Love is Blind Season 3 Reunion RECAP (Cuties Clip with Zay and Cole)

Published 2022-11-09

All Comments (21)
  • @sdub7045
    I'm not a mental health professional BUT my mom is a narcissist and I immediately recognized the abuse Cole was experiencing. The lies, gaslighting, name smearing, rage, manipulation, constant criticism, self hate and neediness. I'm glad Netflix cleared Cole's name but everyone who came for him on that stage needs to apologize publicly.
  • @reneeb.8351
    Cole litetally said “Save your appettito” and Zanab turned it into “he’s controlling my eating habits” 😭😭😭
  • Poor Cole. He did not deserve that. Matt and Bartise deserved so much more heat and everyone piled on Cole and made him out to be some villain. I hope he's doing well and knows how many of us out here support him!
  • @Freee479
    The producers these year are savage they ain’t letting anything slide. From inserting Andrew’s fake tears to inserting the prove of Cole’s innocence (cutie’s videos) I love it!!!! Cole is an Unserious Adult Child but he’s not a bad guy like she so desperately wanted people to believe and that stunt she pulled at the alter was GROSS. She knew from the week they started living together that she didn’t wanna marry him again she knew
  • @dyas24
    Zay burdened the "happy and lively Cole" with her insecurities and bitter experiences from her life!!! That's not even fair, that guy used to crack jokes, be happy, cook and laugh and dance!!!! Zay had enough time to reflect on her decision but to leave a man crying at the altar and give a fake "self respect" speech, have a whole bunch of friends clapping?? That's not even cool! If my boyfriend/fiance/husband cannot talk about my appetite, then who else can? My heart goes out to Cole, he'll find his best soon ❤️
  • The bachelor party claim was pretty crazy too. The fact that none of the other guys who were on her side couldn’t back her up on it was shocking.
  • @Esaquimi
    Cole was brutally honest from the start, so I believed him when he said that none of that happened. So many of her actions towards Cole were pushed under the rug. When he was making her dinner and she came in to take charge making him feel inadequate, or her telling him in the cuties scene that she doesn’t listen to him half of the time because he “talked a lot of Cole” when the conversation prior to her making that comment was him making plans about them traveling to get to know Zanab’s roots after they get married. That bugged me so much. They should have made the cast sit through that scene after going in on Cole like that.
  • Nancy was literally so chill with Bartise and then goes off on Cole for the crap that she didn’t even witness. The ladies (and yes that includes Alexa’s slave cheerleader castrated simp of a husband) dogpiled cole for the sake of virtue signaling and “woman power”, trying to be united or whatever lol… then the guys are actually fairly civil and consoling one another. Interesting dynamic I don’t see many people talking about.
  • @icanrelate
    I agree. The women were so single-minded and there was no accountability from Zay and Nancy.
  • Cole got absolutely castrated and they turned a blind eye on Colleen for doing and saying the same things. And he is nowhere near as bad as Shake was.
  • Looking back she tried to paint him this way from the beginning, before the pool incident, and before the ranking incident. It started after their 1st night together remember when she woke up and she was ironing she insinuated that he just popped out of bed and wasn't speaking to her and he was totally confused he felt like she was icing him that morning and he even asked her do you still like me. She was emotionally abusive and tried to paint him as an emotional abuser, she did a masterful job.
  • I just can't believe that SO many people are on Zanab's side... Cole was obviously innocent and not malicious in anything he said or did. A lot of people even think she's right after airing what really happened I DON'T understand.
  • I feel so so sorry for Cole. Zanab‘s lack of self-esteem has made her incredibly manipulative and with that victim mentality she won over everyone. She is a narcissist. All the cast and the media has portrayed him as a toxic guy but it seems she is a true villain. He seemed to be so hurt and I cannot believe SHE did not apologized to him.
  • @jamiex6072
    They beat that man up. Recall how he was in the beginning when he walked into the pods. And compare to the reunion they broke him down so much. Cole is immature but he's a young guy in his 20s. Cole is lighthearted, fun loving, and thoughtful. Perfect for the right person. Just not that witch.
  • @Camemeology
    The unfortunate possibility is that if the Cuties video was not recorded, Cole would have been branded as an emotionally and verbally abusive man, who helped to lower a woman’s self-esteem. Zanab was so convincing with her deceptiveness, that she received constant sympathy. Everyone in the cast and the audience of the show were on her side. Cole deserves a public apology from everyone involved, and she needs a reality check and maybe visit to a therapist’s office.
  • @jcffam
    Zenab is a liar! Feel sorry for Cole 😢
  • Cole said, NEVER HAPPENED.!! Please, If you have it. YES TO NETFLIX!!! Shows Z as the liar she is and defaming his character!!!
  • @dv6088
    On the Netflix clip: Z: dismissively "you speak alot of 'Cole' so I tune you out half the time" Cole: genuinely confused! He was sweetly brainstorming & excitedly planning for them to travel the world to celebrate their wedding with her family that cant make it! Wtf! All this as they casually share grapes or tomatos or whatever and he was just being chatty and excited! And the tangerine thing was so like a normal convo on his part! Good on Netflix for exposing her. He even defended the naggy montage of her played at the reunion and still she totally 'tried' to annihalte his character again! Poor guy hope he finds his happy self again❤
  • I think she actually believes her version , that’s the shocking part, we have seen her time and time again create her own narrative