Subclinical Magnesium Deficiency: Brain Health and Beyond

Published 2019-02-01
Bassem El-Khodor, PhD, discusses magnesium, "the forgotten nutrient," and why it's so important. He goes through the reasoning behind the deficiency, the different types of deficiencies, and how this links to our biochemical processes. Dr. El-Khodor also addresses ways to test for low magnesium and steps to reverse the deficiency.
Additional Reading:
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All Comments (21)
  • @ericm13456
    This is freaking fascinating. Internet is a place for a lot of toxicity but man, free access information like this might make it worth it.
  • @123Coffs
    I was having heart palpitations for weeks. I had been on a “fitness health kick” so I was eating healthy whole foods, but reduced calories. I was also working out hard every day with weights, cardio and a steam room session, so sweating a lot daily. I thought I had a serious heart issue! After a little research, I started taking a magnesium supplement - my heart palpitations stopped the following day! Magnesium has a big effect on heart rhythm
  • I've had worsening dysphagia since the age of 10. I'm 38 now and this year I couldn't swallow anything without chasing it with water or some other drink. I started taking a magnesium bis glycinate drink last week. Dysphagia cleared up the next day. I can easily swallow my food. A MIRACLE after a lifes worth of near choking to death moments.
  • 30 - 40 yrs ago the Australian Broadcasting Commission did a program on the town that couldn't keep it's doctors. The towns residents generally gardened their own vegetables. The soil was very high in Magnesium. The doctors were interviewed, and were able to testify that all the general reasons for going to the doctor were absent..
  • @kl8786
    The most informative video on magnesium on Youtube. All science based and no nonsense. Thanks Dr.El-Khodor. Amazing introduction.
  • @lj32920
    I am grateful that you went through the difficult years necessary to learn all this, and the patience to teach it to others.
  • I am thankful for this video having been posted to my phone. It solidified my concept on the importance of Magnesium in our diet. I had suffered a lot of severe cramps in my thighs so devastating I felt one day it will trigger a heart attack therefore I put my thinking cap on about the physiology of muscle contraction, which among other dietary & micro mineral elements relies on Calcium & Magnesium. The moment I put myself on Magnesium Supplement as far back as the 80s, I was free from these severe cramps & irregular heart beats. To everyone out there, take this lecture as an important message to protect you from serious ill health. Prevention is better than cure.
  • @RK-su4hs
    Deficiency is primarily due to the milling of grains. Minerals lie in the outer layers of the grain that is removed Indigenous peoples for eons have used corn as a staple in the diet. American Indians, Latin people’s (formerly Incaz) Indian and middle Eastern Take foods rich in magnesium part of diet Yellow vegetables ,pumpkins, butternut squash, The body functions by constant contraction and relaxation Calcium causes contractions Magnesium causes relaxation
  • One of the Most Finest Lectures. This explained so many questions most doctors missed and never bothered to understand. Thank you very much. You helped me a lot today.
  • @Kwadobefabrics
    This is truly quite educational. It’s an eye opener. Quite detailed. Thank you 🙏🏽
  • @pjramk
    One of the best lectures on YouTube ever. I thought I knew a lot about magnesium. About 50% of this content was new to me. Thank you for being generous by sharing your knowledge.
  • @gracegwozdz8185
    Excellent presentation. Thank you. As holistic nutritionist I've rarely heard such a thorough scientific report including codependencies and interactions. Great lecture!
  • This is a great presentation- giving the entire story and magnesium's connection to other nutrients. Thank you kindly.
  • There are clinical symptoms of magnesium deficiency. Anxiety and the problem of the brain not to stop thinking, not allowing people to fall asleep.
  • @v.annabonac2913
    The best discussion on Magnesium deficiency and what is causing this dangerous condition.Thank you!
  • @TruthinLove33
    Magnesium is critical! Performs 1300 functions in the body. I had heart palpitations and serious gut issues for years. I got on the correct type of magnesium, and my gut issues stopped in one week, my heart palpitations stopped in 24 hours, which shocked me. Plus, I’m resting better at night. I’m so grateful to have learned this!
  • @rp8028
    I found this video to be best one out there on the topic of magnesium, causes of deficiency, its role on the nervous system and ways to supplement if necessary.
  • @ef5842
    I like this lecture. Please do more presentations on Magnesium. Thank you.
  • The medical industrial complex's failure to properly research and diagnose and treat diet and microbiome and sleep and vital nutritional deficiency issues (including those related to Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2 and Magnesium deficiencies as well as iatrogenic prescription medication usage) is a major reason why psychiatric iatrogenesis is a primary contributor to the third leading cause of death in the U.S. (which is iatrogenesis in general). If the U.S. spent just a fraction of the over $40 billion each year it spends just on iatrogenic psychiatric drugs alone, for properly researching the issues discussed in this and related YouTube presentations we would probably, Lord willing, achieve an absolute revolution in medical efficacy improvement and iatrogenesis reduction. Thomas Steven Roth, MBA, MD Christian Minister for Biblical Medical Ethics, and therefore, Scientific and Religious Refugee from the Clinical Practice of Psychiatric Standards of Care