I Spent 50 Days In A Psychiatric Ward At 14 Years Old | Podcast FastingBro

Published 2023-06-20
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Asyraf Zahin is a college student currently taking Level 2 IT. He was diagnosed with Schizophrenia and spent 50 days in a Psychiatric ward. He now vows to help others fight mentall illness. Asyraf loves volunteering and being active in uniform groups. He’s also in a Cadet Band as a Corporal.

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All Comments (14)
  • @SantomPh
    let him tell his story. You seem to be correcting him every sentence. Listen more. It isn't your experience.
  • Jarang ku kejumpahan urg offended when someone younger than them call them "kau" instead of "kita". If they're not my immediate family, i'd call people "kau" for all i care. It's a form of respect, not 100% obligation and should not be labelled as offensive. I enjoyed your previous podcasts but this whole video just gives off weird negative vibes honestly.
  • Thank you Fasting Bro for giving me this opportunity to talk about my experience in the Psychiatric Ward. it was an eye-opening experience for me to let it all out. It made me feel alot better and more positive. I would love to do more videos like this in the future and InshaAllah we all can raise awareness for people with Mental Health. Thank you once again!
  • @Jigalipuff
    To piggy back on the other comment, I can't make it past the first 10 minutes is so difficult to hear, what with the loud agressive way of asking questions, talking over guest & snarky comments. I enjoyed your other episodes tho. You have room to improve FB. Will keep listening in, just this ep. is not for me. Really wanted to hear his story.
  • @yasiryakub
    I have respect for you in interviewing all these so call celebrities Brunei - you know how to handle all their personalities to make it all fun, but after this video is all gone bro. You're making too much fun of this guy, forcing him to say the word 'gila'. What's the point of this interview, seriously? What are you trying to prove? You don't even take him seriously.
  • @pekkachoo7008
    Dear fasting bro, I have been a true fan of yours over the past couple years. However, we can see that you interrupted the guests so many times and that is disrespectful so say the least. You just lost a true fan =( 27:53 ….. the disrespect…
  • Ada kebenaran dari parents nya kah ni, biskita interview Asyraf ani? Masih d bawah umur ni biskita
  • @diamondjewelry3969
    this interviewer has no empathy and he seems not understand about mental illness..its no jokes bro you should be more serious and should show your concern .not cutting his stories in between. You should do your homework before doing this podcast. these r some tips for u FB.