanatallah reward her and Omar Suleiman works
  • I have no words to explain how much am benefiting from you Sheikh .... May Allah give you long life and protect you from all evils .. Ameen
  • @habibarana1478
    I needed to hear this so bad at this moment, it is as if Allah sent me a reminder. Jazakallah khairen kaseeran
  • @streetsport1308
    I have been in depressed state for a while now, then I stated saying this dua and cry to him. I get a great sense of relieve after it. I know Allah will lift me up from it. May Allah relieve everyone of any pain that’s disturbs their heart.
  • @namrah9951
    The most beautiful and powerfull dua it works like miracle if it can change the most hopeless situation in a blink of eye Alhamdulillah
  • @Zainabtriesit
    I love when he repeats the Duas so often during these lectures. One's already learnt the Dua by heart by the end of his lecture. ❤️
  • @thaiseens5497
    Alhumdullilah I truly believe this ziikr because of this ziikr my life is change I really thank Allah ithis dua open my doors
  • @dianakhayal7816
    It felt like weight is off my shoulders when I heard this khutbah .. Jazak Alah Khairan imam Omar, may Alah bless you and your family
  • @faridahfafa17
    i’m back to watching this Khutubah because a friend of mine recently got a job after watching it and saying hasbiyaallah constantly and subhanallah she got her dream job and we’ve been grateful to Allah so much! Alhamdulillah For Imam Omar May Allah preserve you for us! May Allah protect you and your family always and May He grant you Jannah! Allahuma Ameen
  • @imrantaleb7666
    Asalam ma laykum may allah bless and ease the sufferings of the ummah and may allah unite the ummah upon the quran and sunnah and may allah have mercy on all those that have passed away before us and may Allah have mercy on us when we pass away and may allah cure all those that have a sickness and a disability and may allah grant them a cure that leaves no aliment and may allah protect the muslims from hellfire and from the fitnah of dajjal and may allah answer all our prayers ameen
  • @FiyadS
    Hasbiyallah laailaaha illaahu alaihi tawakaltu wa huwa rabbul arshil azeem. Repeat 7 times every morning and night & Allah will be sufficient for him against anything that grieves him
  • I am going through divorce right now because of my mother in-law people please pray Allah put raham in my husband heart to stop this divorce from happening