"A Frozen Heart from the Suicide Pit" Glitchazoid plays Super Metroid, part 3

Published 2022-07-13
So about the title, I had to try to censor it a little as the H bad word was the first thing thought for the title, but it had to be serious and dangerous, so Suicide Pit was used as no normal person would ever go deep into Norfair and would be counted as Suicide if they did, but Samus, she's no normy.

Glitchazoid has made his way into the depths of Zebes, into the volcanic caverns that are called "NORFAIR", the hideaway of Ridley, but this place is loaded with Locked Doors, Body Melting Temperatures, Actual Lava, and Loads of Tough Enemies, can he actually find his way through these treacherous caverns and find his target, or will he go mad from the chaos, let's find out!

Chapters (Please note that some of theses chapters were named like we're doing mission, it's our current goal)

0:00:00 Intro
0:04:56 Find Kraid's Den
0:13:18 the young Kraid room
0:20:28 VS KRAID!
0:34:28 Varia Suit Obtained
0:39:53 Explore Norfair, and try to find Ridley's Hideaway
1:15:55 Ice Beam found
1:25:50 Climb the tower of Invinca-Turtles and continue through Brinstar
1:33:03 Wai- What! POWER BOMBS ALREADY!?
1:35:55 I just reseted my data like a idiot (it's not that far but still)
1:37:15 Found my Power Bombs again
1:38:43 End

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