Dreams of Dalí: a virtual reality experience

Published 2016-01-15
Go inside and beyond Dalí’s painting Archeological Reminiscence of Millet’s Angelus and explore the world of the surrealist master like never before. Experience Dreams of Dalí in the special exhibit Disney & Dalí: Architects of the Imagination at The Dalí Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida, or at dreamsofdali.org. Opens January 23, 2016.

WHERE IS MY MIND performed by Maxence Cyrin from the album “Novo Piano”, courtesy of Kwaidan Records.

All Comments (21)
  • @EmoryCraig
    This could be amazing - and when you think about it, Virtual Reality has the potential to give us an entirely new experience of art works.
  • Сальвадор Дали ,,Археологический отголосок,,Анжелюса"Милле из всех его произведений мне нравится больше всего!!!маму увлекла моя любовь к этой картине и она подарила мне ее на юбилей!!! так приятно оторваться от реальности и погрузиться полностью в воображение ВЕЛИКОГО сюрреалиста!!! СПАСИБО 3d разработчикам за увлекательное путешествие!!!😘
  • @KaiDetmers
    That is just touching. Awesome work. That is true art.
  • @tacianomm
    For the ones crazy to see it, just search for "Dreams of Dalí: 360º Video". You can even see it in 360 using your phone!
  • @MithulMt
    VR is the new technology which helps the artist and also the spectator to explore more.We can see the world already started to explore the scope of this New field.
  • @DadaClaire
    Thank you. Thank you soooo much. Now all my deepest fantasies are real! <3
  • @Popisms
    Here's the song: https://www.popisms.com/Song/34266/Where-Is-My-Mind-by-Maxence-Cyrin.aspx The music in the Dreams of Dali video is by #MaxenceCyrin (#Pixies cover)
  • Очень заманчиво.Кто подскажет кто исполняет мелодия.Жду ответа...
  • Reckon how world looked like when Dali painted that, and how mind blowing it was back then, and how NOT mind blowing is this video/graphics technology nowdays.
  • @25Dicher