Testing Every Relevant Weapon for Boss DPS in The Final Shape (Still Hunt, Euphony, Microcosm)

Published 2024-07-08
This one's a long one, but there's been a lot of changes over this patch that I've had to cover. Sit back, relax, and enjoy me going over every potentially relevant DPS weapon in The Final Shape.

DPS spreadsheet: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_5wtBjRYHHxuF4oJKD…
Destiny Data Compendium (perk screenshots): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WaxvbLx7UoSZaBqdFr…

Projects folder: drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AL3GM6rSSrm4LtSZea…
Twitch: twitch.tv/TheAegisRelic
Twitter: twitter.com/TheAegisRelic
Speedrun server: discord.gg/d2speedrun
Personal server: discord.gg/aTp7snCMMz

00:00 Intro
01:51 Supplemental damage intro
02:36 Witherhoard vs. Lost Signal
03:30 Anarchy vs. Dragon's Breath
04:03 The decline of swap specials
06:04 Lucky Pants hand cannon hierarchy
06:29 Exotic primary ranking
07:10 Outbreak nanite scaling and comparisons
08:05 Rockets vs. GLs
09:33 Still Hunt analysis
10:40 Dragon's Breath analysis
11:30 Legend of Acrius analysis
11:59 Leviathan's Breath analysis
12:25 Whisper of the Worm analysis
12:52 One Thousand Voices analysis
13:14 Cloudstrike analysis
14:02 Microcosm analysis
15:00 Sleeper Simulant and Thunderlord analysis
15:23 Two-Tailed Fox with Facet of Command analysis
16:07 Pack Hunter with Relentless Strikes
18:00 Sword DPS ranking
19:18 Swords vs. other heavies
19:57 Pack Hunter with Cold Steel
20:33 Heartshadow vs. The Lament
21:33 Note on Pack Hunter exceptions
21:44 Ergo Sum update
22:56 Merciless analysis
23:33 Parasite analysis
24:14 The Prospector analysis
24:42 D.A.R.C.I. analysis
25:46 Truth analysis
25:58 Euphony analysis
29:54 Bastion analysis
30:36 The Queenbreaker analysis
31:07 Deathbringer update
31:36 Ager's Scepter analysis
32:33 Grand Overture analysis
33:28 Salvation's Grip analysis
34:07 Critical Anomaly with Chill Clip analysis
35:12 Linear fusion rifle (Scintillation) analysis
36:51 Machine gun (Hammerhead and aggressives) analysis
37:45 Summary
40:21 Outro

All Comments (21)
  • @TheAegisRelic
    Some small notes: - Grand Overture, much like every other weapon here, was tested with a simulated Lumina + No Hesitation buff, which is equal (or greater if you include the latter) to Hazardous Propulsion's 35% global empowering buff, and so the numbers you see in this video are as good as it gets for the weapon: the same buff as HP (except it buffs the regular shots and not just the volley) - Euphony's damage does not increase significantly as a result of equipping Swarmers, as all that does is apply unravel to the target, which is something that you can do by just throwing out an Arcane Needle on damage start, something you can do with any other warlock damage option Please check the spreadsheet for additional info before commenting if you have any questions or feedback to give :)
  • @paul2725
    can't believe thunderlord is still the best dps, i keep using it, thanks for the info!
  • @stealth6308
    It’s so cool to see that even after all these years, coldheart is still the best dps option
  • so my takeaway from this video after watching it all is that; -edge transit and rockets are still good, but edge transit is better for ease of use, total damage and overall dps without needing someone to run ghorn, and it’s also the best option if your on a warlock/titan for dps. -still hunt is the best dps special and overall damage if your on a hunter using celestial. basically it’s so good that it blows everything out of the water when you throw in apex predator and holster mods. (edit: just announced its getting a 25% nerf in august, it’s still going to be top tier, just not as good as it is now, if your combining it with apex predator your still going to be doing extremely good damage). -swords are in a good place esp with ergo sum buffing them, and summum bonnum is pretty much the new winner in terms of raw damage in the right situation in terms for swords. -microcosm, levis breath, whisper etc. are all good consistent options for dps -euphony is a good special, it’s good on its own but better as a dump special after you’ve dumped all your heavy. it also really highlights how bad linears are. Cloudstrike is also extremely good as a dps special. -linears are just straight up bad, not worth using besides euphony. euphony highlights how bad this is based upon how it outdamages even the best heavy linear in damage. I really do wish Linears were good again, kind of sucks they took the 15% nerf in lightfall and have been powercrept to hell and back. probably the only heavy weapon class that really needs to be looked at and buffed, really do feel like they should bridge the gap between dps and full damage, like more dps than whisper while having good respectable damage, i get during the witch queen era they were a bit problematic (mainly because of div, which is a problem that’s already been dealt with) but nowadays they don’t really see much use outside of niche situations. with whisper basically being back on top and having weapons like still hunt and euphony who do their job better, if not by much more than heavy linears. i do hope bungo reverts the 15% nerf and gives them something more.
  • thunderlord and microcosm is the definition of "put on a shirt" vs "empowering" meme
  • @nathanhyman2889
    Everybody: wondering if Aegis is dead Aegis: Releases enough testing footage to be longer than the ENTIRETY OF DESPICABLE ME
  • @tirong6955
    Man, hearing lament is now one of the worst sword options for dps genuinely shattered my heart. I absolutely adored that thing ever since it came out and ran it whenever I could. Only recently did I find myself not enjoying it as much and having numbers back that up solidifies its spot in my vault. I’ll be waiting for its glorious return.
  • @manynukes11
    Lament is one of the most baffling nerfs they've ever made considering only legendary swords got better with wolfpack rounds.
    One argument with Ill Omens: Attrition Orbs allows it to self generate stacks to use for Argent Blade as well as surges. A single heavy I believe on casters is 10 hits so every heavy you're getting an orb. In most scenarios it wont mean much if you already have other members generating orbs too but I think it's something to consider for solo players or random match making.
  • @AuralVirus
    Would love to see a Boss damage Bootcamp series (of) video(*s) to help those of us new(er) to raiding etc requiring hints & tips + to up our dmg output.
  • @Gaffroninja
    Thank you for all your work and time putting everything here together, it’s so frustrating seeing other damage tests and things don’t feel explained or tested thoroughly, or not even consistent across tests with wildly inaccurate numbers to back that up. You and the peeps helping you are amazing!
  • @ibiddengt5023
    Was going into withdrawals before this was uploaded. Thanks Aegis!
  • @chapel4
    thank god i don’t have to think anymore
  • @regal-27
    Just wanted to let you know that I love these videos / spreadsheets so much. I've been playing destiny for a long time (mostly PvP), but never had the confidence to push into higher difficulty PvE stuff due to a lack of knowledge of what I should bring. Cleared my first GMs via LFG this week, and even ended up helping someone else get their first GM clear!
  • @fartmicrowave
    I knew there was a ton to test, so I wasn't worried that you'd eventually come back to us with all this info. Welcome back.
  • @ch_hassan-PAK
    that is a lot of work my guy. very much appreciated.
  • @Rawkr57
    Love your work! Thank you so much for everything youve done for the community.
  • You just gained a subscriber ! Amazing video. Hope to see Hazardous Propulsion dame testing in the future for our fellow titans