Pizza delivery drivers, what did a person do to end up on the "No Delivery" list?

Published 2024-06-05
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All Comments (21)
  • I got blacklisted by Dominos because they kept giving me under cooked pizzas (to the point that the dough was literally raw, uncooked, cheese unmelted, toppings cold) and I complained every time. Funny enough, my local Pizza Hut (which is the BEST Pizza Hut I've ever gone to) has me on the priority list because I always leave tips over 50%. I've literally never had a complaint about that Pizza Hut. They even give me those little cheese and pepper shakers for free.
  • @bluecat2991
    It turns out I'm on the no delivery list for almost every restaurant in my area. I just bought the house last year and the old owner was a real jerk. Really racist, and even on the offender registry. I always have to explain this but no one ever believes it until I show up.
  • @sarahheck9831
    We had one area that was crossed out on our map. I never really thought about it but a month or so before I left I asked why. My manager said that a driver got robbed and his car stolen when delivering there. They found the car two days later ON FIRE in a neighboring state. They were moving under the assumption that it was used for trafficking since they set it on fire. They re-listed the area as I left and I heard one of our delivery drivers got robbed. She ended up taking a leave for a week and the day she got back she got robbed AGAIN in the same area by the same people! I was shocked they kept the area listed after the first time.
  • @Iuxinterior
    for the memphis story, as someone who was born there it absolutely was valid for them to avoid that whole section. memphis can be really dangerous in centralized areas, like you’re not in danger EVERYWHERE but your safety immediately decreases when you go to a certain street, neighborhood, park, etc. it’s very sad because there’s a lot keeping it that way that’s out of people’s hands
  • @kathi1245
    not a delivery driver but a driver is banned from our store cos she treats everyone horribly and she just so happened to mess with the wrong employee (me), for context I work for McDonalds. So she used to come round our drive-thru and scream down the mic as soon as she approached (despite being told not to multiple times) and her latte is always "cold" despite it just coming out of the machine (we always put it under just before she got to the window). so I take her order and payment and start taking another order and as I'm taking the other order, she clicks her fingers at me (a big no-no) so I finish taking the other order and turn back to her and she says "I want a hot chocolate." No manners or anything, so as I'm taking her payment she goes to me "You don't like me do you?" and I just told her no and she goes "Well I don't like your face" (This is a middle aged woman) and I just shrug and as she drives away she calls me a twat. She drove down to the next window and told the manager what happened (she told the truth about what happened so that surprised me) and the manager just said "Well why did you ask her if you didn't want the answer", she got her stuff and left but now she's not welcome.
  • @RoronoaSenshi
    The story about the manager with the whitelist reminded me of my time as a delivery driver for a Chinese restaurant. There was this one house that always tipped super well. Thankfully the place I worked, the drivers split the orders pretty well, and we made sure that when that house came up, the one having the worst night with tips got it. Easy 20 bucks
  • Basically the opposite happened to me. A few years ago I was diagnosed with coeliac disease and we order pizza from this one place almost every Friday and one time we forgot to change the pizza base to a gf one and they must have recognised the address because they called us back to check if we forgot, so that was pretty cool of them.
  • @macylouwho1187
    The domestic abuse one…we had a local woman with a pack of kids by her abusive husband get tired of that sh-t one night. He got really drunk that night and demanded food to be cooked for him. So she fried up a can of wet cat food and put it on a sandwich-which he was so drunk that he ate it. Then she went and grabbed her son’s baseball bat and beat the supreme sh-t out of him. She broke his jaw, his forearm etc etc. He was so messed up that she called an ambulance. Because of the obvious signs of abuse all over her and her previous hospitalizations due to his abuse-the police didn’t even arrest her. They were just like “well fair enough. Maybe now he won’t do this anymore”. Dude was so afraid and angry at her that he left HER, after he had beat her a bunch of time for trying to leave him. One good beating for himself and he was just done 😂. I guess he didn’t like it when the shoe was on the other foot and it was HIM abused 😂
  • @blindvision4703
    So glad the guy in story two was finally vindicated. People accusing normal people of being prejudiced against this or that group really irritated me. I’m not saying it was good. They almost got mugged or something, but just that the guy was forced to admit that OP was right and he was wrong and that OP is not racist for trying to be safe – breath of fresh air. God bless.
  • @jenna2720
    Aw man, I’m bummed today I’m late to this. Not a delivery driver but counter staff, and worked at a Chinese takeout place not a pizzeria. Only worked on Fridays because of grad school, the busiest night of the week. One of my coworkers on this shift was basically the laziest person with no work ethic. She’d stand at the corner outside of the camera’s angle and text whenever she could. She’d go to the bathroom several times an hour. When she did take orders, she’s get them wrong, either taking walk-in customers who were good-looking young men (or older men since she was into dilfs - her own words) and spending the time flirting, not taking their orders or else spending the time taking call in orders texting instead of listening to the phone. The last straw was when she came in high as a kite and trashed the bathroom. She was fired and she threatened to come back and smash the shop windows. She ordered delivery from us again but then refused to pay the full amount, citing that, since she worked there until recently, she should get the employee discount. Former employees could usually get an employee discount for a while after leaving since the owners and management were just really friendly people, but obviously this didn’t extend to people who were fired after causing several thousand in plumbing repairs and then threatened them. When she realized that she wouldn’t get the discount, she refused to pay entirely. After that, she was blacklisted.
