How Long Can You Survive a Bag of Holding? (D&D Science)

Publicado 2020-10-02

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @kylehill
    Thanks for watching Traveler. Note: Yes I know the objects in the bag would take up volume, but in this specific case, the avg. volume of a human is negligible compared to the 64ft3 of the bag's capacity.
  • @Deathcomes2all
    Dad: raising a family is hard. Necromancer: not if they're buried close enough to each other. Dad: what? Necromancer: what?
  • @bluebat4862
    I love the “I’ve totally played dnd” energy here
  • @CrownRock1
    10:25 "Definitely not a guy and a place I just made up." Kyle, you've just figured out how to DM and you don't even realize it.
  • @nashhartley3675
    I audibly gasped when Kyle said he’s never played D&D. Biggest plot twist of the year.
  • The “I definitely didn’t just make up that person and place” is the most genuine D&D thing in this video.
  • @tiberseptim8330
    Kyle: "I have never played a game of dungeons and dragons" Also Kyle: Looks like every d&d character I have ever made
  • @bobdole4916
    The problem with these calculations is that they assume the bag's volume is a constant. It's not. The whole point of the bag is that it can hold that huge volume of stuff, but you can always reach whatever you want right at the mouth of the bag. It's better to think of the bag as an elastic space that has a maximum stretch of 1.8m^3, which is why you run out of air so quick if you hide inside one - the bag will only accommodate your size space and not much else, so it's more akin to being in a tight coffin than a huge room.
  • @beretperson
    Step One: turn subject into a small air-breathinv animal. Step Two: cast water breathing on the animal. This does not create gills, but makes you magically able to breath underwater. Step Three: place small animal in sealed container filled with water. Step Four: place container in Bag of Holding. This was how we got around this when in a pinch.
  • @iam3gion204
    Kyle: "You appear humanoid to me or maybe even human" Me: Well its not the worst compliment Ive gotten
  • @madbishop5566
    Kyle: "I have never played Dungeos and Dragons" Every Dungeon Master in the chat: "Would you like to?"
  • @im_youknow_marty
    is no one going to mention how banging these braids look on kyle? just magnificent!
  • @cetx
    An easy get-out-of-jail card: It's highly probable that the interior of a bag of holding is not Earth or even Abeir Toril (the canonical planet of D&D 5th Edition). It's a pocket dimension, possibly of its own design or possibly part of another plane with different properties than Earth.
  • @SillyTheKid
    1. The DM Screen - God I wish mine looked like that. 2. "Elf Scientist" - Scientist isn't a class but I'd allow it 3. "Confusingly Grid-Based World" - What is this, 4th Edition? 4. "Dexterity Check [15]" - Personally, I would make this a contested Sleight of Hand check, but a Dexterity check is actually pretty accurate. 5. "Put stuff in it space and then forget about it until you're reminded by your DM a couple weeks later" - Yeah sounds about right. 6. "Your party encounters an absolute gorgeous, talking rectangle" - Sounds like a mysterious obelisk straight outta Chult. Don't touch it. 7. "You appear humanoid to me" - Humanoid is my creature type, so yeah accurate. 8. "Unless you're a Greater Necromancer" - A Greater Necromancer sounds rad af, regular Necromancers as a player class are kinda underwhelming. 9. "Perception Check! [12]" - To dodge a Fireball, you'd actually make a Dexterity Saving Throw, not a Perception check. But, seeing as how it was small, and you didn't take any damage, you would either have to be a Rogue or Monk with Evasion, or it's actually a Firebolt cantrip, in which case the caster makes a spell attack roll against your Armor Class. 10. "Nice try Kevin, you should've speced into Mage dumb-dumb" - No "Mage" class, but Wizard would be the closest. And it is technically possible to "spec" into Wizard if your DM allows Multiclassing. Although, in order to cast spells you'd have to have at least one spellcasting class already leveled at least once. 11. "Now it's time for some math, something board game players know almost nothing about" - While D&D technically isn't a board game, I do play board games, and I also know almost nothing about math, so...accurate for me I guess. 12. "The Goblin King of Red Hollow" - That sounds exactly like something that would be in a D&D game. 13. "Your party encounters, definitely not a supervillain, and Lola, who has like, so much HP, don't even think about it" - Pretty sure I've said almost those exact words as a DM 14. "The oxygen levels in that space will go down, and the carbon dioxide levels will go up, like the amount of body odor at your local game store on game night" - The one thing I don't miss from pre-covid times. 15. "I cast, DISPLAY EQUATION!" - God I wish that were a spell 16. "What were they trying to do, design a game that's playable in real time?" - Yeah haha what losers haha 17. "An item that small wouldn't even hold a frost trolls attention span" - Frost Trolls aren't a thing, at least not in the latest edition, but you said that with enough fake confidence that I believed you for a second. Well done. 18. "The land with grid on it" - What is this, 4th- oh wait I already made that joke 19. "A classic D&D monster like the Reverse Centaur" - A yes, a classic. 20. "A Warrior Squirrel" - Adorable. I want a party full of them. 21. "Questing through the Duke of Barbaria's lands. Definitely not a guy and a place I just made up" - Hey now you're getting it! It's all made up! All of it! Overall, decently accurate, good job!
  • @sweetchilli3069
    I didn’t think you’d never have played, it seems like a perfect fit. Highly recommend sir.
  • 1:24 Players tend to have a character sheet where the inventory is listed. At my table if the item isn't on your list you don't have it, so make sure you write it down. If you would forget about it you could just look it up in the character sheet.
  • @fenixmeaney6170
    It never said "suffocate" It says "expire" Which might imply that the bag just straight up kills you after 10 minutes Also please play the game It's really fun!
  • @TyrackLP
    The way I always understood bags of holding, is that each object you drop in there, creates its own separate space, just as much as It needs, wich all put together cant exceed the limit of the bag. I know thats not exactly supported by the text, but usually with a bag of holding you dont have to worry about the anvil you put in there crushing the carton of eggs and fine china you put in earlier, supporting my interpretation.
  • @BrenInRealLife
    Am I the only one who wants an Adventure book for the Facility? Imagine having to navigate through all the different rooms and fighting some of the creatures we've talked about on this channel. Idk about you guys but a D&D party interacting with the Rocco's Basilisk would be so freaking interesting!