Smelling LoIis in Blue Archive || Blue Archive Meme

Published 2023-02-27
Very Stinky Loli. Blue Archive Meme. I found a loli smell tier list in the Blue Archive subreddit but miyu, yuzu and ui smell didn't get explained, so this video will help to get the general idea how they smell like. Hope you enjoyed the vid cause this vid took to long to finish. Do share your thoughts in the comments! and i tred not to mention about loli piss lol. Hope my isp understand that i'm a Blue Archive gamer.

All Comments (21)
  • @coolestkid87
    ah, your logic does make sense however, i would like to offer a counter argument sweat does not smell in itself, as sweat is just water that the body evaporated to maintain stable temperature (by evaporating the water, the body uses up energy, and the water then; stuck between clothes and skin; simply sticks to it) the reason why sweat smells is because little microorganisms find it the perfect area to live (it has moisture, most likely has some nutrients, warm environment, perfect breeding ground for the organisms) and when they die, that is when the smell starts, meaning that just being sweaty does not cause the smelly, carrying corpses, however, does onto the characters: yuzu first, your point about the locker. i have reason to believe the cleaning supplies have been removed, since the locker is a tight space (ie both sensei and yuzu cannot fit) so we can assume yuzu has removed the utensils to make more room for her. second, she is a gamer, so aside from her gaming utensils, she most likely doesnt take the best care of her surroundings, and the other three gdd members most likely dont ever enter, meaning that the locker most likely smells a bit due to yuzu's poor habits due to bejng a gamer, resulting in the enviroment being quite warm, and potentially slightly sticky in some areas, due to yuzu. and we know she is in there around 80-90% of the time. going back to the sweat point, you mentioned that because she only really uses her fingers, she doesnt sweat a lot, but i digress with the power of gcse biology (kill me already). sweat, is formed due to the body evaporating excess water to get rid of unnecesary heat. you do not need to be active to be hot and sweaty, you just need to be hot (and not in the sexy way). we can assume that she is quite hot in her cupboard, resulting in her sweating due to being in a warm environment. my next point is more lore oriented, based on all we know so far from milleniums story arc (on global). yuuka, seminar's treasurer, does not have a positive outlook on the gdd. think about it, if she walked in and it smelt like an average gamer (pure disgust), she would most likely shut the club down faster, because imagine youre doing your job checking up on clubs and an absolute stench hit your nostrils; to you lot, it'd be erotic, but to yuuka, it would be disgusting, and a reason to shut the club down (poor hygenine, which could result in potential illness, plus its gross yknow) so yuzu most likely has to shower, at least to ensure her poor hygiene (spelling is hard wtf) doesnt reach a point where others could be affected. which is why i believe, that even though she doesnt do as much as the other 2, she has to bathe slightly more often. next up, ui. i have received information through reading through a few comments on your community poll, about ui's state. old books, are fragile, and since they are so fragile, they need to be kept in tip top condition, otherwise damages may occur. ui, despite definitely spending most if not all of her free time in the library, there are a lot of factors to keep in mind. first, reputation. if an outsider did come in and the place reeked due to ui not leaving, theyd most likely report it, which could damage her reputation since you do need to be careful with older things, as not to damage them. second off, which leads jnto my first point, she takes care of the books like they are her children. there is no way she wouldnt prepare excessively in order to maintain them in their most prime state. if she stained one of them due to excess sweat buildup, she would probably lose it compeltely, give how extreme she can react to things close to her. it would be underestimating how much she loves books, and how she can take care of the things she loves. additionaly (i guess third point), libraries that house old books, are cold as fuck, and probably aerated as fuck, to most likely ensure the safety of the books. especially since these are old, irreplaceable books, there has to be extra care put in to ensure that the books do not game damaged