How Can I Serve You? It's About You - You - You — Yes! Tell Me What You Need . . .

How can I serve you? It's about you, you, you, tell me what you need and Allow the Benefits.Who I am, What I do. I'm a Christian, Spiritual Author & Faith-based Life Transformation Coach. I can, want to, and I am well-equipped to help you Spiritually Prepare and increase your Faith thru Faith-based Life Coaching and the messages in my books and programs.

Some things wrong on this Video - sorry. Much has changed since Publishing.
Book Titles are wrong on this Video. I corrected by Text. Also Not (A) BLINK but just BLINK

We're now on borrowed time for Spiritual Preparation. There is an urgency and a learning curve so truly start stepping up a committment to increase your faith without delay. It's of paramount importance as no other time before.

The 3rd Book of my 3 Book Memoir went to # 1 International Best Seller on June 10/22. Book 2: Forthcoming 2023-24 Final Title: FROZEN TRUTH SLOW THAW —The Tipping Point To God.


1 International Best Selling Author
BLINK TO OBLIVION—IT'S BEGUN: A Spiritual Timeline For Hope
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This Book is Not what you think . . .way beyond that!
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Forthcoming Book Series 1 & 2: DESCRIPTIONS

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Dr. Margaret Paul Ph.D. & Dr. Eric Chopic


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