Published 2024-05-16

All Comments (21)
  • @DeityofDestiny
    the "play the right ratios" hits are my favorite hits so nice of konami to give everyone deckbuilding tips (:
  • @Atestinal
    I still love Joshua Schmidt's stream reaction to Circular's hit.
  • @xatuyou8045
    Book of taiyou was limited to hit the cyber jar ftk. It actually severely hurt the ftk...but then the deck went to worlds unhit and they banned cyber jar leaving no need to have the card still hit.
  • It's been said a million times, but Chick the Yellow ever being on the forbidden list will never stop being funny. They were so terrified of there being any chance of Makyura loops even without Makyura.
  • @ACertainGuy0
    Duel Links answer and one that is meme'd on all the time: Malo to 1. The Intern who was tasked with hitting Elementsaber Invoked forgot to actually READ THE ELEMENTSABER CARDS when they put malo to 1. The logic was that Putting Malo to 1 limited the deck's ability to summon multiple copies of Invoked Purgatrio, the deck's board breaker and game ender. However, for those who have never seen an Elementsaber card in their lives: All the Main Deck Elementsaber monsters have a graveyard effect that allows them to change their attribute while in the graveyard for that turn. So even if you put malo to 0 you can still make purgatrio with any Elementsaber name in GY! Brilliant work konami!
  • @silent7159
    They limited Toad and ABC the list right before the Master Rule revision. They really thought ABC and Toad were going to be too strong for the upcoming format. It also took them way to long to put them back to 3
  • @FafliXx
    The 3rd Sleepy Memory is literally drawing you 2 extra cards. That hit 100% makes sense.
  • @InvaderWeezle
    I have a Beckett Yu-Gi-Oh magazine that discussed the October 2005 banlist, and their assumption on Book of Taiyou getting limited was that it would prevent Empty Jar decks from taking over the format
  • @SerpiaXerma
    Okay the Purrely comment actually bugs me and I don't even play the deck Semi-limits to Purrely cards matter because it prevents My Friend Purrely from being able to straight-up search Any Purrely Card, being only a 1/3 or 2/3 chance to add if limited/semi-limited, as well as reducing the Xyz monsters' access to multiple of the same effect while under it as material (eg. Sleepy Memory's standby phase draw) Now some of you might say "oh, but that just makes the deck frustrating and inconsistent rather than outright lowering the ceiling" Correct!
  • @khalilli6613
    when this prompt started the first thing i thought of was breaker, for like 2 years i had no idea wtf konami was doing with breaker changing on basically every single list. the most hilarious part is from the first time he was unbanned he was absolutely useless in the format and konami just banned him again for no reason, every time he came back, he did nothing, and then would get banned again. it was the most bizarre thing i've ever seen in yugioh banlist history..... besides konami banning draguinty ravine instead of hitting the e-dragons... as a dragunity player, that one just hurt my soul. ravine didn't even come back for over a year despite the fact that the e-dragons were banned and ravine would do nothing at all in the meta..... well at least i got a playset of trident dragion back then so i could sell them for $500 in 2024
  • @montyeggman3075
    Remember when they banned almost every single decent Tuner in the game just to keep Halqifibrax alive? Pepperidge Farm remembers. Though Pepperidge Farm would rather forget.
  • @N12015
    My inclination to most absurd ban is Spore back in 2012, a part of a tier 2 deck who was starting to fall out of favor, when they also banned the actual problem card in the same banlist in Trishula; arguably the most Komoney moment ever. Honorable mention to Glow-up bulb which was banned twice and is still banned despite Halq (the actual problem) being banned 2 years ago, as well as Linkuriboh, Baronne and Savage Dragon for good measure last month.
  • @lonelyprince0
    Symbol was hit because there was an OCG deck running around that turn 1 loops trish until you banish your opponent's entire hand, then end on formula + material to trish them again on the top of main. So they hit Symbol as Trish became legal in TCG
  • @Yunglex313
    I remember when Symbol of Heritage was limited because I realized this card was very functional and kind of broken in Harpies where we could just bounce it with Zephryros the Elite, as a lot of people were slowly realizing around the same time. Before Cyber Dragons were being designed around the same mechanics, Harpies were the only cards where you would have multiple monsters in grave be the same name. It was effectively monster reborn for deck that had terrible recovery...and then they hit it. I hated Konami around that time. Also what people need to understand about Yugioh banlists is a lot of it is done just get players to play something else. Shit like Mathmech Circular, the adventure hits in 2022, they are saying please stop playing these cards so we can sell you new ones. They were too good and kept people off of new stuff, so they banned them.
  • @spl1c3
    I’d love to see one about the “Yugioh Mandela Effect.” An example of what I’m talking about is El Shaddoll Construct, which notoriously lacks a once per turn restriction, but many people remember it “differently.”
  • @MaZeW1
    3:40 I vaguely remember there used to be an FTK Deck during this time that played Book Of Taiyou at that time. Konami used to hit these kind of decks hard and fast because it was a playstyle they actively disapproved of. I think this was part of that.
  • @tuvillo
    Master Duel hits are a combination of raw data (without common sense) and trying to avoid hitting URs.
  • @Excellsion
    After he was done joking around, even Joshua admitted Circular didn't need to be banned.
  • To this day I still will never understand why servant of endymion and electrumite were hit. I get limiting electrumite. But banning it was such a smooth brained move