The Hidden Message in Synchronicities | 5 Different Types of Synchronicity

Published 2024-03-01
Synchronicities are the symbolic language through which the universe or our true essence communicates with us. If we know how to see and interpret them, they have the power to guide us through life and align us with the universe. But what exactly are these synchronicities? How do they manifest and what do they mean? Is there a deeper hidden truth behind these puzzling events? In this video, we will discuss 5 typical synchronicities that we can experience and how to learn to interpret them.

Synchronicity explained by Carl Gustav Jung.
What you seek is seeking you.

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#carljung #syncronicity #spiritualawakening

All Comments (21)
  • @AA-wc3tw
    The Universe surprised me with a man. We thought we were soulmates. 1.7 years later and I realize that the Universe brought me this man in order to teach me: 1) how to better spot when someone is disrespecting me, 2) how to better spot when someone is taking advantage of me and using me, 3) that I need to have MUCH higher standards for the people I allow in my life, 4) that I need to have MUCH higher self-worth and self-respect so that I stop allowing people like this into my life.
  • @MrSachtleben
    I used to play guitar with an old man who had a beautiful, old Martin guitar. He said I know you want this guitar but, I am leaving it for my grandson. Twenty years later I totaled my car; the tow truck driver showed up and said, 'I would like to buy this car from you , for parts, since I have the same car." When he told me his name, I knew it was the grandson. I now have the guitar.
  • @joestar6194
    I was selling a bicycle on Craigslist for $100.00. About a week later, someone contacted me wanting to purchase it. But they were only offering $80.00. Reluctantly, I agreed to sell it for $80.00. On my way to sell the bicycle, I found $20.00 on the sidewalk. The universe gave me the $100.00 I was asking for 😊
  • @Nightmarigny
    I had a major decision to make: Whether or not to leave my relatively happy but stagnant life in Chicago and move to New Orleans to attend graduate school (and likely stay thereafter). It was such an enormous decision coming later than ideal in my life. I tried to talk myself out of it. Late at night, close to 2am, I said out loud, "What should I do?" I immediately heard voices. I thought my television had turned itself on - but it had not. I realized the noise came from my bedroom. Upon entering, I realized the alarm clock had gone off, turning on the radio. The voices had come from commercials. This was incredibly bizarre, because I had never set an alarm for that time (or even for that time in the PM), and I had never set my alarm function to radio. Literally not once. I never listened to the radio on the alarm clock before. Furthermore, it turned out to be a country music station, and I never ever listen to country music. The commercial ended just as I was about to turn the radio off - but then a song started, and I heard the first lyric, which stopped me in my tracks: "Hop the train from Chicago to New Orleans..." I was flabbergasted - turns out, it's a famous song about a train, one I'd never heard before. But I immediately knew that it was an inexplicable sign that I MUST take the offer and move to New Orleans. A couple days later, I found a broken plastic keychain on the ground in front of my apartment - it was a New Orleans keychain. That was just additional confirmation.
  • @mikeskoberg3193
    To anyone reading this today I wish you a blessed day! You are all amazing in your own unique individual way that no one can take away! Follow your dreams ✨️ 💖
  • During a clean out of a fixer upper we bought, I needed $2,000 to pay for the extra dumpsters we hadn’t budgeted for. While cleaning out the chicken coop of garbage bags, and sorting, one bag had a hole chewed in the corner and a jar fell out. Inside the jar was a bank deposit envelope with $1,868 !!!! Then , while raking the manure inside a barn the rake caught a chip bag, filled with loonies (CAN $1 coin), toonies (CAN $2 coin) totalling $65, and in the basement while cleaning, I found a $5 bill under a pile of newspapers, and in the joists, a margarine tub filled with coins totalling $35. Talk about serendipity!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
  • @leventetary5872
    Manifested synchronicity: I needed a car and I got one as a present to do a specific job. Life is a miracle but you have to embrace it without hesitation and fear. ❤
  • @wahine02
    My friend and I used to call this cosmic shopping where we mentioned something we needed and it appeared. My favourite time was when I wanted to watch serendipity the movie and now you can’t go to the video store or buy it. I went downstairs from my apartment to buy milk and someone had left a box of old dvds and books they no longer wanted, what was in the box? Serendipity! How serendipitous.
  • @user-kg9nd3vs6g
    I was saying to my daughter in law, I never get flowers. I’ve been single for a long time. My son had brought her some flowers. We laughed about it, anyway I was shopping at Sainsbury’s the next day and I’ve got long covid and had to sit down after feeling faint. Next moment the general manager of the store came over to see if I was ok, I was given a bottle of water and he sat with me for some time. I was really touch by his kindness. After leaving the store I had to get some petrol I walk in to pay and I said to the assistant, what a wonderful general manager they had. She said to me stay there, I thought what’s going on she went in to the back and came out with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. I told her I was going to cry I just couldn’t believe the kindness I was shown that day and I got my flowers 🥰♥️🙏
