Published 2020-04-27
Hey everyone! Grab some popcorn...this is a long one! I'm so excited to finally share my birth story! I still can't believe this is my story, but I love it and I'm so thankful we are both doing well now! Leave any questions below! I cut out so much of this video since it was already getting super long, but would definitely do a part 2 and share more details if anyone's interested! Have an amazing week! :) -Cara

"And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might." -Deuteronomy 6:5

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Instagram: carajaneyt
Ace’s instagram: ace.thegoldendoodle
Spotify: Cara Jane
Pinterest: Cara Jane

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All Comments (21)
  • @cjsews
    Exactly 40 years ago I went to doc for reg 7 month checkup, feeling bloated, but fine, I had gained a lot, urine test and he told me I had PreEcclampsia and that the baby had to be delivered in 24 hours or I would die! Sent to hospital, they immediately induced labor, and I did have a vaginal birth 12 hours later...I was in intensive care, unconscious for 3 days...I almost died. Your husband is amazing! Your care was intense, certainly better 40 years later. Two years later, normal pregnancy and I suddenly went into labor after my husband made me so upset with his cruelty (mental cruelty, not physical). No return of PreEcclampsia, just a labor that would not stop. My two sons weighed 3 lbs 10 oz, and 3 lbs 9 oz. I got a divorce and got married to a good man. Both sons are grown today, fathers themselves, and amazing they are!
  • It's been 10 years since my son was born at 29 weeks, and when you said "what are they waiting for" I burst into tears because I still remember that feeling like it was yesterday. My story is literally identical to yours, just a few weeks earlier. Went in for routine 28 week appointment. My husband actually happened to come with me that day, opposite of yours, and when the nurse left the room I remember without saying "blood pressure is great" like she always did, telling him "I'm not worried about it, I'm sure it's fine" and just then, my doctor came in and said "well I'm worried about it, you've earned yourself a trip up to labor and delivery" No one told me I was staying either. I finally asked when they thought I'd go home and the nurse said "oh honey you aren't going anywhere until the baby is born" My back hurting was my symptom of HELLP syndrome. Three days later, by night time I was so sick. By three in the morning I remember thinking "I don't know if I can beg for a C-section but this has to stop or I'm going to die". They finally came in at 4:00 and said they were going to discuss whether they could induce me or would need to do a C-section. I couldn't barely talk at this point, but in my head I was screaming "are you kidding me??? You can't induce me, I can't even think straight, do the C-section NOW". My dad was there and I just kept repeating "I can't" over and over looking at him. He looked so helpless. They finally came in at 5:00 and said they were doing the C-section, I barely scratched out my signature on the page, I know it wasn't legible. I remember when they put in the spinal block, it felt like heaven because I felt better for the first time I'm three days. I remember my husband calling my mom and saying "it's a boy" and then I don't hardly remember anything else until a day later when the nurse asked if I needed anything and I said "my baby, I need to see my baby". 10 years goes fast. Take in every second!
  • @zuney5268
    Same thing happened to me. I nearly died through the process. Yes, you feel fine that's why they call it a silent killer. Unfortunately my baby was not deemed legally viable at 23+ weeks so he passed away. That was 10 years ago. I am currently 25 weeks and 4 days pregnant with another baby boy. Finally able to enjoy this pregnancy because I've passed the first milestone. (he is viable now so if anything should happen they will assist baby medically). Everything is going smoothly. God is good❤️
  • @Bethmarie44
    Hiccups! I’m an RN so wanted to shed light on some stuff ❤️ The blood pressure cuff has to get right enough to cut off blood supply to get a reading. So it was really tight because your blood pressure was so high. The blood pressure medication they gave you along with the magnesium was more than likely labetalol. The betamethasone is a steroid to develop babies lungs quickly. The reason everything is so foggy and you don’t remember much is also from the magnesium. It makes you really fuzzy and so slow. It’s called Mag-drag. I had a similar birth experience.. so glad you and Quinn are doing good. She is beautiful
  • Similar story! Except I was only 23weeks & 2days pregnant. I was extremely swollen, called the doctor and they told me to come in and get checked. My blood pressure was very high and they told me to drive myself to the hospital right way (I know, I’m mad about that now). When I got to the hospital my blood pressure was 211/112. After 2days on magnesium solfate and blood pressure medicine I had to have an emergency c-section. My baby girl Reagan was born only weighing 14.1oz. Thankfully today she is 13 days old and officially weighs 1 pound 🙏🏻 We pray everyday that she continues to do well.
