Published 2022-07-07

All Comments (21)
  • When Saitama said “he can go all out” he never meant full power, he just meant all out as in not having to worry about destroying earth anymore.
  • Fun fact: the Serious Table Flip move Saitama did in this chapter was also done in the original webcomic by One. However, it was done on Earth and small scale. The plot was pretty simple in the original. I really appreciate the level of insanity they’re doing here.
  • @TheBmb-ki8gj
    When Saitama is standing in front of Jupiter, the swirls behind him look like their making his own aura, similar to Garou’s but much larger, further emphasising the difference in strength.
  • The fact that Saitama was using one hand while the other holding Genos core during the fight is insane. This means he's so concentrate to not destroy Genos core while fighting Garou.
  • @Dusxio
    That Table Flip is honestly terrifying. This is what a man who no longer has to worry about those also living in the world of cardboard can do.
  • @lonewolffang
    If anyone was wondering or even shocked at how strong Saitama is, remember he punched a hole through Sea King, stopped the sky from raining, and split clouds. Him scaring Blast with his power is not surprising to me.
  • @Fut_re
    What I want to note is how Saitama goes "Even I can do something like that", implying that he doesn't see himself (and the ability to attack in every single direction simultaneously) as all that impressive. It really juxtaposes Saitama's worldview for the first time in our eyes because to him, he's not a real hero. Unlike all of the fallen, beaten, unconscious heroes who stood in the way of the Monster Association at risk of their lives, he's just some guy with no instinct. This is one of the few moments where we're properly capable of exploring just how Saitama thinks beyond his overwhelming apathy. He doesn't see himself as that impressive, because even with all of his strength he still wasn't able to save someone he cherishes because he's always too late.
  • @peanuts2354
    To actually destroy all those stars, and not have light come back, is possible.His punches might have created antimatter and this theory also explains how saitama was able to grab the hyperspace doors
  • @daikon3199
    Something cool that someone pointed out to me is, in the background where Saitama stands above Garou, Jupiter could be interpreted as saitama's overwhelming aura. I thought I'd let you guys in on this perspective as well.
  • If you think about it, considering light is a photon, the massive amount of energy may have destroyed all the incoming photon, instead of the implied destruction of all the stars in that direction.
  • What stood out weirdly to me is the eye of jupiter, if taken literally as an "eye", this could be a stretch, but at 10:02 i think it is expressing joy as garou throws punches at saitama and at 10:33 it seems incredibly surprised at how saitama wrecks the moon
  • @extre_ME
    No way this man can say that he's going all out while using one hand to fight also protecting the thing in his other hand and also while not allowing himself to kill garou
  • @JayDen-ek3ml
    This has to be one of the best if not the best action/ battle sequence I've ever seen. From build up to art this is a masterpiece. The visuals, attacks and Serious Punch², and especially Saitama's bloodlust were badass. Saitama grabbing a portal was probably one of the coolest things. This was a fantastic chapter
  • @harun776
    In 10 years the animators have quite a challenge animating this arc hopefully animation technology keeps up with this masterpiece
  • @shujiyuki
    "One Punch Man" getting a whole new meaning; one hand for fighting, the other to protect what's left of his friend. This is pure genius writting.
  • @LordProteus
    I don't normally theorycraft, but I suspect that Metal Knight is a member of Blast's team, acting as their Scientist. He may have retrieved Boros's body and revived him so they could recruit him in the fight against God.
  • @zachzimmer7459
    I think Saitama’s true power is Will Power. Forcing his Will against Reality itself and coming out on top. Granting him the Strength he’s always desired and doing ridiculous Physic breaking things.
  • Honestly the fact he took several serious punches and didn't even seem that hurt he is so much stronger than everyone else at this point
  • @jackvalior
    4:20 It is, if following physic, more likely, that the punch delivered a shockwave of power extensive to the level of photons, pushing and maybe erasing all light in the path of the punch. The light travelling from those stars and likely galaxies actually, are extinguished here. If and when that blast reach the stars, the too will likely be annihilated. To visualize it, think of light as a stream of water toward you and Saitama just punched that stream away, leaving nothing but darkness.
  • @sycho-tech5104
    This is gunna end with Garou hitting the same Power wall as Shenron. He can copy anything, and while his power is truly immense, it is still limited. He can only copy power to the limit of the power that was given to him.