How To Beat The CREEPYPASTA In "Grimcutty"

Published 2022-11-12

All Comments (21)
  • If I was in a horror movie I’d want this guy on my team but I know for sure I’d be used as a sacrifice to help him survive
  • @NidotheKing
    Easy solution. Call your grandparents and tell them your folks are doing the challenge so they get angry/worried at THEM.
  • "My kid is in distress... Lets not believe them and get angry, that will solve everything!" Almost every parent in horror stories
  • @SuSfather039
    I think if a bunch of children are being sent to the hospital and they all have the same story that someone is attacking them any reasonable adult would realize this isn’t a challenge
  • @Mediados
    The creature appearantly not only made parents hysterical, but also killed their reasonable thinking. When numerous children are afraid, report the same incident and get physically injured, either suddenly every teenager in town has developed extreme schizophrenia, or it is an external factor.
  • @alitheoctopus
    I hate horror movies where the parents don’t believe them. I hate it with a passion.
  • @atrain3630671
    The most unbelievable part of this movie is that her mom had the strength to break a car window with her bare fist unintentionally.
  • @karanhdream
    Faking compliance, gaslighting, giving the illusion of control... It's sad how effective those techniques are when dealing with bad parenting. I used those for years on my parents to escape their toxic attempts at controlling everything about me. To this day, they don't know anything about me or my life. They don't even know I once tried to do the unthinkable or that I've been depressed since 12 years old. Parents can be so despaired for control, but in the end all they achieve is driving their children away.
  • @clark3391
    So, this is basically The Babadook. Instead of the monster feeding off fear, the Grimcutter feeds on the anger of the parents.
  • @idulus
    Med student here: So first of all about the propofol idea: It is unlikely to work. You can't just stab someone with a propofol syringe, you'd need to hit a vein and slowely inject it, which is unlikely to be a possibility, given the situation. And even then, it is dangerous and might cause death. And as for the muscle relaxant: Even if you manage to get it into a vein, it is actually counterproductive, as it will lead to respiratory depression and death. So yea, do not try and stab people with syringes, it only works in movies.
  • That was actually a lot more interesting and enjoyable than i thought a creepy pasta based horror film would be. The way it worked was unexpected and while most of the movie involved frustrating interactions with adults, the moment each parent stepped up and did what was necessary made for a satisfying ending.
  • @BananaZ_09
    man i just love these videos. im too big of a scaredy cat to watch actual horror movies and these make it perfect to know the plot and some clips of the movie
  • out of curiosity, did everyone forget that there's this cool thing called flour that works really well against fictional invisible creatures which have to interact with the physical world??
  • @DojaDuxkEater
    i didnt expect this to be such an excellent fucking commentary on the techy disconnect between parents and their kids. but its perfect. The lesson isn't "ur parents r wrong even when they think they're right." its "parents are most dangerous when they're wrong and think they're right."
  • @redwolf29
    “This girl is gonna regret having parents” I lost it 😂
  • @Saitaina
    Uh, you realize her parents are Millennials and thus old enough to know what a creepy pasta is? Welcome to time, The youngest gen-X and oldest Millennials are now middle aged and we created Slenderman
  • @YellowTwerker
    I can’t believe they made a horror movie about Reddit
  • @David-lq6de
    I enjoy how accurate this movie sees parents reaction to things like these even if they are real and not. Also the fact that you can gas light your parents to control a demon is both interesting and hilarious
  • Also when he says that we could lure the creature into a crowded area, earlier in the movie it shiws that instead of a knife in thin air cutting the girl it shows her holding the knife against herself so it could probably make it seem like the kid is hurting themselves