Breath of the Wild [Main Theme] - The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild

Published 2022-04-07

All Comments (21)
  • Although I love the energetic theme for Tears of the Kingdom, there’s something about Breath of the Wild’s theme that still invokes a feeling of sweet sorrow 6 years later; that’s a powerful theme that I had to listen to one last time! Edit: I recently started listening to BOTW’s music (and this theme) again while studying
  • 3 days till TOTK drops and this theme still gets me emotional 6 years later...
  • @Linktheboii
    People bash on botw for having a lackluster music track but they really haven't sat down and listend to this theme. This song has that bittersweet sorrow that brings forth a ton of emotion.
  • Yes! The real version! The cut is everything in this piece imo.
  • you can always feel the underlying sadness and grief from the loss they endured in all of these botw songs and its such a masterful work of art
  • @Fluffieluke
    0:36 I don't really hear anyone talking about this shimmer, I can imagine link pulling out the master sword, about to conquer hyrule castle, and that shimmer is him sheathing his sword.
  • @Cxfgjallshalf
    I remember it like it was yesterday. Christmas Morning. Seventh Grade. My parents got me a switch and one game to start. Breath of the Wild. I only thought one thing. Zelda was for nerds. I hated nerds. My dad took me down to the basement to help set it up and sat with me for the first 3 hours of playing. He used to play Zelda as a kid and his eyes were just as big as mine. Running out and seeing all of Hyrule for that first time out of the Spring, with this music, changed my life forever. It will forever live rent free in my head, and one of the reasons I proudly call myself a Zelda Nerd.
  • @WingsofWolfe
    Whenever I hear this theme I remember starting on the great plateau. I remember learning the controls and the basic abilities in the game. I remember my first guardian encounter. I remember the best moments in my playthrough. I remember seeing Kass for the first time :’)
  • @RyneMcKinney
    This music is nostalgic now... TOTK did the impossible. Improve upon BOTW which was already perfect. But I will always hold BOTW in my heart.
  • @BurningKnight
    It truly is a wonder that even after all these years, with tears of the kingdom on the horizon, this melody still imbues me with the same feeling walking out of the shrine of resurrection did all those years ago. Thank you.
  • @dudical111
    Thank you so much for keeping the cut, no one realizes it's intentional! It represents when Link is knocked unconscious and the time that is lost during his recovery in the Shrine of Resurrection.
  • @Madeh_G
    This song makes me feel that we are too small for the giant world of BOTW. Because it's the biggest, most amazing and most interactive map in the whole series and compared to that I feel like I have a giant world to explore and look for every little secret or reference to other games... My favorite game is amazing this world of Zelda I look forward to TOTK
  • @checo8383
    people dont understand how amazing botw story was it had stable grounds that support the main story and the villian unlike other games it made the villian a force of nature. with a human you have to design a personality and a reason of why their evil when the villian is a force of nature you are relieved of the struggles of making a human villian
  • @d_00
    Such an incredible music! I can't believe that much can be done with just notes...
  • @xecrus247
    Courage need not be remembered for it is never forgotten -zelda 2017
  • The cut always makes me feel reborn I get chills through my whole body as I feel a new me come from a shell now broken and I feel calm and peaceful I love it with all my heart
  • I love how rich and grand yet sorrowful it sounds. Perfect encapsulation of the world.