Before I Die

Published 2022-11-21
“Life is not promised to anyone. You need to do what you want to do, what makes you happy as soon as you can.”

Of all people with Alzheimer's, less than 1% have the inherited form of the disease which triggers symptoms as early as the age of 30. Each child whose parent carries the gene has a 50/50 chance of inheriting the gene. If they inherit the gene, it's almost guaranteed that they'll develop the disease.

Tristan Bussell doesn’t know when his memory will start to fade, he just knows that it will. When doctors confirmed that Tristan carried the gene for Early Onset Alzheimer’s, the same disease that killed his father, he shifted his focus to the present and set about turning dreams into goals.

“Once I found out and knew that my life would be shortened, I've tried to travel more. I've tried to do bucket list type things.”

Tristan connected with professional kayaker Rush Sturges to check off one of those bucket list items—to kayak off a waterfall. But for someone who’s never kayaked before, learning to kayak and sending Husum Falls in just three days is an ambitious goal.

A film by River Roots Production in association with NRS and 5Point Adventure Film Festival.

All Comments (21)
  • @tongaroller
    I love the way you live your life Tristan! Truly inspiring!
  • @2LStews
    great plan, great video! I wish Tristan all the best!
  • @bac4uw
    NRS: You put out amazing stories. Some are pure candy for whitewater enthusiasts while others, like this, are poignant and moving - thank you!
  • This video is so special to me! I’m from Albany as well, Husum was my first waterfall and I had the same line my first time, and Alzheimer’s has had huge affects on my family as well. This honestly means so much as a kayaker, thanks for sharing!
  • @glub__blub
    Holy shit I’m not the most emotional person and this brought tears to my eyes such a beautiful story
  • This guy.... this video doesn't even do him full justice. I've seen the dude do a gainer off of a precarious cliff-side... and so casually, like it's the next easiest thing he's done all day. He knows how to live the moment, and. Yeah. He's just maybe the best human.
  • @logophile
    Looks like Ishy Pishy on the Klickitat at 06:05. Love the progression from Rattlesnake to Husum! Great support. Awesome to see your friends and family watch you plunge. Wishing the brothers the best!
  • Gotta love that ear to ear grin after he did the falls. Glad he tried it, and hope that maybe he finds time to to do it some more. It is an addictive sport, and one with tons of support.
  • @crimsonraen
    Oh gosh, this hit ALL the feelings! <3 Also, accidentally plugging Husum and popping right back out, WOO! Right on! So stoked he got this opportunity! I hope he gets many, many more! :D
  • It's a fine thing when you learn in life that loving and helping others is really the main path towards real understanding and peace for oneself and the entire world. My mothers 7 year odyssey with Alzheimer/dementia was like Tristen's family, it's powerful life lesson. Strive on, others need to see lives lived well.
  • @tonygieve2652
    To Rush people speak of ego in this sport, bringing someone else's dream to reality speaks of nothing less than healing and respect to a community that should exist. Theres so much I could say about myself that lives in what you have done. Just others saw fit to take that moment you shared away. So I share that with you