Apex Will Never Be Easy Again

Published 2024-06-24

All Comments (21)
  • @hanhdrew
    the problem with apex is fixed matchmaking and sbmm. they purposely put decent players in matches they are unlikely to win then give them a bot lobby every couple of matches. they dont realize people will quit after 7 games of getting rolled before they get that fixed "win"
  • @xJuniz
    Literally what i just noticed last 2-3 days .. I get killed only by people that have like 40k + kills , 5k+ kills this season or people with 20 bombs , masters or pred. I turn the game on and turn it off not even 1h in nowadays :D
  • Honestly, I've had enough. I have 11k kills in my career, but I've never gotten the 4k damage and 20 kill badge, and that's pretty much the only people who kill me all the time. I feel like I'm a bot playing against such people, and I'm still in such a lobby. This game is starting to make no sense and I'm considering quitting it permanently.
  • I haven't played in a long time, but I remember that the matchmaking was like putting an all star nba team against a bunch of random 12 year olds that have never played basketball before
  • regardless of the game population getting better, the game just feels really sweaty in general... Like u said, getting into pubs is a TASK for me, it gets really boring because I just keep dying to sweaty ass three stacks when I SUCK at the game. I shouldn't even be playing against the players that kill me
  • @apopodo
    I like these discussion videos a lot more than your full game videos that saturate youtube rn, keep it up
  • As someone who took a year long break, it feels really bad still. I quit because of the pred 3 stacks every single game. I understand stuff changes, but sweating every game when I wanna do fun/stupid stuff with my buddy is nigh impossible bc I have to carry him(and a random low level usually). I've never gotten past plat4, I get why I'd fight diamond players every game but 3 stack preds/masters, and people ximming out the wazoo? Makes it hard to enjoy apex
  • @MH-br3th
    The overall player skill has slowly creeped up to the point that an average player today would be a super sweat 5 years ago. I remember taking beating after beating trying to learn this game when I started (season 5) and I couldn't even imagine trying to start fresh now. I played solos for several hours last night and I could count on one hand the number of easy fights I got into. Then on top of that I felt bad about killing those people because it was obvious they didn't know what they were doing. Then the other 100+ 1v1s I got into felt like the fight of my life. I don't mind locking it in and going hard sometimes, but having to sit up straight with my face 3 inches away from the screen to even be competitive for hours at a time is exhausting. With that being said I think the crowd of casual players that would get on wanting to just relax after work/school and never really took the game seriously are long gone. The way I see it for myself is I need to keep playing FPS somewhat consistently so when the next big game drops I'll be ready. If we ever see a big launch like Fortnite, Apex, ect.. then you got maybe 6 months to get in there and make a name for yourself. Take any longer than that and you missed the boat.
  • If I win a game I get shit bags as teammates for the next 10 games 😂
  • @disanthr0
    SBMM in general is what is killing the game to casuals and new players. Ranked should be the only playlist that has strict SBMM. Also, I think the lack of content is what Apex suffers with as well. A lot of BR games try to implement GAAS but won't put in the effort like Fortnite dropping new content and skins at a rapid pace. Don't see a lot of folks mention that Apex is still plagued by loot boxes and locks the best skins/heirlooms behind a random paywall.
  • @OddManOut420
    I imagine another huge issue for player retention is the large number of legends/abilities and weapons now. I remember how overwhelming it was back in season 3 with only 11 legends and a pretty new player base. Now we have 26 Legends and a bunch more guns with unique features as well as the legend perk and evo shield system. Couple this with the incredibly sweaty player base and it's no wonder new players don't stick around.
  • @adenbrady2132
    I feel like there aren’t enough new players coming into the game all that’s left are the sweats and the people who play 6-10 hours a day
  • @VindictivePvP
    I've had a love/hate relationship with this game for a long time now. I've put 1000 hours in since release playing nothing but solo queue ranked. (Never really played pubs). I usually play just enough to get diamond/masters each split/season and I do have to say.. It is getting way harder. Especially the last few seasons. my k/d is only 1.4 since I only queue solo ranked but I get matched with 3 stack preds almost every game. Not to mention the amount of cheaters. Holy God. My friends have never been able to join me because they play the game for a little while and realize how much of a skill gap there is and quit. It might be me or it might be the game but either way, it's getting harder and harder to log into this game now.
  • @rezbonez8139
    Dude that's so freaking true!! It's like gambling man. Designed to make sure you lose.
  • @WhosMathew
    Literally I am in the exact same situation as you, I havent even played the last 3 days because I stopped caring, because I have put enough time in to say that its not worth my mental health to endure the punishment of simply playing Apex Legends. So sad. 5.5 thousand hours
  • @zsparkyzx625
    Feels like there is no winning. As a ranked only player there is never a good time to play. Start of the season is just everyone on the same rank. Mid season the smurfs come out and before end of split the late rankers and smurfs make it almost impossible to get a game with people of your rank.
  • @burtbiggum499
    Yeah l quit a long time ago its mad sweaty and l have zero time get better anymore. Also do you think segregating by badges could help? Or just completely eliminate sbmm
  • @tululu7438
    what you explained in this video is the biggest reason i quitted this game I loved. I honestly feel better mentally after quitting because I play some solo games now and ppl should do the same
  • 100% agree. I’ve been saying this for many seasons. If you play duos as a stack you play against other stacks. If you’re playing pubs as a stack you play against other stacks regardless of skill level. If you play solo duo/trio you get into a pool on randoms to make ur team
  • @darryin
    This is one of the best videos on this topic I've watched