Before You Call Someone Toxic, Watch This. | Mel Robbins

Published 2020-09-09
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It seems like every other post on Instagram these days is about ridding your life of toxic people. That’s easy to do with some stranger online, it’s not so simple to unfriend someone in real life. And before you are tempted to, watch this video.

It’s easy to call someone toxic. But it’s not the person who's toxic, it’s their BEHAVIOR that’s toxic. Just hear me out
 Everyone has negative qualities. And everyone is capable of acting in ways that are toxic to other people. And here’s the kicker: Most of us don’t know when we’re acting toxic because NO ONE TELLS US. That’s why we keep doing it.

What makes another person’s behavior toxic is when it crosses YOUR boundary. That’s why someone who is acting toxic is an amazing teacher. Their behavior triggers YOU. If they are your friend or your family member, it’s your responsibility to say something. If you just keep ignoring them, staying silent, or ghost them - because that’s easier - guess who’s now acting toxic too

The next time you are triggered, it is an opportunity for YOU to grow.

Step #1: Notice that their behavior crossed YOUR boundary.
Step #2: Say something! Don’t point to their behavior, explain YOUR boundary.

Something like, “I feel used when you borrow my stuff without asking.” “I am not comfortable talking politics with you.” “My weight (my love life, my job, my race, my sexuality, my finances) is not something I am willing to discuss with you.” Focus on your boundary.

Step #3: Go deeper - What triggers you exactly and what are you making it mean about YOU? Maybe there’s something that you need to heal? Maybe there’s a pattern of thinking that you need to update?

You’re going to bump into a lot of jerks in your life that don’t bother you at all. So if you’re triggered, it is trying to teach you something. What happens to the friendship is beside the point. It says more about you, your growth, and who you are as a friend by choosing to check in with yourself and them, before you unfriend.

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All Comments (21)
  • @vikingshark2634
    "Toxic" is starting to lose it's meaning. When I hear someone talking about "toxic" people these days, they're probably talking about people who have different opinions, make different life choices, or hold them accountable for their actions and their statements.
  • The importance of self reflection in difficult relationships is important, but not all situations can have a happy ending.
  • @jcr-studios
    Have to be careful with this one bc everyone’s situation is different. Being “annoyed“ is one thing but flat out and repeated betrayal and smack talk behind ones back is another thing again. THAT is toxic.
  • @iamrachelgully
    I cut ties with my mother 10 years ago. She is toxic, manipulating and has narcissistic tendencies. It was completely the right decision for me with regards to my own mental health.
  • And sometimes, you DO have to unfriend in real life when you DO point out the behavior and they keep doing it. My peace is way more important than a friend who does not respect the friendship after trying to communicate with them.
  • @rudig5698
    I feel like we shouldn’t only talk about how to deal with „toxic“ people but we should also look at ourselves and try to be less toxic because it isn’t always the other person, sometimes we are the toxic one.
  • @JL-sw3sb
    I stopped talking to my sisters and brothers for more than 10 years because they were not my friends but constantly lord over me and told me how I don’t mount up to anything. During the years alone I felt so happy and improved myself. Now we talked again and they realised how much I have transformed and they respect me. Sometimes we just have to walk away.
  • Generally people become toxic when they didn't get what they expect from people......
  • @maxmatte7649
    Sometimes cutting someone out is the best way. A sad reality, however I always try to self-reflect on my own behaviors to see what I’m doing wrong. Sometimes ur biggest mistake is tolerating toxicity. I know it was for me.
  • @kemoblunsky3794
    Don’t stay where you are not wanted in the name of you don’t want to be alone,being in the circle of toxic people can be killing you gradually
  • @Talkinglife
    People that you spend time with will surely make or break you...
  • @yvonneb2
    However, if you never get anything back it's time to let go.
  • @jasmin5753
    This message could be dangerous advice to someone who is being manipulated and abused in a relationship. Someone being abused usually isn't aware they are. They usually carry the blame and shame of the relationship's troubles. They are confused and vulnerable. Encouraging them to fight further for the relationship or to "self reflect"..only keeps them in the cycle of the abuse.
  • @JadeTrading
    This pandemic changed my life. I lost my job, I was lost, then I started this YouTube channel and I'm slowly growing. And it totally changed my life already. If you're watching this, you'll get there at the top one day. Don't give up.
  • @SheOnEarth
    Sometimes “unfriend” isn’t possible, especially when that person comes in a package with someone you do care about and want to have a relationship with. At that point it’ll come down to minimising their negative impact
  • @amolgotad3713
    My name is Amol, from India. And in my experience, people becomes toxic towards you when 1. You are making progress, going ahead in life, earning more. 2. When you are below them financially at beginning but now going ahead of them. 3. You are not giving attention to them they deserve (because they are self-pity). 4. You are not gossiping with them about other people. 5. You are making new friends. 6. You dont allow them to make fun of you. 7. They never heard about "mind your own business" and your life has become their life now. 8. You are not picking their calls in 5 seconds (cause you are busy in household work) 9. Their life sucks. 10. And last but not the least, they prefer sugarcoated lie instead of unpleasant truth.
  • @wisdom-for-all
    Everyone we meet in life will either be a Blessing or a Lesson 🖖
  • @Lucypearla
    Wonderful Mel 🙌. The phrase ‘toxic person’ is being branded about constantly these days. It’s too easy to hit the ‘block’ button rather than giving it some thought and turning the attention onto ourselves. I spoke up in a workshop that had booklets labelling people ‘energy vampires’ etc. Friendships are not easy to come by and our friends may be going through hard times and in need of support rather than rejection.
  • @nitadsouza6734
    Omg I've been waiting for someone to address this the right way🙏 the toxicity may not be the other person but a bad situation!
  • @elizabethk3238
    Sometimes, it's just time to let that person go. Disagree with the basic message.