Taking Flight - An Animated Short Film

Published 2023-01-31
Long time no see everyone! I think it has been about... 5 months? Almost half a year since I was last here which is.... pretty bad now i think about it. I'm ever so sorry for my absense, I have actually been working on this!

Taking Flight is an animated short I have been working on for my A Level Art project about Fantasy, and this is my final piece. From the start of the college year (September) I have been working to complete this for the 3rd of February which is the deadline. There were many times I didn't think I could complete this and multiple times I was incredibly stressed out over it. But after a few all nighters and heaps of determination, we got through it and look where we are!! This is probably one of the best products I've ever put out on this YouTube channel and I'm so excited to share it with you all!!!

There are a few areas where given the time, I would improve upon, such as the backgrounds and their movements, especially in the middle, however I think the animation makes up for this flaw and I'm just so glad that its finished that I couldn't care less now lol.

The story is about a baby dragon Crowley taking his first steps in the Dragon Realms located above the clouds, and when he sees dragons all around him being able to fly, his biggest desire is to be able to do the same. This film follows Crowley's journey of learning to fly, alongside his yellow companion.
There are also additional characters such as Frio, the white dragon with green eyes who acts as an arrogant bully who thinks he's better than everyone else. Crowley is determined to prove he isn't the only young dragon who can fly.

Music: Deria's Sea - 2014 Remake by Peter Crowley (   • (Epic Celtic Music) - Deria's Sea - (...  )

Peter Crowley is one of the best music composers on this platform and deserves so much recognition for what he does. It is for this reason why I decided to name the protagonist of this film after him :D

One last thing: I want to express my gratitude for every single one of my subscribers. I know I've been gone a long time but you have still stuck with me and waited for the content to come out and have stayed subscribed despite my absense. I'd love to give you all a huge virtual hug for sticking with me! Thank you!!! I really hope this makes up for it

Until next time!

All Comments (21)
  • @TiredHobbit
    I can't believe how well this turned out, when you told me you was doing an animation for your project I never would've imagined this. Watching it in class today and I was so impressed!! You deserve so much recognition and love for this Kay, I'm so proud of you!!
  • @ToonStomp
    Oh my goodness, I don’t think I could possibly put into words just how absolutely fantastic this is? In 5 months you were able to produce such a wonderful short film on your own? The character designs are gorgeous and the way each character interacts with each other is so unique, the composition throughout this film is just absolutely stunning! The colours, the lighting, shading, the backgrounds, all of this are just absolutely phenomenal! I especially love the interaction’s between the bird and the blue dragon, you can really see their friendship take flight quite literally! It’s just absolutely stunning and I’m so proud of you and what you’ve been able to achieve, you’ve blown me away!!
  • I love the animation and the sensations the little dragon is experiencing is perfectly reflected in the song you choose
  • @DaMoomin
    AHHH WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN- There's literally so much to love about this I struggle to put it into words BUT I'M GONNA DO IT ANYWAYS- The entire thing oozes with the hard work you've put into it for the past few months, I still remember seeing one of the first storyboards and HOLY HELL I HAD NO IDEA WHAT WAS COMING. The animation's fluidity is stellar, I would even go as far to say that it's on a really REALLY proffessional level, the compositions, the dynamic movements, alingment with the music, just, everything fits so well and creates such an impeccable experience that I honestly can's stop but watch in awe! You honestly outdid yourself hon, and I'm so proud of you by taking this leap and finishing such a lenghty project, it was worth every minute!
  • @Kelsifer
    This is an amazing short film!! The animation is so fluid, and I love the storytelling! Awesome work!
  • I love your dragon character designs! Their movements remind me of the lions in Disney's Lion King and each design looks like an individual.
  • @MiffedGreyCat
    WOOW! JUST WOW!! I Love this so much and I love the characters and the colors and the cute little story and everything! Well done, I love this so much!!!
  • @cloroxart
    I love how crisp your animations are! I love the scene where the bird helps them out, super sick!
  • @Mariiilume
    HOLLLYYY MOLY this is ABSOLUTELY STUNNING!! THE CHARACTER DESIGNS ARE SO PRETTY AND APPEALING TO THE EYE AND YOU WENT ABOVE AND BEYOND WITH THE ANIMATION, the fluid movements WOAHHHHH! The flipping in the air and the diffrrent angles?! THIS IS BREATH TAKING, my eyes have been blessed! Thank you for showing us all such an amazing PEICE of art!
  • @moontuft
    This is absolutely gorgeous! The emotions, backgrounds, animation, characters and story are just absolute perfection! And the fact you did this in flipaclip is incredibly impressive!
  • I don’t think I’ve ever felt so overwhelmingly blown away by an animated project!! The fact that you did this all in flipaclip is absolutely astonishing. Incredible work!!! ❤❤
  • @PeterDarker92
    Y’all make this app look like a PRO app man. This is amazing
  • @TypePhantom
    I'm not gonna lie, this is just jaw droppingly beautiful! I clicked on this video expecting some parts to be still frames but boy was I wrong !! I can't even imagine the bucketload of effort and time you must've put into this... the quality is throughout and the movements are so smooth. Hope to see lots more from you!
  • @Janyroux
    THIS LOOKS SOSOSOSOS SO GOOD!!!! 💖💖 Is amazing how everything moves and the emotion and how the rhythm of the song goes along really good with the timing of the characters!! You did a really good job!!
  • @the_dogfish
  • This is going to blow up just wait and see!! I love the story it tells and the fluent animation is beautiful I have always adored your animations but this...this is BEAUTIFUL!
  • @elknspire
    LITERAL GOOSEBUMPS!!! I really really loved the character designs and how unique each dragon was!
  • @baronexists