Rivers crisis: These Issues Are Bringing Calamitous End For Nigeria - Obahiagbo PT1

Published 2013-07-27
Patrick Obahiagbo, Chief of Staff to the Edo State Governor featured on Sunrise one of the Guests to discuss State of the Nation on Channels TV with Kayode Akintemi and Adesewa Josh anchoring the show.

All Comments (21)
  • @MrInterstellar
    Round of applause to the people sitting with him for keeping a straight face and not laughing lol
  • May 29th 2023. I’m still here 😂 This man’s English should never be forgotten. His efforts to learn these grammars should never be in vain, we must listen forever!😅😂😂
  • @nicolam4513
    Whenever I feel smarter than the average person, I come back here and I am humbled.
  • I borrowed some of his political language in my english essay my teacher did not mark it
  • @mbrysnader
    How can one remain so calm after saying "crincum cramcum" in a serious interview 😅
  • @orugbanieli1893
    This man is a legend; bombastic most of the time, but if you ever want to hear some obscure and grandiloquent words in speech, then, he is one who, unapologetically, expresses with an admirable sobriety and profundity in a manner that always leaves his interlocutors risibly amused but obfuscated. His pronunciations are mostly on a tangent, but, nevertheless, still a spectacle to watch. I, therefore, leave the transcript here for your perusal; “for this is my humble logomachy, and the logomachy that I have made without logopartia” — if you know, you know Transcript Let me say prestissmo, that is: “as quickly as possible,” that the political Crinkum-crankum or if you like, the political higi-haga that has enveloped the politics of Rivers State for a period of eye-on-now, has all the trappings of an odoriferous saga cum gargantuan gaga . And I am maniacally bewildered that this flashpoint is of no serious concern to the commander in chief of the Federal republic of Nigeria. This is because all the flashpoints of war that has snowballed and transmogrified into bringing about a calamitous end for Nigeria always have their terminus a quo , their source of origin that is, either in one state or in one region. For me, as far as I’m concerned, I can see the ship of the Nigerian state hovering around the political Bermuda triangle, and if we don’t take very urgent and responsible steps to meander the interstices of eschew-able cataracts, landmines, waterfronts, icebergs and oxbow lakes, the ship of the Nigerian state has all the capacities and possibilities of berthing in a disastrous and pestilential aqua of a terminus ad quem . Let me say, let me say, that my critical history and historiography of the study of the war of attrition and belligerency in Rivers state did not commence with the Obio-Akpor [ the largest Local Government Area in Rivers state ] political tendency. It commenced, strictly speaking, with the suspicion that some power centres that governor Rotimi Amaechi nurses an ambition for the vice presidency of this country Oh, it’s very crystal clear like the biblical " teke teke mene upharsin " ! [ ref: Daniel 5:8 ] It’s audible to the deaf and visible to the blind and any case, no less a political personage than the president of the Federal republic of Nigeria, President Jonathan have been heard to have confirm that … we read that in the papers that 2015 is the fons et origo of this crisis is the fons et origo of the political tension and he urged political dramatis personae to put their sheathes in their swords [‘… to sheathe their swords,’ he probably meant ] that 2015 is still far away. But if you look at the totality of the crisis in Rivers state just now, it leaves me with just two conclusions: 1. That 2015 is inherently laden with a political and democratic ‘ Thalidomide :’ stillborn, stillbirth! 2. Whereas some social scientists, like myself, have gone to town for donkey years now saying that what we have is not a democracy but what we have is civilian rule but by recent events I’m even tempted to say no no no no no no no no, Nigeria is neither witnessing civilian rule nor is Nigeria witnessing even democracy. What we have at best is a form of government I call ‘kakistomoboplutocracy’ [ most likely an eclectic hybrid of kakistocracy, mobocracy and plutocracy ] and that is bad for the nation. Is it within the Obio-Akpor context, or is it within the NGF election contest; where sixteen persons are more than nineteen persons? If we think the microscopic ceramics and cadence of thirty-six governors who are supposed to be suzerains of democratic ethics and ethos in their respective terra firmas , you cannot adjudge democratic scores …
  • @gyaldemgizzada
    This dude said everything and Nothing at the same time 🤣
  • @hoyelaja
    how are these guys not laughing, they are so professional lmao
  • @kmeksotuya
    Who is still watching and enjoying this in 2021😂🤣😂🤣
  • When he said "kakistomoboplutocracy" I heard a loud relieving breathing sound in the studio by one of the interviewers
  • @omogaju
    How does he talk to his wife or kids? " my gagarifouras partner, let us go to our abode and copulate... " or something like that
  • @Okwash1
    I cannot sit on that bench with a straight face without bursting into laughter🤣🤣🤣. One love from Kenya.
  • That lady that is pretending to understand him is a good actress 😂😂🤣🤣😂
  • @_obianuju
    I'm sure he's making a great point but no one will listen if they don't understand.