Frozen's Troll Problem

Published 2024-07-09
Trolls are the worst in modern society and fictional society for that matter.

All Comments (21)
  • @johnnycage112
    The trolls used their magic and made Hans evil. They're the villains not him.
  • Kristoff: My friend is dying Trolls: Marry her Kristoff: How will that--? Trolls: Marry! Kristoff: But-- Trolls: POP CULTURE REFERENCE!!
  • @inazuma3gou
    There's a reason why they are called "trolls"
  • @juanca2567
    The gargoyles had a purpose in taking care of Quasimodo mentally (at least Laverne and Victor are, Hugo is the only one who is a bit aggressively comic relief). They had a great line “we’re only made of stone, we just wondered if you were made of something stronger”. They helped in the climax because they cared about Quasimodo and his stance on the situation. The rock trolls in the Frozen movies just seem like counter intuitive idiots who think their ideas would work for people.
  • I hate the trolls. I think they should have been the villains. MatPat on Film Theory thinks that they used magic to make Hans evil, which explains why the twist was so random.
  • @gqboygboy6930
    I hate their song fixer upper like Anna is literally about to die and you are gonna delay your solution for that? They remind me so much of the gargoyles from Hunchback of Notre Dame
  • I never really liked the song fixer-upper because they just rushed Krisoff into getting with Anna!
  • Remember the days of the 2010s where Elsa became an even more popular disney character than Mickey Mouse himself? She was on EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE. On TV, the movie theaters, Disney on Ice, in stories, libraries, on the Internet, on YouTube, on school supplies, Halloween costumes, books, games, food products, clothes, toys, etc.
  • I thinks the trolls should have been the twist villains because what if the trolls said to the king and the queen in the beginning about the danger of Elsa's ice powers was a deception to begin with to fool the parents of imprisoning their own daughter and was actually wanted to suffer the kingdom to suffer with Elsa's ice abilities. Remember Anna and Elsa's grandfather at the second movie, he despises magic and created a dam to weaken a group that he killed of his ignorance. What if the trolls was the victims of the sisters' grandfather and wanted the kingdom to suffer as retribution. They could been better twist villains than Hans himself.
  • Thank you! The trolls are one of the biggest reasons as to why I don’t really care for Anna and Kristoff as a couple. The trolls tend to be pretty inconsistent with their role in the story or how they affect Elsa and Anna’s relationship. But something I’m a bit disappointed you didn’t point out was why didn’t Grandpapie (the troll leader) tell Elsa as a kid how to heal a frozen heart if it ever happened. It doesn’t even explain how the trolls even have magical abilities when no one else in Arendelle does. And he never said he had to erase/manipulate Anna’s memories for the healing spell to work. He’s basically the one who put an awful idea in their parents’ heads about how to deal with Elsa. He even calls Elsa’s powers a curse, further encouraging her parents’ toxic beliefs Elsa’s powers are evil and dangerous instead of teaching her they’re a beautiful gift that can be used for good. No, as a child everyone except Anna basically told Elsa she’s a freak for having those abilities. No wonder she became so cold hearted as she got older, all she’s ever been told is she’s basically a mistake. As for their negative impact on Anna and Kristoff’s relationship, they’re actually what made me dislike them as a couple. Kristoff chastises Anna for wanting to marry someone she barely knows and has the audacity to call the trolls “love experts” and what do they do?? They instantly believe Anna is his new girlfriend and completely ignore Kristoff telling them they’re not a couple and she’s already engaged to another man. They straight up ignore Anna’s serious condition and sing a stupid annoying song about them being in love. Uh, what?? What does not trying to change someone have anything to do with Anna and Kristoff’s dynamic?? They weren’t trying to change each other!! And another thing, the movie sets up that true love’s kiss isn’t what saved Anna (or romantic love in general) but the trolls instantly suggest “a true love’s kiss!” as Anna’s frozen heart solution. It makes it even harder for me to see Anna and Kristoff as a genuine couple who developed feelings over time because these stupid rocks are all in their faces about being an adorable couple. They don’t even know Hans to tell he’s up to no good and is just a manipulative jerk who doesn’t actually love Anna. No, the trolls have this super childish mentality of wanting Anna to be with Kristoff, not Hans. The trolls are only in the movie to give Kristoff a very tiny backstory and to give poor advice to the royal family. Another thing is how did Agnar and Iduna know about them or how they’d be able to help Elsa?? Uh, wasn’t Agnar’s dad completely against magic, including creatures that used it?? And why don’t other magical creatures exist in Arendelle then?? A simple solution to this problem is to simply make the trolls be related to the Northoldra spirits, specifically the Earth spirits that only appeared for like one scene. Maybe the trolls escaped the enchanted forest before the veil was created?? And as for Kristoff, I don’t even get why he randomly agreed to live with the trolls. Uh, what happened to the ice harvesters he was with?? Did they just abandon a literal toddler and his reindeer to freeze to death?? And why do the trolls want to take him in? I was kinda under the impression no one knew about the trolls except the king and they don’t reveal themselves to just anyone, as