The Most Philosophical Video Game Ever Made

Published 2023-01-04

All Comments (21)
  • @PiEndsWith0
    You know a game is legendary when spoiler warnings are given 24 years after its release
  • @kaspi001
    The only game where you can literally argue someone out of existence.
  • You've made me want to buy and play a 24-years old game which I've never heard of, from a genre I never played and that bears almost no mechanics of the kind of games I like. Thank you, I'm adding Planescape: Torment to my wishlist immediately
  • @afn42
    The potential of games for communicating philosophy are enormously powerful and I am truly shocked of how unaware the academic community is of this phenomenon :D
  • When you enter a room in Planescape with like 5 ppl in it: "Well, guess it's time for 2hrs of dialogue reading" snaps fingers
  • @Kesyabasturd
    One of the few games that actually made me stop and think about life. I love the themes, the lore, the music, the characters, the spells and the story.
  • @orelyosif5852
    Planescape:Torment helped me get through roughest times. What a great game. Chris Avelone is genius
  • @apocratos0174
    "What can change the nature of a man?" Is still one of the deepest quotes in videogame history in my book.
  • Planescape torment and Disco Elysium are on a league of their own when it comes to video game writing.
    I wish more games were set in this dnd setting, it’s genuinely different and has a lot of possibilities.
  • @Laozi_Sparta
    Planescape Torment is by far my favourite game of all time. I'm surprised that Baldur's Gate series made such a big success as well as OG Fallout series while Torment was and still is kinda niche. I guess this game is a masterpiece, a form of art, that not everyone can relate to or understand hence the modest popularity.
  • This is my first video I've ever watched of yours and I got literal chills at the dialogue near the end of the video. Masterful!
  • @ZaKrakilla
    This, Baldurs Gate and the Fallout 1&2 were the games that turned video games into live worlds for me, they made me fall in love with them, the form of art that can include all arts. I would recommend Disco Elysium and Tyranny for a more recent and amazing ride into the genius of their creators.
  • One thing I've always loved about the original Nameless One's riddle is that Ravel's curse is literally the answer to it. Having someone routinely lose their memories and start a new life, and seeing what happens, is the only way to answer that question. She can't just refuse his request without also never seeing the answer to her question. Perfect "back a genie into a corner" wish.
  • @0p3nh4ym3r
    You are the only content creator that I could not binge. And that is the point. This means I need time to process every video to grasp the complexity of the ideas you put forth in it. Brilliant content, sir!
  • I saw this video and directly went to play the game. It was one of the best experiences I have had playing a video game in a while. The content in this game is out of the charts and the stories and their impact on the character are amazing. I love the way every companion hides some part of the world from you and revealing it not only makes you closer to them but stronger as well. I literally can't think of a complaint with this game and I believe the question posed is one that is truly justified in the end. Loved to meet the side characters who had such great characterizations as well. It surely lives up to the title of the most philosophical game of all time. I would love it if you would cover more topics from the game like the teachings of Zerthimon. Also, ranking the factions would be an amazing video.
  • @EndyHawk
    When I took up DMing, The plane chart in the back of the 5E DMG captivated me. I sought out the original Planescape materials from D&D 2E. It was one of the most enriching journeys I ever took, and immensely broadened my ideas of what game design could engage with.
  • Please please please make series of this game. It’s the first time I even hear about it and I am enchanted by the lore and plot. Always been a fan of adding heavy philosophical content to any form of media and this is a hidden gem we (I) need to know more of! You’ve been Lliked, subscribed, and belled by this guy
  • @finbarshields
    Props for covering such an awesome rich world. We need more games like this!