  • @Velaroz
    Just remember, people: The old addage for "The customer is always right", in full is as follows; "The customer is always right in matters of taste and preference". Just like how "Blood is thicker than water" refers to "Blood of the covenant, thicker than the water of the womb". Reductive omitting of words from phrases drastically changing their meaning in ways the original phrase is contradictory to, is far from new. And it is sadly... Rampant.
  • There was more than one neighborhood I refused to deliver to because the places were shady AF, next to no lights (street or otherwise) and more than once, I was followed back to my car by some sketchy people. I finally told my bosses that I wasn't going to those places after sunset, explained why and they agreed. The city finally just tore those places down, built a training center for the state soccer team, and it's not so bad down that way anymore. Still don't like going through it at night, but at least it's better lit now. The best times I had though were when people tried to offer me a puppy as a tip, and the one guy who would call, ask for me specifically so I could help train his Husky.
  • I work at a popular gas station chain that sells hoagies. We had a customer come in and order 25 sandwiches at the deli counter. My ass of a manager at the time decided to accept the order when we were already busy. I had to make all of these sandwiches while I was already neck deep in other orders. I do not care for this manager.
  • Brooo, the woman probably takes 15 minutes to make like 4 sandwiches, she can't be talking
  • @RedHeadForester
    My best pizza story is: One time when I and a few other people were at a friend's place, he phoned up the pizza place to make an order. The call went like this: Friend: "Hello, I'm phoning from [address], can -" Pizza guy: "Ah, hello, the usual? It'll be there in 30 minutes." Friend: "Uh, yes please, thanks, bye!" We all cracked up! This guy ordered the same two pizzas, sides and dips so frequently they knew his exact order by heart. Didn't even need his name, despite there being a dozen residents at this address. OK, maybe it's not the most amazing story when I recount it, but it was absolutely hilarious at the time.
  • @MrRoboto2000
    New fear unlocked: moving to a new house and finding out the previous owners got it blacklisted
  • @borisglevrk
    IDK if this counts but back when I served my substitutional military service in a fire brigade, we had an address as our "grey" list. Ambulances cannot turn down patients so it's not a "black" list. That address had a 100kg+ woman with psychiatric condition, and one night my fire brigade was called for "drunk incident" (a special term for that kind of ambulance calls, meaning someone is drunk and threatening their own or others' health/safety). When we got there the cops were there as well, I was only informed that the patient is drunk and caused some trouble. It was only after like 15 minutes into the ambulance drive that I found a disabled person handbook in her belongings. That plus her behaviour (including but not limited to the very fact that I have to look for ID in her belongings because she won't answer my questions) made me realized "holy fuck this is real, I'm dealing with a patient that has psychiatric conditions". Back at the scene the family members knew, the cops knew, the ambulance driver in the front knew, and I, the person who has to be in the same cabin with her for a 30 minute drive (being sortied with the slowest driver in the brigade definitely didn't help), was the ONLY person who didn't know she has such a condition. So with a patient that has psychiatric condition PLUS drunk I had to do everything the hard way, including at one point having to jump on her and seriously fight her to get her to comply. 10 minutes later we became 5 minutes from hospital, and I radioed the hospital (which is routine), specifically mentioning her attack on our personnel (namely, me). That channel goes to the entire county so my brigade heard it as well. When I returned to the station I was greeted with the biggest care bear treatment you won't imagine was possible for someone serving military service term. The brigade leader was fuming. He immediately called the police station in charge of that area to chew butts (because procedure dictates that when an ambulance is hauling a patient with psychiatric condition, a police officer must be in the ambulance. Those cops skipped that because it was dinner time and they just want to return to station ASAP), even the guy who was harshest on me (because I'm a slow learner in being a paramedic) was worried and that was the biggest laugh that night. Of course, after this, that address and her name became a "grey list". Like I said we can't turn them down but we have the address and name recorded so that if there ever was a next time, we'd know to take extra people and caution.
  • @bluehaze2001ify
    I worked at a pizza place in my hometown. They delivered to the local college campus, known for not tipping and violent behaviors. Well, even after several drivers were jumped, robbed and some hospitalized, the company never black listed them. Talk about caring more for the dollar than their people.
  • @rinoz47
    4:27 HOLY FUCK DUDE. I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT YOU missed the point that she was setting up the fraud the whole time. She knew you can't make sandwiches that quickly.