get off the internet, it's destroying your identity.

Published 2024-05-07
Get off the internet, it's destroying your identity! Two years ago I deleted all social media, and my life has drastically changed. No more endless scrolling, no more oversharing, no more worrying over aesthetics and trends and how to fit in. I've never felt more alive. Here's how it happened...

let's be friends!

tags: social media, instagram, tiktok, delete social media, get off the internet, stan culture, twitter, Pinterest, spotify, 800 days of no social media, i deleted social media, taking my life back, aesthetics, cottage core, clean girl, tomato girl, pinterest board, playlists, gillian laird, stay off the internet, take back your identity, identity issues, self-discovery, healing journey, why you should delete social media, early 20s diaries, vlog, commentary, discussion, chronically online, chronically online girl, fangirl, 2 years of no social media, social media detox

All Comments (21)
  • @PumpkinMozie
    Honestly for me personally YouTube is the social media that takes up the most of my time…
  • @jaerawang
    getting off social media really helped in bettering my mental health
  • i deleted instagram for about 7/8 months reinstalled it the other day and i swear it made me so depressed, life is sm better without social media
  • @ramonamorris
    so glad more people are ending their addiction to social media!
  • @geniesloveme24
    I love when my friends save funny videos for me on social media and we have to watch them together on their phone, in person. Laughing with others is something we miss out on when we just send stuff online instead of getting together
  • @Regina-i2v
    ”When you are sharing things about yourself with people that don’t care about you” hit different
  • The fact that you figured a lot of this out by the age of 22 is WILLLDDD. Good for you. I’m 30 and I think I’m finally grasping this.
  • @adrianagauci4894
    4 and a half months clean now. I have made so many more friends, even went on a mini vacation with them, started going to the gym everyday consistent and realised that I am actually a gym girl, got more confidence, reading what I want and slowly enjoying it and not just going along with what is on social media. Best 4 and a half months as I have ever had.
  • @cevvine2310
    such a breath of fresh air to see an actual human that's free in expressing themselves without the need to confine to any aesthetic. Just simply letting the things you love and the person that you are define you. I cant lie Ive been guilty of trying to fit in with every aesthetic shown to me on the internet and at the end of it, its just capitalism tied with a pretty pink bow on top and it just made me feel empty. Nowadays Ive been truly reflecting on what makes me genuinely happy and what feeds my soul even if its not the most aesthetically pleasing process.
  • @deenyya
    honestly deleting all socials was the best thing i could have done for myself, i definitely agree that it can send you through and identify crisis of sorts because you're consuming so many things of so many different people and it's so exhausting, being completely yourself is so freeing!
  • @meg659
    I'm 40 so I grew up without social media. It's wild to think how much has changed. I use it when I'm bored. Youtube is also social media which isn't talked about much but it's so easy to lose hours to it. That's the thing for me. I've spend so much time watching other people live their lives instead of living my own. And don't even get me started on the amount of money I would have saved if I didn't have the internet in general!
  • @GSauerSi
    I've been off social media (Instagram and Tiktok) for a week now. The reason behind it was to focus more on my studies, since this week I've been having tests everyday; the original plan was to re-install them after this week was finished, but as the end approaches, I found myself not wanting them anymore. I feel very present and grounded, things I rarely felt in the past year of having social media, and overall more focused and less distracted. So I agree with all you've said in this video!
  • @jucityjuice
    " I don't think that just deleting social media is what has helped to ground me and make me happier, i think it's just the things that i have learnt being off of it"- THISSSSS ❤❤❤
  • @tulsiandmogra
    On the topic of slowing down, one new practice I've adopted is taking the time to mull over and reflect on a video I've just watched, in the form of a comment. I started this habit when I realized that I was using Youtube just like I did all other social media apps that I ended up hating and deleting, binge-watching video after video after video. I barely gave my brain and mind the time to digest any of the content I consumed. I had shifted to Youtube in the effort to find and practice slowness, to only realise that that was completely dependent on how I used the service. Plus, it helps the creators that I watched, which is the best unintentional side-effect!
  • I'm so grateful that I'm finding out this at the age of 19, social media is just ruining our lifeeee reallyyy
  • @sophiag8749
    I quit everything (except YouTube) the same day, and like you deleted the accounts. I had 40k followers and when I deleted that, it just felt like a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders. No one is supposed to get that amount of attention (bad or good), it’s not how we are wired! Ever since then I’ve been able to find myself, and my style (not one that fits into a box) and I am so much more fulfilled. I feel lucky, and I look around and realize how everyone is morphing into the same person, because people have soooo much influence. I’m also writing more and found my hobbies again!! For all of you who have quit, I’m proud of you!! And for all of you who are on the fence, just know I’ve never ever had any regrets.
  • @HairByReneeLLC
    42 years old here and have taken so many short breaks from FB. Finally have no desire to get back on whatsoever. This totally resonates, thank you!!
  • @SydneyCoast
    It’s honestly just all about what a person can handle personally bc your “life with no social media” is how my life looks with social media.. at the end of the day it’s simply about balance !!