shown with them not instantly revealing themselves to Anna later. The trolls are just a huge inconsistency in the movie and have absolutely no purpose aside giving awful advice. One last thing, why didn’t they tell Elsa how to heal a Frozen heart if it ever happened?? Uh, why didn’t Grandpapie know the solution until Anna is much older?? Was he worried Elsa wouldn’t understand?? How hard is it for a child to perform an act of true love?? She clearly loves and deeply cares for Anna and was horrified about ACCIDENTALLY hurting her. It just makes it feel like Elsa is a sociopath who deliberately tricked Anna into jumping so she could deliberately injure her with her magic, which is not at all what happened. They NEVER even tried to get Elsa’s side of the story, everyone just assumed Elsa’s powers went haywire for a second and she had no control over them. As for an act of true love, it isn’t incredibly difficult for a kid to show love and kindness for a sibling. You’d think they’d be saying Elsa had to chop her own hand off to heal a frozen heart. And one last thing. After Elsa sings a certain song that’s SUPPOSED to make her not care about how people see her anymore, when Anna goes to the North Mountain and to her ice palace, she tries to form a bond now that she knows about Elsa’s powers. And for a moment, Elsa believes she can finally be free and have a relationship with her, BUT a certain memory instantly reverts her back to pushing Anna away. Why the f*cking h*ll didn’t Elsa just tell Anna what happened when they were kids?! What would Anna do, all of a sudden hate her sister?? I get Elsa’s enslaved to this nasty memory and its why she still feels she can’t completely trust herself around Anna or anyone else. So, why didn’t the freaking trolls tell Anna the truth about what happened?! Its in the past, and Anna clearly sees Elsa’s powers as something beautiful even as an adult. Or, if the trolls had the power of mind manipulation, why didn’t they erase ELSA’S memories instead?? It just makes the trolls even more aggravating to watch and even more pointless in the story aside causing nothing but trouble for Elsa. Sorry that was long, but all these points just prove my point as to why I don’t like them and unfortunately they’re a huge reason to why I just couldn’t buy into Anna and Kristoff’s relationship. They basically forced them into a relationship and gaslit the audience into believing Kristoff was a much better guy for Anna. Uh, Hans is a pretty good person for a majority of the movie, and no, I don’t buy into the crap he’s the perfect example of a manipulative boyfriend who never actually cared about Anna. The trolls essentially made Hans a much worse villain. So in conclusion, the trolls are a completely unnecessary tool in the story that’s only there to create a buttload of problems for every single character they encounter
  • The trolls never played any true roll in Frozen except to give Anna the idea of "an act of true love" to save the day.
  • @battybuddy
    Truth be told, trolls were known to kidnap children…
  • I always wished their role was more fleshed out, especially given their significance in both films. The mythology in the franchise in general feels like it needs to be fleshed out more.
  • Every dissection of Frozen just leads me back back to the original Snow Queen story and how much of a masterpiece it is.
  • Frozen 3 is inevitable. Maybe the trolls will play a bigger role
  • @albatross4920
    They're largely useless, I'd argue maybe even a little annoying.
  • I could definitely see the trolls making everything worse: Elsa becomes afraid of her powers because the trolls show her terrifying visions of people coming to attack her. Elsa is convinced the best thing to do is hide her powers from Anna because the trolls tell her that saving her sister’s life requires having her sister forget the magic, it would be completely logical to assume if she remembers the freezing could return especially since the white hair lock never went away. Hans is convinced humans are evil, which we see when Anna first meets him and he’s singing about how reindeer are better than people. And finally there’s some sus they turn Hans evil when they find out he’s already engaged to Anna so she won’t marry Kristoff. Also when Kristoff brings Anna home they don’t notice she’s sick and launch into their plan to get the two married. Though to be fair getting married is an act of true love and could have worked out except it’s stated the trolls hadn’t noticed her condition.
  • @StonedHunter
    Kristoff's backstory is SO easy to fix, just swap events. Have him and Sven be alone in the woods. Hint he's an orphan somehow (maybe have clues that there was a crash and his parents are dead or something) and maybe give him a similar head trauma that grandpappy had to get rid of, thus messing with his memories of before being with the trolls. That would lead into him being adopted by the trolls. THEN he sees the ice harvesters and becomes enamored with them to the point he picks it up as his future profession. And this way you don't have to shoe-horn him into the scene with Ana's head injury (hell if you want you can have him come back after they already leave and leave the explanation of the adoption for later in the movie) if you REALLY need him in that opening sequence), he can know about the magic from his OWN experience. Then it also gives him and Ana something in common that they can bond over. The trolls are one of those things that the more you think about them the worse they are. They're not bad in theory but the way they were utilized is just really lazy when you think about it....
  • King Agnarr could have gone to the trolls for advice regarding controlling Elsa's magic any time in the ten years between the accident and the ill-fated voyage.