Is Armored Core 6 Multiplayer Worth Playing in 2024?

Published 2024-02-28
A lot of new players may just jump into the game, enjoy singleplayer, read online that some people do not believe this entry has good PvP, and will drop the game after completion. I want to give these players some things to consider.

All Comments (21)
    I know it says "ranked", but just ignore that and pretend it says "quick match" and you'll have a lot more fun.
  • @chuckec
    You’re speaking facts, now how do we get the rest of the playerbase to get it? I die a little inside every time I see an unpainted Loader 4 with a loadout clearly grabbed from YouTube. This game’s offering so much room for expression, both in fashion and skill. Hey whatever it takes to have fun, right? But it feels like a lot of newcomers, and even vets, are just brute forcing builds they’ve been told are good instead of embracing the spirit of the franchise and truly experimenting and iterating their machines through one trial after another. You can have a long discussion about whether or not the mechanics that make this a great PVE game belong anywhere near PVP, but I think the real issue is player philosophy. It says a lot that much of the S-rankers got there week 1 by lagswitching and alt-tabbing.
  • @MobiGeeksOut
    Love the new format! May the algorithm bless thee
  • @armoredcorelore
    A good video on ac6 PVP. I had a blast playing with bravo a while ago and i hope to have some more causal matches soon.
  • @ilkaysar2522
    I really love this game, and want to keep playing it. But you can replay the campaign only so many times, and the PvE is honestly not hard enough to push me and builds. Also, other players seeing and facing my creations makes the amount of hours I put into painting and decorating them feel worth it. But this is just the start, this game will keep getting better! Each patch making another weapon have a servicable niche and role in the meta. Which means we always have the next patch to look forward to for even more weapons to experiment and theory craft with. Also be sure to try and interact with the community, it is one of the most tightly knit communities I have seen with how often people meet up and get together for events and discussions. It is a great time.
  • @love_ark
    The man behind the microphone is finally revealed. I appreciate your taste of attire. This video fires me up to continue my journey in PVP with AC: "Cinder" Ella. ^_^;;
    This the way. Every AC game has it's ... quirks. But one thing that remains true throughout is the core gameplay loop of trying, failing, and tweaking your build and/or playstyle. When you enter pvp, the building really starts. I consider myself a casual as well but I still feel like anyone that enjoyed the base game would be doing themselves a massive disservice by skipping on pvp because of someone else's experience. PS. ggs the other day. Love your build. You're one of the reasons I've had to swap to a Coral generator. Can't catch that thing ! 😂
  • @Sabbathfaax
    Who'd think this game is actually pretty fun when you don't have a guy screaming in your ear about how it sucks.
  • @scottrok13
    I always love seeing a YouTube presenter. Nicely done. And the tie was a nice pop of added color.✌️🖖😎
  • @julius.caesar.
    Just finished ng++, gonna hop into PvP after I get off work. I’ve made it a point to not watch any vids about the game until after I finished it, glad this was one of the first. Good to know there’s a community around PvP.
  • @Tarktheorc
    Pleasantly surprised by this. Thank you.
  • @KindKraken
    I agree with you so much had to say it twice gonna share it in my discord
  • @thetaoist8
    I know I’m late to the party, but I just recently started playing PvP and made it to A Rank. Honestly, I kind of wish I just stayed in B Rank. There’s more variety in builds and you’re less likely to come across cancer like Zimms and laser cannons. I just really want FromSoft to have another balance patch.
  • @GallowayJesse
    Question for the weapon swappers: does it feel like sometimes the game doesn't register when you switch weapons?
  • @joyless95
    The flaws with ac6 is that it’s so fast that the netcode can’t even keep up it could be solved with I-frames on quick boosts but if you ask me they also add problems and make a bigger mess if you ask me outside of that I find the pvp the most enjoyable in the fromsoft series I’ve played. Edit: I think another underlying issue is the stagger system but because all the weapons are balanced around it it’s a very hard to fix issue but the pvp is still so fun
  • I, for one,could do with some pvp tips. I made an AC named "El Pistolero", rocks dual ducketts , redshift blade and a sweet sixteen on the shoulder. Made him mostly for fun , tho i really am trying to learn how to pvp with dual pistols and i keep getting absolutely deleted xD