Meatpacking: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Published 2021-02-21
The pandemic has thrown into high relief some of the longstanding issues surrounding working conditions in meatpacking facilities. John Oliver explains why greater oversight is needed, and how we can go about getting it.

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All Comments (21)
  • @caseyb1346
    "we're family" is one of the biggest red flag phrases there is.
  • @angelchama1874
    "If the penalty for a crime is a fine, then that law only exist for the lower class"
  • @adamclarke403
    If you fine them a fraction of a percent, don't be surprised when they give a fraction of a fuck. That is brilliant
  • @mathieup5024
    Reminds me of how Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle” was about workers mistreatment and corruption in meat packing, but consumer takeaway was that the conditions were gross: it caused a push for food health standards more than it did a push for better labour conditions.
  • @yahyafati
    "Surely this is NOT in our country" America is like two different countries: one for the rich, and one for the poor. This reaction shows that perfectly.
  • @sweetlorikeet
    When a company says "We treat our workers as family" what they mean is "We think you should prioritize us above everything else in your life in exchange for the bare minimum and we don't believe you deserve boundaries"
  • @nickreece9361
    I was expecting a soul crushing bit about animals, but got an equally soul crushing bit about factory workers. This show never fails to keep me informed and depressed
  • Just rename this show to: John Oliver: exposing American industry one week at a time
  • @mokvid
    "And If you fine a company a fraction of a percent of their profits, don't be surprised when they carry on only giving a fraction of a fuck about the welfare of their workers." - John Oliver
  • @Gabryal77
    I would not want to be in a knife fight with someone who can process a chicken in 2 seconds
  • @greg6500
    Hewlett Packard called me "family" two weeks before outsourcing all of us to India.
  • @idrabohm3678
    The fact that this show will never run out of material is depressing
  • @frodocruz33
    I find it fascinating how almost every problem starts with "it's controlled by these few companies" in a country that big with over 300 million people.
  • Managers describing their companies like a "family" is the biggest red flag ever.
  • @kapjm9
    John, Your work should be an every high school history and/or sociology class. They might have to bleep out passionate your F bombs, but you’re such a good teacher.
  • @Benhardyfan
    When I drive recklessly and kill a person, I get charged with manslaughter and face a prison sentence. When companies act recklessly and kill a person, no one is convicted of anything and they get a small ass fine.
  • @koo2slick747
    For people who saying immigrant are taking over this country , remember they’re the one working in these factories, where most of the American refuse to work in. I’m myself an immigrant and my mother worked in Tyson for many years dealing with horrible conditions. And No they don’t get pay enough for the job they do.
  • @JRDawihammer
    Not just in the US, Canada has the same issues. Alberta’s meat packing plant was the largest outbreak there too.
  • @zachwilson7838
    As a news producer, the work that Last Week Tonight does is seriously impressive. Not just comedically, but journalistically. These are the things people across America need to know are happening in their back yards.