  • Stayed till the end! Had to hear the whole story. I love birth stories but yours is one of the most unique ones I’ve heard! So glad you both are okay. 💗
  • @deborahyee2253
    hiccups!! you guys are so down to earth and a great way! Your vlog is very informative and great to share. I am so relieved to hear your recovery went well! What an ordeal! Another great thing I have observed about you Cara and Eric is that both of you seem very chill and relaxed and pretty calm which helps ALOT. I know it wasn't that way when you were experiencing the stomach pains and needles, but you dealt with it all like a champ!
  • I first found your channel because of your puppy, Ace. I have now grown to love y’all and you guys are such a sweet family. Literally goals!
  • @karenl6246
    This was literally my birth story just a few months ago. Thank you so much for sharing. I resonated with so many parts of your experience and hearing your story helped normalize my own and bring some validation to what we went through. My daughter was born at 34 weeks at 4 pounds 4 ounces. I had severe preeclampsia and felt totally fine other than some blinking spots in my vision. I went in just to check my blood pressure and thought we’d be going home that night. She was born just a few hours later because my BP was climbing and I wasn’t responding to the meds. I also had protein in my urine. We spent 9 days in the NICU. Whew 😅 it was a rollercoaster but we’re all doing well now praise God.
  • @AlexaPaige
    wow it’s so crazy to actually hear how it all happened & how crazy it all was. i’m so happy you and baby were okay! you are SO tough! 💕
  • @rojiroco
    Just went through what you did last week with my first child/daughter, it also started as a normal. But, I went through it twice cause I had another pre-eclampsia scare a couple months ago, also happened during a routine check up, the first time is when I got the betamethasone shot. I absolutely dreaded the magnesium drip, having to go through it twice was awful lol. But I did like the little leg squeezer things that they put on me, it felt like a constant massage. But, I was scheduled to be induced at 37+5 weeks, however, I ended up being induced at 36+1. The induction failed and ended up getting a C-Section. This pregnancy was filled with so many unexpectancies, but God is good, cause my baby was safely born and very healthy. So happy to have found your channel. Currently binging all your videos lol.
  • @mnmom723
    Hiccup! 🥰 You poor thing! I’ve never have pre eclampsia but I have had HELP syndrome and I’m so thankful to God that you survived this! Praise God! Congrats on your beautiful miracle baby Quinn! 💕
  • @hayleighkuz
    The intro is SOOOOO AESTHETIC!!! Quinn is sooooooo beautiful, just like you! I loveee your sweater soooo much! You are such a STRONG woman, and I’m so happy for you and Eric!! 💖 Hope you and your family are healthy and safe!! 😊
  • @jjmushrush
    Hiccups! Loved hearing your story and love you two together, you are a beautiful team/family. I had my 37 weeks appointment thinking all was well too and from there I was admitted and induced and delivered my baby at 1am. He was fine and more ready than I was! I also had no clue about anything that was happening. Now I’m almost 27 weeks and constantly monitoring my BP seeing it be okay, then spike. I’m drinking dandelion tea and it’s bringing it down. Praying I can deliver a full term baby at home. Pray for me. Due May 27th 2022 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼
  • I had pre eclampsia with my first born and was very blessed I and our son survived. I'm so glad you both are healthy!
  • @avapalumbo6035
    I’m so in love with this channel and your family!! I wish the best for all of you❤️
  • @MrKmariah
    What a crazy story! Scary how fast it all happened. Glad you and baby are safe! Thanks for sharing ♥️
  • @nashlee1349
    I LOVED watching this video! You are so brave and strong for having to go through this! Quinn has an awesome mama and she is so lucky! you are so pretty!!
  • @Sabouma28
    "it's just high bloodpressure".... even when you are not pregnant it can be very dangerous to have such a thing...
  • @brynnstits5373
    Hey Cara! I never comment on videos but just had to reach out to you…I had the same exact thing happen to me! Completely normal pregnancy (no high blood pressure or even “normal” pregnancy symptoms like you mentioned in the beginning). At 35 weeks, I went in for my normal check up and my blood pressure was raised. Again, just like you, I had no other preeclampsia symptoms. My doctor sent me to the hospital that day and I ended up getting induced and having my son about 28 hours later. What a whirlwind of emotions. He ended up staying in the NICU for 2 weeks. Thank god he’s okay and it looks like Quinn is doing great as well! So happy you’re both okay and thanks for sharing your story 💕