PDF Upload: How to Upload PDF Files to Bubble.io

Published 2023-04-08
Learn how to upload PDF files to a bubble.io application. This PDF uploader will allow you to upload PDF files to your bubble file database, which you can then manipulate in other ways.

In our next video, we will show you how to build the a flask API on PythonAnywhere to convert this PDF to raw text.

In our third video, we will pass this text over to OpenAI's API for GPT-4 processing and summaries.

What is a custom state? Well. 'page state' in the context of web development refers to the current condition or status of a webpage at a given moment. Imagine you're 5 years old, and you have a coloring book. Each time you add a new color or draw something new, you are changing the "state" of the page in your coloring book. In the same way, when you interact with a webpage, you change its state.

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