Georg Complains: Overselling AI

Published 2024-05-31
Recently, Google's new AI Overview has been making headlines. It's been saying to people that they should be eating more rocks, and using glue to stop the cheese falling off their pizzas, and it's also said that when Neil Armstrong went to the moon, he met some cats and befriended them. Hmm. Kind of makes Google... look a bit stupid. So here, I'm talking about the overselling of AI. "It will solve all our problems, put an end to poverty and inequality!" Yaaaay.

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All Comments (21)
  • @Strykenine
    It's not allowed to depict brand images in a negative light. Let that sink in.
  • @alexrexaros9837
    I am tired of this world, its rich people. I am tired of being the victim of their sociopathic games at maximizing profit.
  • @B1G_Dave
    Lol. Georg's nihilism broke a chatbot. It didn't want to "chat" anymore 😂
  • @LordZordid
    I'm seeing a pattern that will repeat many times over. Company lay of hardworking and experienced staff, company spends millions of dollars in AI development and two years later they bitterly regret their decision. And management act completely surprised as to why it didn't work and yet the entire workforce could have told them so.
  • @lynackhilou4865
    My first experience with AI was trying to make a model with my classmates that tries to predict skin cancer from a dataset that contains a huge number of skin pictures . This was a few years ago before the AI craze and it was a great project to learn from . Our goal was never to replace doctors or anything like that , we just wanted to see how useful and accurate using AI could be and my conclusion from this was that AI is indeed very useful and will only get better , but the limitations are very obvious . The issue with all this is not AI itself but rather companies using the hype around it to generate sales while preying on people's lack of knowledge on the matter .in fact , while there a lot of fields where AI is great ( like data science and robotics for example ) For a lot of real life uses , a simple automated script might give a better result than AI .
  • @ravensharpless
    After watching the whole industry call VR dead when it didn’t immediately make a trillion dollars I can’t possibly not see them doing it again
  • @colinwatt9387
    The first windmill was supposed to do all the work, now we're building a second one. I'm starting to think the pigs don't have our best interests at heart. At least we have sugar candy mountain to look forward to.
  • @pot8oenthusiast
    Living in the San Francisco bay area can be very depressing, because I am living where many of the AI businesspeople are doing their experiments. I get an existential crisis whenever I commute into the city with all the billboards, self-driving cars, and tech jargon on every advertisement. I think it really hit its peak when I saw a billboard advertising alcohol that said something along the lines of "We can't help you with the impending doom of the approaching AI apocalypse, but we can make you a cool drink. We have the Waymo cars in San Francisco, and they're such a joke. I have a friend that has ridden in them rather than the MUNI because they'll park where you choose. At one point, there was a local news story about how at all hours of the day, the Waymos would use this one poor guy's driveway to turn around, and they got a shot of a whole fleet of them lined up to use this guy's driveway. The technological revolution is upon us, and it just might be in your driveway.
  • @ProrokLebioda
    Current 'AI' (LLMs) so far only allowed us to hasten enshittification of Internet.... So many crap SEO blogposts that are generated.
  • What I find funny is that newer text-based AI models, like ChatGPT 4.0 are actually getting WORSE at the jobs I assign them. I used AI for the 'grunt' work when I code, really simple stuff that I don't want to waste time doing when an AI can do it in 20 seconds. It was going great up to 3.5. 4.0 comes along and now when I ask for those simple tasks to be done, it doesn't do them, it explains to me how it should be done and gives me tips on how to do it. So, I have to patiently explain to the AI what I want it to do, and at that point I'm like "Well, my new toy was fun when it was stupider, oh well."
  • @permaculturee
    "the game of kick it down the road that is the economy".
  • @vau_st
    This Georg Rockall-Schmidt seems pretty intelligent. I can Imagine him disrupting all of the business in the future. He may even be able to drive a car one day.
  • @angelonintendo
    Probably heard this 1000 times but your photography and editing are quite revolutionary on YouTube. Like, sitting back in a wide camera in a modestly lit room, with the 90s-reviewed version of the intro, it's like nothing I have ever seen on the platform. My eyes are so sick and tired of hard lighting overly lit rooms, and very close-up cameras, with voices that feel so energetic. This video regardless of the content just relaxes me after so much YouTube
  • @AcuraAddicted
    It's the hype that sells. Nothing new here. We are already well into second year of the "AI reign", but it still doesn't really work in the way it's presented to be.
  • @WIImotionmasher
    As an IT professional, and someone with an education in Computer Science (just a Bachelor's but still more than the business people excited about AI), I'm glad to see even a non-Computer Science person can see the limits of this LLM technology. Yes this AI is just a statistical model, built off incomplete information, in a way that does not approach truth as the information becomes more complete. It's not what the average person thinks AI means. I'm exceedingly depressed watching my industry fall apart over this dumb technology, that just attempts to brush off responsibility for the things we build. And again, yes the technological approach has potential. But it's very specific potential. We should not replace a doctor with an AI. Just... full stop, that's a downgrade in every way. Even with human error.
  • @Meepalasheep
    One thing I kept seeing towards the start was "it's going to democratize art" and idk man. Art is already open to everyone. If anything, AI art is more gatekept because you have to go through specific channels to get anything of "decent" quality.
  • Every time I think about A.I. with its Fallout-4-radiant-quest style vague, recyclable synopses that just spout cliche phrases, I always picture The Confessional from THX 1138 that just repeats 4 canned responses to anything a desperate person asks or tells it. Whoever makes The Confessional the face of their A.I. is getting a gold star in my book. Just saying.
  • @ArcanePath360
    "It will condemn slave labour, but not the companies who use it" This tells you everything you need to know.