eviromentally. as for miyu, your points are valid, however even though she spends her time in a dustbin and not a trash can, the fact that she, someone who is homeless, most likely doesnt have the greatest cleansenings, and not many chances if washing said clothes (due to resource managment, youd rather clean yourself and feed yourself and drink than wash you clothes, survival stuff yknow), her clothes most likely REEK. trust me, i went bowling with some friends on last saturday, and after one day of wearing the brand new shirt, it smelt so bad i considered putting it in the wash. i didnt, because i dont leave my house and school started so i wouldnt even wear it half the time, but it still smells like shit, yet when i smelt my armpits to ensure i dont smell like shit, i didnt i smelt normal. now, miyu does training, spends her time in a bin (which definitely collected some of her dead skin and other microobes that were with her), she most likely doesnt have access to the cleanest water when she does shower (not straight from a tap but probably from another source), and shes a sniper. in her recollection story with the live2d, she spent a lot of time in the ground, which is very dirty, and animals surrounded her. which leaves me to believe that she probably doesnt have the worst ever smell nose to skin, her clothes might reek, which could reek onto her thank you for releasing this video as it gave me a chance to reevaluate my beliefs from my comment, and i have come to the conclusion that all three have their own unique stenches that simply arent comparable due to circumstance, with the addition of other factors, i believe the smells are on a similar strongness, but different kinds.
  • @Waverly_ppl
    Being able to take a whiff of these Loli’s will only happen in dreams.
  • @BabaFragments
    Challenge: Try not to say loli piss smell any % 😭😭😭 -This vid is selected by votes in the community section, do join future pulls , and thank you :D -ps: Feel free to share your though and opinion down below:virtualhug:
  • @AEXIVcrft
    People usually forget that Ui is 5.41 ft tall(165cm)... She's just a tall and flat chested girl lmao.
  • @RenCH69420
    Wtf is this video, I only clicked this because of my wife Miyu. She doesn't smell like garbage, we take baths together everyday(if only this scenario was real).
  • Thank you Uncle Baba. The world is now a little more of a better place because of this.
  • @naufal8426
    This video is: ✅ Heartwarming ✅ Life-changing ✅ Useful ✅ Calming ✅ Informative ✅ Inspiring ✅ Other
  • @zea4k
    the science behind smelling is truly intriguing, alot of people get turned off by the stink, but i feel like everybody has their own taste of stinky smell that they'd like, they just havent found the right one for them, personally i like the smell of sweaty armpits after a long work out, though not the one particularly going days without a bath
  • Enough of this Analysis 💢💢💢💢 Time for the taste test 💢💢💢💢 (i regret making this comment)
  • @Loice_0
    Jesus Christ man... Thanks for the informative video
  • @Agent_Void39
    This dude really went all of his way to smell a thing that these students might smells like Gonna respect him for that!!
  • @W4cky_
    "I enjoy watching educational videos on youtube" 😭😭😭
  • @garritsen3783
    i played this game roughly a month ago, and after a couple of BA videos on youtube, this video got recommended... i think i found the best game and the best community
  • @tmedl
    This was something I was wondering for a while, thanks for clearing up my doubts
  • this is the skizo posting i need thank you baba for this awesome content you have bestowed apon me
  • @Influence417
    I shall conduct a few smell tests of my own, formally, of course. Yuzu: Her baggy clothes added with her mostly spending her time in a cramped locker, may induce sweat. Moreover, I doubt she'd even wash herself or her clothes, considering her club's income or the fact they don't even have a bathroom. Ui: Parchment. She smells like parchment... and dust. First of all, what does parchment even smell like? Miyu: Dirt and leaves. Jeez, how long was she stuck in brush? Also, I headcanon her trash bin to be where the park discards its raked leaves. And she either cleans it before entering or she doesn't even bother. My verdict on who has the most stinkiest odor: Yuzu. Most interesting and clean odor: Ui.
  • Gun power, metallic... Smell... Now that good arguement! Sniff harder!!
  • @RijaMo
    Truly a life-changing video. I lost my chance to rejoin society as soon as I clicked it. Will click again.