  • @bytethought
    I trust that the universe has a plan for me. Everything is unfolding exactly as it should. I release all worries and fears to the universe. I am safe and protected as I surrender to sleep. The universe is guiding me towards my highest good. I have faith in the journey I am on. I let go of control and allow things to flow naturally.
  • @Kjt853
    On the morning of March 28, 1978, I awoke from a dream in which I ran into a college friend I hadn’t seen or heard from for about three years. (I noted down the dream and date, something I still do.) Two days later I received a post card from this same friend. The post card was dated March 28, 1978. Go figure!
  • @adedotunajibade
    Summary 1. Warning synchronicity 2. Confirmation synchronicity 3. Prophetic synchronicity 4. Manifestation synchronicity 5. Opportunity synchronicity
  • @spheremotel1772
    Once, during a stay in hospital, a friendly patient had given me his bright red lighter as a gift before he left. It was a nice gesture, even though I've never smoked. Later the same day I was approached by another patient, who I didn't know, wearing a bright red cowboy hat (very unusual attire in my part of the world). He asked me if I had a light, so I took the lighter out of my pocket and told him he could keep it. I've had many similar experiences. It's a shame synchronicity is so often discounted as mental illness or wishful thinking - I suspect one day it will be taken more seriously.
  • @MOE-gm3si
    On holiday last summer, my husband and I ordered a large pizza and drove to a park nearby to eat it. We sat in the car and ate about 3/4 of it. I sat there thinking we got too big of a pizza and thought what a shame it would be to throw it out. I then thought that if a homeless person came by, I would give them the rest. Well, within 30 seconds, a man pushing a shopping cart literally walks directly in front of our car and I said omg, and told my husband what just happened. I got out and ran after him and offered him the pizza. We later took a walk through the park and the tops of the trees waved wildly in the wind. It was as if they were saying thank you. It was very uplifting.
  • @christy8935
    I took a nap one afternoon and had a very vivid dream that I fully remembered and was so real. In the dream I was standing outside and a huge storm and tornado were coming, I outstretched my arms up to the sky and 2 white doves flew down to each hand, swirling amazing colors amid the sky. So the next day I was going to participate in an art function where you would pick out a used shovel and turn it into a piece of art. When I walked into the salvage yard to pick out my shovel-they had 2 white doves in a gold cage that were their beloved birds. Weirdest thing in my life! Needless to say, I turned my shovel into my dream, with outstretched arms and doves coming down to the hands and made it out of paper mache’. It was auctioned off at the art show. I hope to someday find out who bought it 💜❤️💙
  • When I was younger, I would get a panic feeling when I sensed that something was bad. It got me out of dangerous situations, like when I walked home from school in 2nd grade and a strange man was trying to convince me to get in his car. Felt like a voice was screaming at me to run, so I did. Happened more than once. In my teens and twenties anytime I ignored the warnings, I'd end up regretting my choices. Then I started listening again as I got older and wiser, it works because everything has worked out to benefit and teach me in a positive way.
  • @nz-nz
    From someone whose life is full of synchronicities, it is very important to acknowledge each and every one of them. More than just an “oh that was a bit weird” thought, take a few moments to delve into the importance of your experience AND what you were doing at that time (this, especially with number synchronicities!). Also, please give “thanks” to your God/Creator, for the alignment of that moment. 🙏❤️
  • One of my favorite synchronicity experiences involves the love of my life. At the time, we weren't fully committed. We knew we had something really strong and special, but we were both still skeptical to call it love, since it was pretty recent and we didn't wanna rush things, although I genuinely felt like I loved him. I was drinking tea, sitting alone and talking to him on the phone during my work break. And I told him "I'm still not sure about what I feel for you, but I know it's extremely strong". The second I said that, I put my cup on the table, I realized someone had scratched the word "Love" with a heart (something I had NO IDEA was there before that moment). Right next to were I placed the cup. I immediately took a picture and sent to him, I still have that picture!! It was simple, but one of the craziest and best feelings I've ver felt. So... Maybe it wasn't that simple after all, huh? I have experienced synchronicity so many times in my life. Causalities are too shallow to explain the complexity and beauty of the universe! Great video btw!! <3
  • @la6136
    A couple of months ago I was watching a TV show and the main character had on this BEAUTIFUL sequin dress that I was instantly obsessed with. I kept saying to myself "I want that dress" while I was watching the episode and admiring it. One month later, I noticed one of my favorite clothing stores was having a huge sale. I was casually scrolling through the sale section and BAM! They had that EXACT dress for sale! It is a very unusual designer brand and a very unique style so I know I manifested it. Yes it is now hanging in my closet 😀
  • @jojodajester2419
    The universe or the creator, I like to call it the mystery, loves gratitude and humility ;)